Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 21 – Regalus’s New Friend

The magical measurement was over, and while Althea returned to her room to relax, Regalus, looking exhausted, returned after a while.

"Welcome back, brother. It must have been amazing~. So, it was wind and water after all... But why are you so tired?"

"Uh... After leaving the cathedral, I was surrounded by young ladies and gentlemen... sigh... I never thought magical measurement would be this exhausting."

"Especially this time, indeed... Normally it's more serene. But it's inevitable to make a fuss when there are two people with over 150% magic capacity, three with dual attributes, and one with light attribute."

Thomas, entering the room behind Regalus, remarked.

"Over 150%... That's impressive, isn't it? And dual attributes too?"

Althea inquired.

"Yeah, normally having one attribute is typical, so even 70% magic capacity is considered good. If someone has dual attributes and over 130%, the Ministry of Magic would be delighted. Well, among the children who became the topic this time, the only ones eligible to be welcomed as wizards by the Ministry of Magic are Miss Portia with dual attributes and Miss Lily with the light attribute..."

"What about the Crown Prince and you, brother?"

"Haha, can't exactly ask His Royal Highness to 'become a wizard,' can we? He has the duty to become a splendid king... Just like Regalus. Though the Ministry of Magic might still be interested, considering our responsibility to protect the border regions. If the border collapses, it won't bode well even for the capital city and our friendly neighbors, so it's not something to be wished for lightly."

As they discussed, there was a knock on the door.

Jean, who attended to it, returned looking tense.

"Master, His Majesty the King is summoning you... and he insists on having the children accompany you."

After a brief glance at Regalus, Thomas conveyed to him.

"If His Majesty calls, we can't refuse... Tell them we'll come after making preparations."


"Regalus, seems like you're wanted too."


"Who else would it be?"

Althea interjected mid-conversation.

"Father, His Majesty permitted this outing, right? I want to express my gratitude..."

"Well, I'll thank him properly, so you can wait for 'next time.' But if Regalus doesn't go, I'll have to take you..."

With a meaningful look at Regalus, Thomas added, "I'll go. I'll get ready now... Jean, I'm counting on you."

"Yes, sir."

"Sigh... I really wanted to give proper greetings..."

"Haha, next time, then."

...I don't know what I'd say if I met him now...

Saying so, Thomas and Regalus left the room.

"In the name of Thomas Monclair, guardian of the western territories of the Kingdom of Royal Grand Central, I've come as summoned by His Majesty."

Thomas raised his voice in front of the grand door on the top floor of the lodging. Behind Thomas, Regalus, looking nervous, stood.

The door slowly opened, and the captain of the royal guard bowed to welcome Thomas and Regalus.

"To His Majesty, the Sun of Royal Grand Central, greetings..."

As usual, Thomas respectfully bowed, and a light voice responded.

"No need for formalities, haven't I told you that? There's only me and my son here... except for the guards, that is... I've said it many times, but unless it's a public affair, such formalities aren't necessary. Just call me 'Adrian' as usual."

"Well... as a subject, I..."

"I've said I don't like formality, haven't I? Get used to it already. Or should I say 'Thomas, you...!'"

"Ugh!... Y-yes, I understand... Completely..."

"Good, as long as you get it. Now, is that your son?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Upon entering the room, Regalus, who had been feeling somewhat detached due to the relaxed conversation, suddenly felt nervous again when addressed directly, causing his voice to quiver.

Oh no... how embarrassing...

"He doesn't need to be so nervous. It's not a public occasion... What's your name?"

"I am Regalus Monclair. It's an honor to meet His Majesty, the Sun of the Royal Grand Central Kingdom."

In response to Adrian's friendly manner, Regalus regained some composure, straightened himself, and offered a polite greeting.

"...Clearly Thomas's son... (Mutter) ...Serious one..."

"Your Majesty? You just said 'serious'?"

Thomas interjected with a low but firm tone.

"Hm?... Haha, isn't that good? I'm praising him. If he's like Thomas, he'll be reliable... Now, let me introduce my son... Siegfried."


A handsome boy with blond hair and bright blue eyes, clearly defined features, stepped forward from behind Adrian.

"I am Siegfried Sol Argesee... I've heard of the heroic deeds of Count Monclair from my father. And then..."

