Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 29 – Staying At Royal Castle

Upon reaching the Royal Castle, Thomas and Regalus stepped out of the carriage and exchanged words with the gatekeeper, prompting the gate to open promptly.

Meanwhile, Althea and the other women, guided by a separate carriage, made their way towards the castle as instructed. Waiting to welcome them at their designated spot was Rohmund.

"Sister, I imagine you must be weary from your journey back from the Grand Duchy, the vassal state Holy Sacrament. His Majesty has arranged rooms for your stay in the castle today. Allow me to escort you. Right this way."

With warm greetings, Rohmund extended his hand. Clara, accepting it, descended gracefully from the carriage. As Althea moved to follow, another hand was offered, causing her to pause. The owner, noticing her hesitation, greeted her with a smile.

"My apologies. I am in service to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. My name is Curio. Lady Althea, may I assist you?"

Surprised by the unexpected offer, Althea hesitated briefly before murmuring a small "Thank you" and accepting Curio's help.

Once Clara and Althea had alighted, Rohmund led the way, ushering them along with Laila into the grand halls of the castle.

The rooms they were led to surpassed the ones they had stayed in at the Principality, much to Althea's delight.

"Wow... Uncle, can I really stay in such a splendid room?"

Excitement colored Althea's words as she looked to Rohmund for confirmation. Chuckling warmly, Rohmund replied, "Of course. His Majesty considers you his 'friend,' Althea."

"Huh?! His Majesty sees me as a 'friend'?"

"Well, don't read too much into it... Even if His Majesty regards you as such, it's merely a term of endearment..."

"But, there's such an age gap between His Majesty and me..."

"...Is that truly the concern here?"

Rohmund couldn't help but chuckle at Althea's innocence, his laughter echoing in the room. Curio, too, struggled to suppress a smile.

Then, Clara interjected with a gentle rebuke, "Rohmund, and... Curio, was it? Please refrain from laughing at my daughter. It's unbecoming."

Chastised by Clara's firm tone, Rohmund quickly composed himself, offering apologies. Curio, affected by Rohmund's amusement, also apologized, "I'm sorry."

"...Laughing at our dear Althea's innocence..."

Clara's affectionate touch soothed Althea's confusion. Meanwhile, Thomas and Regalus, having taken a different route, entered the room.

"What's the matter?"

Thomas inquired, noticing the subdued atmosphere.

"My brother-in-law... Oh, it's nothing, really."

Observing Rohmund's flustered demeanor, Regalus shifted his gaze to Clara, who smiled in response.

"No need to worry... It's just that His Majesty..."

"His Majesty?"

"Yes, apparently, His Majesty referred to Althea as his 'friend' to Rohmund..."

"What... His Majesty and Althea, with such an age difference!"

"...Haha, they truly are family."

"Do you think Father sees it that way too? But Uncle, laughing like that... it's just like Mother used to. Siblings, indeed..."


This time, neither Rohmund nor Curio found it in them to laugh.

As Rohmund excused himself from the room for a moment of respite, a knock sounded at the door.

Upon Curio's opening of the door, a radiant woman with a slightly swollen belly stood before them.

Instantly, everyone, save for Althea, bowed their heads in reverence. Not comprehending the situation, Althea quickly followed suit, mirroring the actions of the others.

"To make the journey here... It's an honor to see you, Your Majesty the Queen. If you had summoned me, I would have gladly come to you..."

Althea mused silently, noting her father's respectful tone,

So, Your Majesty the Queen is the King's wife... If the most important woman in the country has come all this way, Father must be greatly esteemed, right?

Unaware of the weight of her thoughts, Althea continued to bow her head respectfully.

"Don't be so formal, Lord Monclair... And during this stay, I'd prefer not to be addressed as 'the Queen.' Right now, I'm simply Titania. So, won't you please raise your heads?"

"A friend? My father and Your Majesty the Queen...?"

Althea pondered as she listened to their exchange, slowly lifting her head alongside her parents.

As she raised her gaze, she beheld Her Majesty the Queen, affectionately embracing her mother.

