Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 35 – Althea learns magic but…

At breakfast the next day, I learned that today's adaptation spell would be practiced in the training ground. It was said by everybody that attire should allow for comfortable movement.

After breakfast, I got ready on time and went to the training ground with Ciel, my fairy friend. Thomas and Regalus were already there.

"Apologies for arriving after the designated time..."

"No worries, you're not late yet. By the way, could you show me that book?"

Regalus gestured towards the shining silver book.

Althea handed over the book without hesitation.

Taking it, Regalus promptly opened it and remarked, "Hmm, indeed. There seems to be nothing written here... Or rather, it's something I cannot decipher."

He muttered thoughtfully.

"Althea, did you understand its contents?"

After his son's muttering, Thomas inquired.

"The contents of this book are comprehensible only to Althea, so she must have grasped the method by reading it thoroughly..."

"It's alright, I read it carefully... But..."

"What's the matter?"

Thomas, puzzled by Althea's hesitant tone, asked.

"Oh!... It's nothing. I'm fine. Since the spell was accurately outlined..."

"Are you sure?... If there's any concern—"

"N-No, really, I'm fine... Just a tad nervous... and... a bit sleep-deprived, that's all."

Observing his daughter blush and lower her head, Thomas chuckled, "I suppose that earlier hesitation was just my imagination."

"Is that so? Then shall we begin?"

"Yes, please."

"Very well, Regalus, return the book to Althea."

Regalus handed back the book, and Althea, after taking it, moved a little distance away from Thomas and Regalus. With a deep breath, she opened the book and began to recite its contents.

"'—O wielder of power, seek not thy much. Close your eyes, calm your heart, and weave thy words—'"

Althea paused for a moment, closed her eyes, regulated her breathing, then glanced back at the book and continued with the next words.

"'—Mayoi no nerakaihamu no chire ri,... katochi tagae zetsuhashi.'"

As Althea finished chanting the adaptation spell, a strong gust of wind swept around her, stirring up dust and soil.

Regalus squinted, attempting to locate Althea amidst the swirling debris, but her figure was obscured. Yet, he sensed a potent magical presence and called out to his father Thomas, who stood beside him.

"Father, should we continue like this? Is it safe? Shouldn't we redo it? Father, Father?!"

Regalus turned to Thomas for guidance, but his father seemed frozen.

After calling out several times, Thomas finally responded, "Ah... Yes... No, let's wait a little longer."

Thomas's gaze remained fixed on the center of the gust, ignoring Regalus's concern.

Feeling uneasy, Regalus decided to trust his father's judgment and waited anxiously.

Slowly, the dust and wind began to dissipate.

Left standing amidst the settling debris was Althea, who had completed the adaptation spell, her eyes closed.

"Althea, are you alright?"

Concerned, Regalus received a hesitant response mixed with uncertainty, "Um, I think... am I?"

Sensing something amiss, Thomas spoke with a clouded expression, "Althea, are you truly alright? Do you feel unwell?"

After receiving Althea's nod, Thomas's expression softened slightly, "In that case... try opening your book. If new characters have appeared, then the spell was successful."

Flipping through the pages, Althea discovered a new sentence. She smiled brightly and exclaimed, "Father, there are new characters written... um..."

"Althea, wait!! Don't read them aloud!" Regalus interrupted hastily. "Didn't Father explicitly warn you against it?"

"Oh... yes, he did..."

Thomas gently touched the book and explained to the disappointed Althea, "The new characters are 'magic spells,' albeit basic ones. Althea, the adaptation spell you chanted today aims to integrate your body with latent magic. Only when magic integrates with your body can we consider it a true success... I should have explained this beforehand... The next steps come after your magic has properly integrated."

"Integration... How long does it take? And how do we know when it's complete?"

"Well... it varies from person to person. Regalus's took about a week, didn't it?"

"Yes, precisely a week. I remember feeling remarkably light and empowered on integration day. I felt invincible."

Thomas chuckled at the memory.

Addressing Althea again, Thomas continued, "Since you possess more magical power than Regalus but less physical strength, it might take longer... possibly longer than your brother's?"

"Longer than Regalus's...? Does that mean I can't leave during that time?"

"Hmm... Your magic will be unstable until integration... I know you were eager, but a little more patience is needed."


Althea, who typically responded obediently, remained silent, clearly disappointed. As Thomas contemplated his next move, Regalus reached out, grasping Althea's hand, and spoke softly, "Althea, during this time, let's do many things together."

"I'll be heading to school soon, right? Once I'm there, we won't have as much time to play together. So, let's make the most of this time before integration, okay?"

"...School...? Um, yes, let's make it fun with my brother."

"Thank you. We only have about two weeks left. We'll still see each other, but once I start school, it'll be a while until we meet again. Let's create lots of memories together until then, alright?"


Listening to the heartfelt exchange between the close siblings, Thomas smiled with relief. "Seems like they've figured out what to do until integration... Since we have Althea, how about having Regalus help her with studying?... I've heard she struggles a bit with it, though...?"

Regalus nodded, "I'm happy to help her, but..."

"Even studying... I'll do my best, but it won't be as fun as making memories with my brother..."

"Haha, how about we make studying fun by practicing dance instead? That could be a memorable experience..."

"Dance? That sounds like fun..."

"Then, 'studying' can be dance practice, alright? But remember, Althea, you'll still need to study properly once school starts, okay?"


