America In Another World

Chapter 112 – A Ray of Hope Part 4

Sorry about the delay! My summer program is really time consuming but I basically just have a week left. 

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1810 June 18th, 2020 CE

Interstate 280, San Francisco

“Look out!”

The LAV-25 backed up just in time as the stone lance embedded itself into the ground where the LAV just was. The LAV didn’t stop firing at the demons as it repositioned itself. Its turret turned to keep the gun facing the demons. 

The demons started throwing even more lances at them. Eric jumped out of the way as a lance landed a few feet from him. The shock wave from the impact knocked him to the ground. He coughed as he dealt with the after effects of slamming into the ground. “What the… heck.” 

As he got up, he saw a rocket from an AT4 slammed into one of the demons and blew off its right arm. Around him, the voices from his fellow soldiers seemingly mixed together. “Fucking hell. Keep firing!”

“Shit. It's no use!” 

He watched as a Guardsman started screaming as he shot his M249. He didn’t let go of the trigger as he focused the firepower on the demon. He suddenly got slapped on the back. The bullets had absolutely no effect on the demon as it continued marching towards them. “Snap out of it Eric! Keep shooting!” 

More lances soon rained down on them. The Second Lieutenant shouted at them. “They ran out of lances! Keep them back! They aren’t that fast. We can hold them off.”

One of the larger demons roared. The sound was deafening. And then the demons started charging.

0205 Sun 49th, 196 AE

Industropolis, Mach Imperium

Pomponia looked quite unhappily at the American diplomat, Chris Wilkins, as he explained his visit. “My government requests that you begin evacuating your civilians from the shore. Especially the land facing the area where your battleship was sunk. This is for the safety of those civilians.”

Pomponia nodded. “I will see what I can do.”

Chris frowned. “Pomponia, I’m serious. This is not a request but a demand.”

“Chris, I have heard that one of your major cities is under attack.”

Chris paused. “That is correct. My colleagues have announced it.”

Pomponia sighed. “Some anti-American factions are seeing this as the perfect time to strike. I have no idea how much control I have right now in my government.”

“That is concerning to hear. I’m not certain how much aid I can provide on political issues. But rest assured that my nation has enough military force in your country to put down any possible rebellion. It is vital to keep in mind my government’s demands for evacuation. It is for your citizens' safety.”

“I understand that and I will do whatever I can to get them away from there.”

Chris bowed. “Thank you.”

Chris began to turn to leave but Pomponia stopped him. “I would like to ask something.”

“Go ahead.”

“How much will your military be helping us against this new threat? We have not recovered from the last war with your country.”

“Our forces are being sent home in order to help with defense and we are garrisoning multiple military bases across this continent in order to keep the peace. We may not possess enough military power in your country to stop those demons. But rest assured, we have a solution.”

Pomponia raised an eyebrow. “May I hear what kind of solution it is?”

Chris decided this was the perfect opportunity. “It is on a need to know basis only. This is why I am requesting the evacuation of civilians near the shore.”

Pomponia narrowed her eyes. “Seeing that you are insisting on evacuations… how dangerous is this solution?”

Chris kept a straight and unchanging expression as he stared at the Queen. “Sorry Madam, it's classified.”

“I’m sorry but this is still my country no matter how much I want to step down.”

They stared at each in silence for nearly a minute.

“Please keep your citizens away from the shore where those monsters land. Those that refuse will face the consequences. Have a good day, your majesty.”

1830 June 18th, 2020 CE

Near Levi’s Stadium, San Jose

“Do not rush or panic! All pedestrians, stay off the road. For those in vehicles, we still have space in the parking garage. Do not leave your vehicles in the middle of the street! If…”

Luke started to tune out the officer that was shouting through a megaphone at them. It was just the same message over and over again. According to what he heard from others, they were outside a convention center. It seemed to have been turned into a help center of sorts. The police officers that had been with them have left but two out of the three teachers, including Mr.Johnson, remained. They were talking with soldiers for some reason. 

Luke studied the sign in front of him. “Hyatt Regency. Santa Clara.”

Hayden commented on it. “Yeah, a hotel.” 

“Hm? Ah. I see. I guess it's nearly time for us to go find our parents.”

“Yeah… also, you wanted to talk to me about us being friends earlier weren’t you.”

Luke scratched his face with a slight frown. “Yeah.”

“You know how much you started hanging out with Jackson when we started high school?”


“I just thought you won’t think of me as cool anymore?”

“What? Why?”

“Jackson kinda threatened me.”



“What did he say?”

Hayden kept quiet. Luke looked back at the sign. “... I won’t press you on this. Look I don’t give a damn what Jackson says. I mean look at what you just did today. You literally saved my life dude.”  


“I mean it. We are gonna see each other after all this is over.”

Shouting behind them disturbed their conversation. “Stay clear! Stay clear!”

The road full of people and cars started parting. Hayden tapped Luke on the shoulder and pointed further down the road. “Look at that.”

Multiple tanks and military vehicles drove past them. Cheers erupted from the crowds. 

Whilst waiting for entrance to the Stadium. Luke noticed something in the sky and pointed at them. “Hey Hayden. You see those?”

In the skies near Levi’s Stadium

<<<“We are approaching the target. 

“Bomb them to hell!” 

“Roger that.”>>>

Near Levi’s Stadium, San Jose

Hayden pondered to himself. “I think those were fighter jets dropping bombs.”

Luke widened his eyes in shock. “The monsters are already here?”

“What do you think they are bombing?”

“Thinking about it, where was the Air Force when San Francisco was being overrun. I didn’t see any 

2140 June 18th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

Cralson got off his phone. “The missiles are approaching the target, Mr. President. The drone has eyes on it.”

The screen flickered on as it showed the live feed from an RQ170 that showed a huge dark red mass in the ocean. “It's huge. How many missiles did we fire at it?”

“40 JASSMs are headed directly for it.”

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