"Clara, it's been too long. After you married into the Monclair territory, you used to visit frequently for the first three years. But then, you stopped attending our gatherings in the capital. Whether it was a tea party or an evening event, you never ventured beyond your domain... You were the only one who accepted my invitations. Don't you miss our evenings in the capital?"

As Queen Titania clung to Clara, her vibrant golden hair and eyes reminiscent of Clara's own, she pouted playfully towards Thomas.

"No, it's not like that..."

Thomas murmured, prompting Clara to speak up.

"No, Titania. I didn't avoid the events intentionally... I couldn't leave my daughter alone, could I? Whenever I went out, I made sure to be 'with my daughter.' Even during my son's 'magic assessment,' there were restrictions on my movements. But this time, with my daughter's 'magic suppression' lifted, and with our promise to you and His Majesty, I could come to the castle without worry... Nevertheless, I understand if you felt lonely..."

"Yes, I did feel lonely... Everyone who approaches me at evening events seems to have ulterior motives."

"Isn't that inevitable? After all, you are the Queen of our country."

"True, but... That's why I longed to see you outside of those formal settings. It's the only place where I can truly be myself."

"...I cannot ignore that. Can you not be yourself even in my presence?"

Another voice chimed in from the doorway. As they turned, they were met with the sight of His Majesty the King.

"Your Majesty!"

The three adults exclaimed simultaneously. Thomas bowed his head respectfully, Clara attempted to release herself from Titania's embrace to bow, but Titania held on firmly, preventing her.

"Oh... How many times must I remind you? This isn't a formal occasion, so don't fret, 'Senior Thomas.'"

"I-I apologize... Understood, Lord Adrian."

"That's better. By the way..."

Turning to Althea,

"You've arrived splendidly, Althea. How do you find your accommodations? Do you approve?"

"Yes, the room is exquisite... I'm truly grateful for Your Majesty's generosity."

As Althea curtsied gracefully, lifting the hem of her dress,

"Althea, you've become quite skilled in etiquette over these past two years. Your grace has flourished. But... that seriousness is likely Thomas's influence... Would you not revert to calling me by my name, as you used to?"

Adrian glanced at Althea, his expression tinged with a hint of sadness.

"U-um... um... Well, thank you again, Uncle Adrian."

"Alright. During this stay, call me by my name all the time, okay? It's not official, so don't worry."


As Titania observed the exchange between Adrian and Althea while clinging to Clara, she gently slipped away from Clara's embrace and approached Althea, fixing her gaze intently upon her face.

Althea found herself silently mesmerized by Titania's golden eyes, momentarily frozen in place. However, she quickly regained her composure, hastily attempting to bow. But before she could, Titania gently lifted her chin, turning her face upwards.

"...Clara, is this child your daughter?"


While Titania held Althea's chin, she silently continued to stare.

"...So... cute...!"

Muttering softly, Adrian echoed Titania's sentiment.

"Isn't she?"

"Please, refrain from speaking."

Adrian scolded the nodding Thomas, this time embracing Althea tightly.

"Ah, so cute~. Daughters are truly adorable, aren't they~... Clara, can't we take her home with us?"


Clara immediately retorted, pulling Althea's arm and cradling her protectively.

"Aww... I want a sweet child... Wouldn't it be wonderful if she lived with us in the royal palace? Right? What do you think?"


Thomas and Clara responded firmly and resolutely.

After a soft sigh, Clara turned to Titania and initiated conversation.

"Titania, I love Thomas. That's why I don't wish to live apart... You wouldn't want to be separated from His Majesty either, except for official duties, correct?"

"...That's... true."

"I'm glad you understand, Titania. From now on, I'll ensure to visit the capital occasionally... so you won't feel lonely. Please, don't feel obligated, alright?"

"...Understood. But, Clara, by 'occasionally,' you mean... at least once a year, correct?"

"I understand. I promise."

"Althea, would you like to come with us?"


Althea responded with a radiant smile, prompting Titania to embrace her once more, exclaiming, "So adorable~!"

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