Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 36 – A Pleasant Morning

On the 10th day since Althea first cast the adaptation spell, something felt different as the morning unfolded.

As the sun began to rise, I woke up feeling unusually refreshed, a pleasant change from my usual groggy state.

With Laila not due to arrive for some time, Althea quietly slipped out of her room after changing into fresh clothes.

Feeling an urge to climb, she made her way to a large tree near the training ground, where she could climb without drawing attention.

Perched atop the tree, Althea felt a rare sense of confidence, sure that she wouldn't be spotted or injured.

"It's been ages since I climbed a tree. If I'm caught up here, I'll definitely get scolded," she remarked to her companion, Ciel, who had settled on her shoulder without her noticing.

"~Yeah, but this morning view from up here is unbeatable~," Ciel chimed in, clearly enjoying the moment.

As they whiled away the time chatting, Althea lost track of how long they'd been there until Laila's voice rang out in the distance.

"~You need to come down quickly before you're spotted~," Ciel called urgently.

Descending smoothly, Althea appeared before Laila with an innocent expression.

"Lady Althea, where have you been? I was worried when I didn't find you in your room," Laila inquired.

"I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I went for a walk," Althea replied.

"As long as you're safe. Breakfast is ready; let's not keep everyone waiting," Laila said, leading the way.


Hurrying to the dining room, Althea found everyone already seated, except for her.

Apologizing for her tardiness, she quickly took her seat as breakfast was served following a brief prayer of thanks.

As they began eating, Thomas eventually broached the subject.

"Regalus, you'll be heading to the Academy dormitory soon. Are you ready?"

Regalus nodded. "Yes, almost done with everything—uniform, books, the works."

Thomas glanced at Althea with concern. "We'll be leaving for the entrance ceremony, but will you be okay until then?"

Smiling reassuringly, Regalus responded, "I'll manage, Father. Jean's here, and besides, I'm more concerned about Althea's magic adapting."

Regalus's gaze shifted to Althea, and Thomas followed suit.

"Althea, is your magic still not adapting?... You might not fully grasp it, but are you feeling 'very energetic' or 'very happy'?"

Just as Althea was about to taste her soup, she paused, setting down her spoon before responding.

"I felt... energetic? Happy... maybe, just a moment ago..."

"Just now?" Thomas queried.

Althea hesitated. "Um, this morning when I woke up, I felt really good. So, I went for a walk in the garden after changing..."

"...Hence the delay in joining us for breakfast," Laila interjected, connecting the dots.

"Yes," Althea confirmed.

A silent exchange passed between the three.

"I thought perhaps it was because I had a pleasant dream," Althea added.

Thomas finally spoke up after a moment of contemplation. "Althea, after breakfast, come to the study... Regalus, you too."

Althea and Regalus nodded in unison.

"Alright, let's table this for now. We should finish breakfast quickly," Clara interjected, steering the conversation towards lighter topics.

With Clara's intervention, they resumed their meal, engaging in casual conversation until dessert was served.

After breakfast, the children returned to their rooms to prepare before gathering in front of Thomas's study.

"Shall we enter?" Regalus knocked on the door. "Father, it's Regalus. Althea is with me."

"Ah, come in," Thomas welcomed them.

As they stepped inside and closed the door, Thomas turned his attention to Althea.

Approaching her, he gently took her hands. "Althea, how are you feeling now? Similar to this morning?"

"Um... it's not much different since I woke up. I've been feeling kind of... floaty. Like I'm flying, even though I've never flown before," Althea explained.

Listening intently, Thomas closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly lost in thought.

After a brief pause, he opened his eyes with a smile. "It seems like your magic has adapted."

"Really?" Althea's excitement was palpable.

"Yes, indeed," Thomas confirmed, his words bringing a wave of relief and joy to Althea.

"That's fantastic, Althea. Now you can go to the academy without worries," Regalus chimed in, standing by her side.

"Thank you, Father, Brother. So, does this mean I won't lose control anymore?" Althea inquired.

Thomas nodded thoughtfully. "Well, not completely, but the likelihood is significantly reduced. Just be cautious, especially with spells beyond your level. You have two years until enrollment to master the spells in the book. Take your time, no need to rush. Regalus, you'll set a good example for her."

Regalus, standing by the door, nodded in agreement. "Of course."

With their discussion concluded, they prepared to leave the study when Althea suddenly remembered something.

"Um... Father? Can I go to the town?" Althea hesitated, her request hanging in the air.

"Hm? Ah, all restrictions have been lifted, and your self-defense and swordsmanship skills are quite impressive, so it should be fine... But ensure Laila accompanies you and inform us of your destination. And remember to study diligently. If you follow these guidelines, you're free to explore within the territory."

"Yes!" Althea's joy overflowed, though Thomas gently chided her for her lack of decorum.

Leaving the study with a newfound sense of freedom, Althea wasted no time in seeking out Regalus.

"Brother, I know you're busy preparing for the academy, but could you help me learn my first magic?"

"Of course. I've nearly finished my preparations, so it's not a problem," Regalus assured her.

"Thank you. I'll retrieve my books from my room," Althea replied eagerly before darting off.

Observing her departure, Regalus contemplated the best place for their practice session.

Shortly after, Althea returned, running excitedly.

"Althea! Running in the hallway isn't allowed. If Father or Mother catches you, they might revoke your town privileges. And once I'm at the academy, I won't be able to cover for you anymore," Regalus cautioned.

"Oh... you're right, sorry. I got carried away... I'll be more careful," Althea promised.

"Good girl," Regalus praised, giving her a gentle pat on the head, eliciting a smile from Althea.

"Shall we head to the backyard? Father mentioned the security guards are training in the grounds now," Regalus suggested.

Hand in hand, the siblings made their way to the backyard, ready to begin their magic practice. Upon arrival, Regalus wasted no time in demonstrating the first spell.

Stretching out both hands, Regalus began his incantation, "Wind Blossom." As he chanted, the air around his palms swirled, showcasing his wind magic.

"I thought wind magic, the same attribute as yours, would be suitable. It's the second spell I learned," Regalus explained to Althea, who observed with wide-eyed fascination.

Curious, Althea asked, "What was the first spell you learned?"

Regalus chuckled. "The first was water magic. I have to follow the order in the spellbook... but the first one didn't work at all. It was quite troublesome."

"It didn't work at all? Why?" Althea inquired, perplexed.

"Because there was no 'water,'" Regalus clarified, leading her to a nearby washbasin.

Gesturing toward the basin, Regalus continued, "This was the first spell recorded in my book... 'Aqueduct.'" As he spoke, the water in the basin split into two streams along the path he indicated.

"Does this mean..." Althea began.

"Yeah, it seems to create a path by dividing water," Regalus confirmed. "Maybe because it was my first time activating magic."

"First activation... So, is my first spell earth magic?" Althea pondered aloud.

Regalus suggested, "Check the book."

Flipping through the pages, Althea found the entry. "Ah, here it is. 'Earthen Wall Dome.'" As she spoke, the ground beneath them swelled, forming mounds here and there.

"Earth magic, right?" Althea confirmed.

"Yeah... probably," Regalus agreed.

"...Let's ask Father about it at dinner. Once you know, practicing will be easier with a clear goal. But it's impressive that your spell produced any result at all. Well done, Althea," Regalus praised warmly.

Althea felt a surge of gratitude toward her brother's kindness. "It's... because you taught me."

Even though she wasn't sure if her magic had succeeded, Althea vowed to work hard to match her brother's kindness and master her spells. Holding the spellbook close, she made a silent commitment to herself, grateful for her brother's unwavering support.

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