America In Another World

Chapter 111 – A Ray of Hope Part 3

I am now hoping to sticking to releasing every Sunday

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1735 June 18th, 2020 CE

Parking Lot of the City College of San Francisco

Andrew parked his police car on the road next to the parking lot that was being used as an evacuation site. Helicopters were lifting off and landing. From what he could see, all sorts of helicopters that they could get a hand on were being used. He could also see a mixture of soldiers and police officers trying to barely organize the situation. A soldier spoke from a megaphone whilst standing on an elevated platform. “This is a reminder to all to keep your baggage to the minimum. We are allowing one suitcase per person. We are trying to evacuate as many people as possible.” 


As Andrew and Terry walked onto the parking lot, they heard an argument breaking out. A man with a backpack and holding onto two suitcases was arguing with two officers. “I’m getting on with all my stuff whether you like it or not.”

“Sir, you are not allowed onto this helicopter with all that.”

The man let go of his suitcases and fished something out of his backpack. “Oh yeah what you gonna do about huh? Anybody wanna steal my stuff? Huh?” 

He started waving around a knife at the officer. Guns were quickly drawn at him. “Sir, drop the knife.”

The man started shouting. “I want to have all my stuff with me!”

More police officers surrounded him. “Sir. Drop the knife or you will be tased.”

The man started moving forwards. “Shut the fuck up!”

“Last warning! Drop the knife!”

“Taser! Taser! Taser!”

The man fell to the ground spasming as a taser hit him. 

“Quick, detain this man!” 

Andrew shook his head as he watched the scene unfold. “Good grief.” 


They quickly found and reported to the police captain in charge of all local law enforcement at the evacuation site. “We just got here from Monterey Boulevard.”

“Part of the defenses then?”

Terry nodded. “Yep. Got relieved by the Marines.” 

“Good to hear. We could definitely use more hands to keep this place under control.”

Andrew pointed to the unconscious man that was being detained. “Was that incident common?”

The captain nodded his head grimly. “We had a fair share of troublemakers. Two idiots came in waving pistols. They got gunned down.”

They stopped talking as a news helicopter carrying five people lifted off beside them.


San Jose, California 

As they got closer to Levi’s Stadium, the traffic got worse. Luke looked out the back of the truck. Their helicopter escort was gone. There were people crowding the streets and even onto the roads, making their way to the stadium whilst seemingly carrying all that they had. Some wore their dress shirts and ties with barely any luggage as if they had just gotten off of work. Parents held onto their children, who mostly had just their school backpacks. No one had been prepared for such a sudden evacuation.


Their convoy of trucks and Humvees came to a stop. A soldier appeared at the back of the truck. “Okay, everybody off. Traffic is gonna get worse from here on out. We got orders to link up with another unit so this is where you guys get off.”

One of Luke’s classmate looked outside of the truck. “Where are we?”

“You guys are on the Great America Parkway. Just follow your teachers and those police officers further down and you will get to Levi’s Stadium.”


Their teachers were already shouting at everyone and gathering the other students. “Everybody, please stay together. Get into contact with your parents.” 


Luke and Hayden joined the gathering of highschoolers. One of the teachers of the other classes was talking to Mr. Johnson. “My husband and son are already here so I’m gonna be going first.”

Mr. Johnson nodded. “You go on. We can handle it.” 


1803 June 18th, 2020 CE

Interstate 280, San Francisco

The street was eerily quiet. The Lancefish corpses that littered the street in front of them made it impassable for regular people. Near the end of the horde, the monsters had to climb over their dead comrades in order to advance. At some point, the monsters seemingly just stopped and retreated. 


Eric looked around with suspicion in his eyes. “I don’t like this.”

Lance Corporal John Felder sighed. “Yeah, we still haven’t seen those humanoid monsters yet. What do you think, second lieutenant?”
Ryan nodded. “We got reports that some of our helicopters were shot down trying to go deeper into San Francisco.” 


Rockets streaked from the Viper that was doing overwatch for them. Eric looked up. “What is it shooting at?”

Ryan shouted. “The humanoid things are approaching. Everybody get ready!”

Eric was confused as he saw the attack helicopter bank hard to the left. It soon became clear why. Something streaked past the helicopter’s right side at extreme speeds. 

“Holy shit. Did you see that lieutenant?”

“The fuck?”

More of the objects streaked past the helicopter as it tried to get out of the way.

Ryan shouted again. “The humanoids are throwing some stone lances at it. They don’t think they can dodge all of them and are retreating.”


“I see them!”

“Fire! Fire! Fire!”

The LAV-25s opened up with its autocannon. Ryan looked over. “Shit, it ain’t having an effect.” The rounds were just not penetrating these monsters. The humanoid monsters were a terrifying sight as they clambered over the dead Lancefishes. They had reddish and jet black skin, were about one to two stories tall, and had muscles like bodybuilders. They seemed just like what one would imagine a demon as. Some were carrying shiny, black stone lances. 



A Javelin missile shot towards the monstrosity. The missile shot towards the sky and soon came back down on top of the monster. The monster looked up as he sensed it. 


The Javelin missile blasted the monster’s head apart. Purple blood and guts exploded from it. The headless body of the giant monster stood for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground. This gave all the humanoid monsters a pause as they looked at their fallen comrade.


“Keep those Javelin missiles coming!”


San Jose International Airport (Forward Operating Base)

In the aircraft hangar that had been turned into a command center, a radio message got Colonel Weiss’s attention. <<<“The monsters are making landfall near San Jose! The evacuation point at Levi’s Stadium is at risk! We need units down here!”>>>

“Get me in contact with the commander of the 11th Armored Cavalry this instant.”


A few minutes later
<<<”This is Colonel Henry Weiss, commander of the 13th MEU. Is this Colonel TImothy Wades of the 11th Armored Cavalry?

“This is Colonel Wades. We are currently enroute to your position.”

“How far out are you currently?

“We are about an hour away. Are there new developments?” 

We need your assistance at San Jose. The monsters are arriving on the beaches of San Jose and will be threatening a major evacuation site at Levi’s Stadium. I do not have enough forces at my disposal if a horde appears.”

“Understood. I will send out a detachment that can reach you faster. They will be infantry though.”

“Anything will help.>>>

Colonel Weiss turned to one of his aides as he got off the radio. “Get me in contact with the Air Force and the attack helicopter squadron commander.”

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