America In Another World

Chapter 131 – Victorious Aftermath

Apologies for the delay! Final exams and projects started and I stupidly thought I could balance studying with publishing chapters. Oh boy was I wrong. All my finals ended a couple days ago and I took a couple days of just doing nothing but hibernating in bed. Well due to that, I’m gonna release the remaining chapters.

0445 June 20th, 2020 CE

Cal Expo (Refugee Camp), Sacramento, California

Tents were spread around the open spaces of the Cal Expo. Refugees from San Francisco had been pouring in mostly via an assortment of helicopters landing on the open grass besides the Expo. Medical tents, a food distribution center, portable toilets, tents for housing, and much more facilities had been quickly set up by volunteers and local emergency services. As the sun started peaking over the horizon, people huddled together in front of a large TV that someone found and placed at the information center. Some people who had been looking through the missing persons wall at the information center also turned their attention to the television. 

>>>”My fellow Americans, today, I stand before you…”<<<

More and more people started surrounding the television. 

>>>”In the past two days, our beloved city of San Francisco faced a terror beyond our wildest imaginations.”<<<

Everyone listened intently as the President extolled the work of the military and the government. 

>>>”Now, I am here to announce that, due to the extraordinary efforts of our military and the unbreakable spirit of our citizens, we have successfully repelled these monsters from our shores. Our forces have not only retaken San Francisco but have taken decisive action to ensure that this threat will not rise again. We have found that these monsters came here from a portal in the middle of the Pacific. In a carefully planned operation, we have deployed two nuclear bombs on the city across the portal in which these monsters came from. That city has now been completely destroyed. I have also been informed that the portal where they came from will close in the coming days. We believe that the threat is now over!”<<<

There were some cheers and claps as the news was announced. It soon quieted down as the President kept on speaking. 

>>>”…we will repair the damage, support the displaced, and restore the vibrancy and spirit of San Francisco. This effort will require the unity and determination of all Americans, as we come together to lift up our fellow citizens and fortify our nation against future challenges.

Let this moment be a testament to the power of American ingenuity, bravery, and compassion. Together, we faced the unknown, and together, we prevailed. Our resolve unbroken, our spirit undiminished, we move forward as one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.”<<<

The cheer and clapping in the camp started up again. Some people were crying and others were hugging. 


0850 June 20th, 2020 CE

0725 Sun 50th, 196 AE

Primopolis, Mach Imperium

Underwood stepped into the throne room. It was empty other than him and the Queen. Usually there would be guards but he could see none. It was obvious why. The Queen was lying on her throne with her legs on one armrest and her head on the other. Underwood coughed. The Queen turned to look at him. “Oh, hello there Ambassador Underwood.”

“I would like to inform you that we have destroyed the threat in its entirety and we believe that we will no longer be under any threat of an invasion.”

The Queen sighed and uprighted herself on her throne. “And how did your country do that?”

“Sorry, I am not at liberty to tell you.”

“Hm. Alright.”

Underwood chuckled. “You backed off quite quickly.”

“Well, I’m not my father. I’m not suffering from a brain injury like he was when he decided to go through with this whole fiasco. When you say you can’t tell me something, then I will shut up. I’m surprised your country haven’t even basically taken over us yet.”

“Quite blunt I see.”

“You promised me I only had to stay on the throne for a while. I want to go back to drinking tea and enjoying my books. Not here running this mess of a country. Give me back my freedom.”

Underwood nodded still with a grin on his face. “I do apologize about that. We were derailed multiple times. With the elves and then these monsters occurring.”


Offshore of the island where the monsters originated

Rameriz looked through his binoculars at the island and stared at the blinking portal. “It should be closing soon.”

His lieutenant beside him commented. “Thank god for that.”

“Hey lieutenant, do you think more portals will open?”

The SEAL platoon commander frowned. “Let's hope not. We have had more than enough to deal with for the past few months. From the elves to this. Everything seems like it's straight out of a book.”


0900 June 20th, 2020 CE

Joint Base Andrews, Maryland

Ronell sat down in the Boeing VC-25, now with the callsign Air Force One as he is on the aircraft. He leaned back and sighed as the plane took off towards Sacramento.


A few hours later

San Francisco, California

The convoy of black SUVs stopped and Ronell stepped out of the Presidential state car. He had, an hour earlier, visited the refugee camp in Sacramento and given another speech. A Blackhawk flew overhead. Ronell looked up. Lieutenant General Michael Dunford, commander of the I Marine Expeditionary Force, appeared beside him and spoke. “We are still scouring the city just to make sure there is not one monster left. However, this area has been cleared and is perfectly safe.”

Ronell looked around and didn’t comment on the general’s words. Destroyed buildings were spread out. Some clearly damaged by explosions, some riddled with bullets, and others with walls smashed in. Ronell sighed. “I wish we can go back to our world. Sure we had near peer adversaries but we didn’t experience random large-scale attacks like these. We traded one danger for another.” 

After walking down the street, Ronell watched the ground that were covered with numerous body bags “Victims of the chemical attack, Mr. President.”

Ronell offered a silent prayer. 



“I guess it's time for me to go down and visit them.”

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