Turning directly to Regalus,

"We are of the same age, so we'll likely meet in various places from now on. If possible, I'd be glad if we could become 'good friends.'"

With that, he extended his right hand.

Regalus wondered if it was appropriate to shake hands with the Crown Prince, but glanced at his father.

Seeing Thomas nod silently, Regalus shook Siegfried's hand and replied,

"It's an honor to receive such words from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I look forward to it. Please take care of me."

He looked directly at Siegfried as he responded.

"…Firm, very firm. Regalus, I hope will become a good friend to Siegfried. Not as a subject, but as an equal. Of course, it is Siegfried's wish as well... Being called a friend isn't something that happens just by words, but with that kind of attitude, you'll never become friends, will you? ...You don't have to think of it as impolite. Regalus, I believe you will surely become an 'equal' friend to Siegfried."


"Yeah, you also possess magical abilities, and furthermore, you have a magical power level close to Siegfried's. Moreover, you are Thomas's son whom I trust. …Above all…you are no less than Siegfried."

Adrian chuckled, and Thomas lightly sighed, holding his head.

Regalus pondered while looking at Siegfried who was looking at him.

My father said it's up to me whether to become friends or not. His Majesty is not forcing me, he's merely expressing a 'wish'… What do I want to do…?

After receiving the direct gaze directed at him, Regalus opened his mouth after a moment of thought.

"...I understand His Majesty's feelings. Once more... I ask. Does the Crown Prince 'truly' wish to become friends with me?"

Regalus also returned the gaze straight and asked Siegfried.

"Yeah, I told Father, 'I want to be friends with you.' So, as Father said, you don't have to use honorifics with me. ...There have been many candidates for friends until now. But everyone tries to gauge my mood. I want a friend with whom I can have an 'equal relationship.' ...What do you think, Regalus? I want you to be my friend."

"...I'm not sure how close of friends we can become… (Regalus smiled) Upon hearing your words, I have also become interested in the Crown Prince. If we're friends, there's no need for formalities, right? …I don't have to address you with 'prince'?"

"Yeah, please just call me by my name. ...Having a friend with 'prince' attached would feel like flattery, wouldn't it?"


"In that case... I'll be counting on you from now on, Regalus."

"Yeah, likewise, Siegfried."

"Good for you, Siegfried. How does it feel to have become friends with someone you wished for yourself…?"

"Father, please don't tease me!"

"I'm not teasing… I'm happy that you've become friends with someone you wished for yourself, Regalus, it makes me happy too. ...By the way, Thomas."

It was probably the first time for his son to have a friend of the same age. Thinking so, Adrian suddenly addressed Thomas, who was watching with a smile.


"Althea is here too, right? ...Why didn't you bring her along?"

"...She got tired and fell asleep…"

Let's just make an excuse for now.

"I see, tired, huh… well, never mind. Tomorrow afternoon, we'll return to the capital ahead of time. Make sure to show up before that."

"...Understood. Since this time, we were brought together with His Majesty's permission, I'll bring her tomorrow."

"Father, are you leaving tomorrow? …Since me and Regalus has just become friends, can't we go out to the town for a little bit before returning?"

Hearing the conversation of the fathers, Siegfried, who had been listening energetically, asked.

""…To the town? The two of you?""

Adrian and Thomas's voices overlapped.

"It won't do with just the two of you. We need guards…"

"If we bring guards, our identities will be exposed."

Turning to Regalus, Siegfried continued.

"Regalus, can you 'fight'?"

"Well... um, a little."

"Then it's fine. Father, please."

Seeing Siegfried bowing his head, Regalus was trying to think of a way to go out together.

"...I got it! Father, what if we bring Jean along?"

Regalus said to Thomas.


Hearing an unfamiliar name, Siegfried interjected.

"Yeah, he's my attendant, and he can 'fight' properly. He's not as ostentatious as a guard, and I can entrust my back to him."

"Then, I'll bring Curio too. ...Father, is that acceptable?"

"…Thomas, how capable is this attendant, Jean?"

"He doesn't fight like a knight... but... well... he's about as strong as a newly promoted knight of the first rank."

"About the same as Curio… If the four of you go together, it should be fine. …Make sure to come back by noon?"

"Yes, thank you very much, Your Majesty."

With their first outing not within the capital or the domain, the two beautiful boys happily expressed their thanks.

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