As Althea responded somewhat dishearteningly, Thomas decided, "Well, looks like that wraps up our conversation. I'll head back to my office soon... Regalus, you're coming to the study with me. I need your help with something."

"Sure... Well then, Althea, see you later."

With that, Thomas and Regalus left the training ground.

As they watched the two depart and vanish from sight,

"Sigh, that was close, huh?... Althea started talking, so I got a bit nervous."

"Sorry, Ciel... It's just a habit."

"It's alright, but everyone seems concerned about transparent magic, right?"


"In that case, it's best not to mention anything about 'unreadable parts in the magic book.' Because undoubtedly, those parts are about transparent magic."

"...Is it really about transparent magic?"

"I believe so, considering it was said you could read it 'when the time comes.'"

It seems that Ciel and the other fairies, born in the 'sacred place,' maintain a connection even when apart... The mechanism behind it remains unclear to me, though...

"...Yeah, you're right. I can't explain to Father and the others about what was said in the sacred place... Even though there are parts I can't read, I managed to perform the adaptation spell properly, and the next magic spell appeared too. I'll remember that, but there's no use in dwelling on what I don't understand and worrying about it. Yeah, for now, I'll focus on what I can do!"

Swirling around Althea, holding her hand tightly, Ciel reassured her, "That's right, no matter what happens, we'll be alright. I'll protect you, Althea..."

"Hehe, thank you... But I've always wondered... why does Ciel protect me?"

"Why...? Um, maybe because you gave me a name. There's power in a name. Because you named me, I gained the freedom to fly without being bound by territory... But in exchange—"

Ciel gazed at Althea with earnestness.


"...It's nothing. I just like you, Althea, that's all."

"Huh, it doesn't seem like nothing... It's bothering me..."

"Haha, it's because you care about me... That's why I like you. If I like you, isn't that reason enough to protect you?"

"Is it...? Feels like you're dodging the question..."

"Hey hey, do you like me, Althea?"

"Yes, I do."

"Yay! ...Oh, looks like I've gained strength again. Hehe, I'll check on you later, Althea..."

Swirling in a circle, Ciel soared high into the sky and vanished.

"...Ciel is gone... I feel like I was being evaded... But some things are better left unsaid, and it's not good to pry too much... Ciel liked me. Hehe, that makes me happy."

Regaining her composure, Althea muttered to herself, "...Alright, let's head back to the room for now. I'm sure Laila is waiting."

And with that, she left the training ground.

Meanwhile, as Ciel ascended into the sky, she reminisced about the moment she first encountered Althea.

That day, when she beheld the girl enveloped in golden light at her designated destination, she knew she wanted to remain by her side. Thus, without hesitation, she asked for a name. ...In return, she understood she would be bound by the individual who bestowed the name upon her and would live only as long as they did... Even if it meant her lifespan dwindled to one-fifth of an ordinary fairy's, she desired to spend that time with her. She had no regrets. However...

"Althea will feel a sense of responsibility once she learns... Simply being with her brings me joy... I must tread carefully."

With these thoughts, she vanished into the sky.


Regalus and Thomas sat across from each other on the sofa in the study.

"Father, what's the matter you wanted to discuss?"

Prompted to take a seat, Regalus inquired.

If it were merely about work, there would be no need for us to be seated here on the sofa...

After a moment of silence, Thomas began to speak.

"...Regalus, I called you here because I thought it would be best to inform you. Do you recall when I didn't respond to your calls during Althea's magic adaptation spell?"

Now that he mentioned it... I had honestly forgotten, but I nodded, prompting Thomas to continue.

"At that moment, amidst the sandstorm, I felt like I caught a glimpse... or rather, a fragment of Althea's figure..."

"You felt like you saw...?"

Thomas nodded.

"Yes... I cannot confirm it, but... Althea's hair is silver, correct? Today, being outdoors, it might have appeared more platinum blonde..."


"...For a moment, I thought I saw something black shimmering."

"Huh...? Something black shimmering?"

"Yes, I initially dismissed it as a mistake and attempted to examine it more closely, which is why I didn't notice your calls. Eventually, when I looked again, she appeared as usual, so it was likely just my imagination... However, Althea has a tendency to experience and express peculiar things, doesn't she? So, I thought it prudent to mention it just in case. You spend more time with Althea than I do, Regalus."

"...What about Laila? She's the one closest to her...?"

"...True, but she's not only a 'family member' but also a 'servant.' Additionally, Laila greatly admires Althea, so her judgment might not always be impartial... The same could be said for you, Regalus..."

Thomas continued with a chuckle.

"In any case, you are the guardian of Monclair territory. I know you comprehend that and are diligently fulfilling your responsibilities. That's why I informed you, trusting that you can make rational judgments... It might have been a figment of my imagination, and in the end, it was just a feeling."

With a light laugh, Thomas suggested not dwelling too deeply on it and advised Regalus to keep it in mind.

"Yes... I understand. I'll... ensure Althea's safety without fail."

Accepting the slight concern etched in his heart, Regalus responded with a solemn expression.

"...You may not be a knight, but... your sincerity is genuine, isn't it?... As always."

"What? Me, sincere...? Well, I am your son, after all, Father."

"I suppose there's no getting around it."

"That's right, there isn't."

With that, they exchanged their customary smiles.

Concealing their concerns deep within, they maintained a calm exterior without revealing anything.

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