Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 28 – Black Book [Special Grade] Part 2

After bidding farewell to the Pope, Thomas, Clara, Jean, and Laila gathered to discuss their future plans.

"When asked about your magical power, particularly Althea, answer with 180%," Thomas advised.

"But earlier, you mentioned 280%. Isn't more magical power better?" Althea inquired.

"Althea, excessive power can bring disaster. I don't want to involve you in calamity. Even at 180%, it's more than enough magical power. In fact, I'm still quite renowned with 168% magical power. Even the Crown Prince himself has only 170%. 280% magical power is unheard of in this world. If such power were known, you might be seen as 'research material.' I don't want that," Thomas explained.

"Research material..." Althea murmured softly, prompting Regalus to interject, "Research material?? I won't allow that!"

Interrupting his voice, Thomas continued, "I won't allow it either. That's obvious, isn't it? But if this were to be known externally, there's a possibility that someone might attempt such research. That's why the Pope announced '180%' there."

"Then, couldn't you have just left it as it was? You didn't have to come here to tell us..." Regalus questioned.

"Regalus, it's not that simple. If we didn't know, we wouldn't be agonizing over this now. But if we didn't know, when Althea unconsciously activates 280% magical power, we wouldn't be able to do anything..." Thomas reasoned.

"...I see... I'm sorry," Regalus responded.

"No, your reaction is understandable. So, Althea, do you understand why you have to say 180% magical power?" Thomas asked.

"Yes," Althea replied firmly.

There are things you don't want to become research material. Sometimes it's better not to speak.

Thinking so, Althea nodded firmly.

"You're a good kid. Oh, by the way, you were given a magic book during 'magic control,' right?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, this is it," Althea confirmed, handing the book to Thomas.

"...Come to think of it, it's similar to the dark book earlier... Although the color of the books is different..." Thomas observed.

"The book given during 'magic control' is titled 'Magic Control - Mastering Magical Power.' It's distributed to all children who are found to have magical power during 'magic measurement.' This book is to familiarize them with magic and prevent magical outbursts for the two years before entering the academy. It's a completely 'personal' book," Thomas explained.

"'Personal'...?" Althea questioned.

"'Personal.' I'll teach you how to use it when we return to the Monclair territory," Thomas assured her.

"...Oops, I digressed. The magic books are categorized as 'beginner,' 'intermediate,' and 'advanced.' 'Beginner' is studied for three years after entering the academy. 'Intermediate' is for years four to six, and 'advanced' can be studied only by sixth graders who have been recognized to have a certain level of magical power or magical control ability. The magic books for 'beginner,' 'intermediate,' and 'advanced' are not personal books; they contain common information," Thomas continued.

"So, what about the 'special grade' from earlier?" Althea asked.

"The 'special grade' is exceptional; the 'book chooses its user.' So that one is also 'personal.' However... it contains too many powerful spells, so typically, if the country where it's found has a user or if the user belongs to a specific country, it's entrusted to the storage place of the user's country and kept under strict control. In the case of the Royal Grand Central Kingdom, that storage place is the royal castle," Thomas explained.

"So, to the royal castle..." Althea realized.

The Pope mentioned that Althea might be "beloved by a 'sacred place.'" It probably won't turn out badly.

Saying so, he gently stroked Althea's head to reassure her.

"A 'sacred place'... What kind of place is that, Father?" Althea asked.

"Well... I only know within the scope of what I learned at the academy. It's a place where only the 'chosen ones' of the Illuminia faith can go. If the Pope says so, it seems to have its own will too," Thomas explained.

"...I don't quite understand, but both the Pope and the 'sacred place' are trying to protect me, right?" Althea sought clarification.

"That's right... Regalus, I think it's always a worry to have an exceptional sister... Please protect Althea. And Laila, too, I'm counting on you," Thomas requested.

"Of course, Father. I will protect Althea at all times. She's my precious, precious sister," Regalus promised.

"I also certainly will. Since I've decided in my heart that Lady Althea is my mistress, I will sincerely protect her no matter what happens," Laila pledged.

"Ah, let's keep this conversation as a 'secret' among those present here... Is that okay with you, Althea?" Thomas asked.

"Yes," Althea agreed.

That night, as Althea nestled into bed, she was greeted by a familiar voice, reminiscent of the one she heard during the "Magic Measurement."

Opening her eyes, she found herself face to face with a "Fairy" once more, its delicate wings shimmering in the dim light of her room.

"Althea, congratulations on the new book!" the fairy chimed.

"A new book? ... Oh, do you mean the book on magic control?" Althea queried.

"No, the black book," the fairy clarified.

"But that one, the Pope took it away..." Althea recalled.

"But that book is Althea's. It's the book given by the 'Sacred Place,'" the fairy explained.

"Sacred Place... Do you fairies know about the 'Sacred Place'?" Althea inquired with curiosity.

"We know. We're born there," the fairy revealed.

"Really? What kind of place is the 'Sacred Place' then?" Althea asked eagerly.

"Various," the fairy responded cryptically.


"Yeah, because everyone, humans and us, are different," the fairy elaborated.

"Different...? Do you mean it looks different to different people?" Althea sought clarification.

"Yes, that's it."

"I see... But if it's where you were born, it must be beautiful..." Althea mused.

"Althea is beautiful too," the fairy complimented.

"Thank you... By the way, do you fairies have 'names'? What should I call you when we talk?" Althea wondered.

"Names? We don't have any. But if Althea wants, we can have one. Give us a name," the fairy suggested.

"Huh... Me? Alright, how about Ciel? It was the name of a very obedient and cute child in a book I read before," Althea proposed.

"Ciel, me, Ciel~" the fairy happily accepted the name, buzzing around Althea with newfound energy, making the light around them seem brighter.

"Althea, I'll protect you, can I stay by your side?" Ciel asked earnestly.

"By my side? You'll come with me?" Althea was surprised.

"Yeah. Thanks to the name, I can 'go out' now," Ciel explained.

"Go out?" Althea was intrigued.

"After we're born, we have our territory, and we can't leave it. But because Althea gave me a name, my territory became 'Althea,'" Ciel clarified.

Althea pondered this revelation.

Does giving a name mean having the power to change their habitat? What should I do... Should I consult someone about this?

Observing Althea's silence, Ciel fluttered anxiously, "Is it bad? Can't I stay by your side?"

Understanding Ciel's concern, Althea reassured, "I understand. I'm the one who said I want to give you a name. But Ciel, can you promise? Until I call you, you can't speak, okay?"

"Huh... Even at night?" Ciel asked.

"Uh, let's say it's not allowed when we're 'outside' or 'when people are around.' It's okay if it's just me or at night," Althea decided.

"Yeah, got it. Promise, I'll keep it~," Ciel vowed.

As Ciel happily flitted around, Laila stirred in her sleep in the adjacent bed.

"Laila might wake up, so let's sleep now, okay? ... See you tomorrow, Ciel," Althea whispered.

"Yeah, Althea, goodnight~," Ciel replied before gradually fading into the darkness of the night.

And the next day, the family left the Holy Sacrament Kingdom behind to fulfill a promise made two years ago, heading towards the royal castle of Royal Grand Central.

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