America In Another World

Chapter 132 – Revelations

0532 June 21st, 2020 CE

Beale Air Force Base, California

Ronell sighed as he sat down on his plane seat. He had spent the entire day yesterday visiting refugee camps, looking at the damages in San Francisco, and talking with officials. Just two hours ago, he had a final meeting with the governor of California in Sacramento. Now, Air Force One was beginning preparation to take off from Beale AFB back to the White House. His personal aide was sitting across from him and had concern on his face. “Are you alright, Mr. President?”

Ronell slumped on his seat and sighed. “Just tired.”

“I understand you haven’t been getting much slee…”

Ronell interrupted “No. Not that, just this entire situation.”

“What do you mean?”

“This world has just been us lurching from one crisis to another. I had to deal with domestic issues like usual expect we kept on having international incidents such as ‘oh no, the elves are attacking’ and ‘oh no now these monsters are attacking.’” Ronell sighed and shook his head after saying that.

“I can understand that.” 

“I’m not sure…”

Ronell couldn’t finish as Chief of Staff, John Wills, appeared in their row. “Mr. President. A person has appeared in the White House and is now sitting in the Oval Office. She is requesting your audience.”

Ronell’s face scrunched up in confusion. “What do you mean by 'a person has appeared in the White House’? Who let them into my office if we don’t know who they are?”

“I have been informed that security has looked through the security system and she doesn’t seem to have entered from anywhere. Just… somehow popped into existence in the Oval Office. I have also been told that she is currently sitting on one of the couches in the Oval Office whilst calmly sipping a drink from a teacup that appeared in her hand. We don’t know where that came from either. The Secret Service has her surrounded. They tried to get her out but we couldn’t get close to her. She seems to have some sort of forcefield around her to prevent us from approaching.”

Ronell’s face wasn’t scrunched up anymore but the confusion was still apparent.“What? And this person wants to meet me?”

"Yes, she’s requesting your audience. We have cleared out the White House. We are trying to make her agree with a video call but she wants to meet in person.”

Ronell sighed and slumped in his seat again. “As I said, one thing after another.”


Ten minutes later

Ronell and his advisors sat in the conference room of Air Force One. The TV screen installed to a wall came to life and a woman appeared on screen. “Nice to meet you, leader of this country… I believe the term would be Mr. President… Nice to meet you, Mr. President.”

On the screen behind her, you can see some of the Secret Service agents who still have their guns pointed at her. Ronell rubbed his head like his brain was hurting him. “Apologies for being blunt but who are you and what are you doing in my office? How did you even get into it in the first place?”

The woman seemingly pondered a bit before responding. “I’m just here to thank you for what your country has done for this world and I would like to make some offers of what your country can do after this.”

Ronell got more confused. “What?”

The woman stopped and pondered again. “I’m more used to explaining stuff in person than through whatever technology you are currently using.”

“I guess we can meet in my office once I get back.”

The Secret Service agent in the conference room stepped forward. “Mr. President, I don’t think you should be in the same room as her.”

The woman on the screen nodded as if making a decision. “I will come to you then. Give me a second.”

“What do you me…”

She disappeared from the screen before Ronell could finish his sentence. The Secret Service agents on screen looked around in confusion as they lowered their guns.

She popped into existence in front of the TV in the conference room. “Hello once again. Nice to meet you in person.”

The agent in the conference room shouted into his earpiece. “Shit. We have a breach! I repeat. We have a breach!”

Secret Service agents rushed into the room with guns drawn and pointed at her. “Hands up! Hands up!”

The room went silent as the agents kept their guns on her. Ronell spoke. “How are you doing that?”

“Oh, I’m just using my powers. Teleportation is not hard at all.”

Ronell sighed. “Someone get a chair in so she can sit. And lower those guns. She would have probably already killed me if she could teleport anywhere.”

The Secret Service agents reluctantly and slowly did so.

A few seconds later

The woman, now sitting in a chair, spoke in a completely relaxed tone. “Hmmmm… where should I start? I guess I should start with apologies for what I have done so far. You see, I’m the one responsible for placing…”

She couldn’t continue as somebody burst into the conference room. Ronell gave an extremely exasperated sigh. “Goddammit. What now?”

An advisor had come in. “Mr. President, we have a situation going on on the island that those monsters came from. What seems to be a young boy is destroying things.”

“A young boy… what? What the hell do you even mean?”

A flash of worry showed on the woman’s face. “Yeah… that might be my younger brother… give me a second. I will deal with it.”

“What do you mean… and she’s gone… great! What the fuck is happening today?” 

Ronell couldn’t finish his sentence to her as she instantly disappeared.


5 minutes earlier

Offshore of the island where the monsters originated

On the USS Hopper, Rameriz watched from his binoculars as a CH-53E Super Stallion lifted the Humvee containing the Universal Ground Control Station. More ships had arrived to reacquire the materials that had been placed on the island. Their ship was staying just in case something happened. As he swept his binoculars over the island, Rameriz noticed a small figure on the empty, far right side of the island. “There seems to be a kid on the island, sir.”
Besides him, looking bored, his lieutenant perked up and responded. “A kid?”

Rameriz pointed towards the area. “Far right side where there’s nothing.

“Give me those binoculars.”

Rameriz handed it off to him.“Well I will be damned. there is. Huh. That’s… weird. How did he get there? Go notify someone about that. Tell them to approach with caution though. This seems suspicious.”


A minute later

Rameriz watched as a couple of the engineers on the island slowly approached the boy. The boy turned like he noticed the engineers approaching. In an instant, a shockwave originating from the boy blew the engineers off from their feets. Rameriz could only gape at what happened. “What the fuck?!”

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