America In Another World

Chapter 6 – The Imperiums

Heres a map of the world. The dots on the map are the capital cities

The green represents all native languages (Even if they are different)

The black represents English

The blue represents Latin/Common Language/Imperial Language (Basically the same thing)

"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" - General George S. Patton God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood

Images of the Mach Imperium vehicles are shown in the bottom note

0403 (Early Hour), Quiet 94th, 195 AE

0806 September 2nd, 2019 CE

Port Everglades, United States of America, Formidon Continent

“When I heard you were involved, I requested to be sent here and the Emperor accepted. He even appointed me as the Main Diplomat.”

“That sounds great! I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to acquire that magnificent steamship.”

“You don’t have to thank me. We’re friends!”

0815 September 2nd, 2019 CE

Diplomat Underwood was leading Captain Raoul, Translator Paulin, and the Magusian diplomats toward a car. It seemed like Captain Raoul knows the Magusian Ambassador. The Magusian was talking to him in the Albean language and seemed quite happy. The US navy had detected and guided the Magusian diplomat ship and its escorts to Port Everglades. There Diplomat Underwood greeted the Magusian diplomats. The Magusain Ambassador introduced himself as “Main Diplomat” Jacques. There were two other Magusian diplomats.

0430 (Early Hour), Quiet 94th, 195 AE

0900 September 2nd, 2019 CE

In a hotel meeting room near Port Everglades
Once again, they were in the meeting room where they had held the informational meeting. This time, instead of Captain Raoul and his crew, it was Captain Raoul and the Magusian Diplomats. After more basic introductions and Diplomat Underwood explaining about his country, the main part of the meeting came.

“Our government is looking to establish relations with the Soane League and the Septentrio Magus Imperium. We want to send diplomats to your countries, In addition, we are also interested in the possibility of opening trade.”

Ambassador Jacques was the one who replied.

“Although we are interested in what you have just said, we have a more important matter that we want to attend to first.”

“What is it?”

“We would like to present an important treaty to your ‘President’.”

“In order to get that to our President, we will have to look through it first.”

The treaty which was written in Latin was handed to Underwood who gave it to Translator Hoffman. Hoffman looked through it. He turned to Underwood and started explaining.

“This seems to be a defense pact. It says that the Septentrio Magus Imperium will provide defense, necessary weaponry, and the men required to operate the weaponry to the signatories while the signatories will provide men, requested equipment, and requested goods to the Septentrio Magus Imperium for free during its times of war. The Septentrio Magus Imperium also requires a monthly payment for the defense. The specific payment and amount of troops will be discussed and negotiated depending on circumstances. Payment can range from slaves to gold.”

“I don’t think we can accept this. My country...”

Ambassador Jacques cut him off.

“I think we need to elaborate on the dangers you face. The Mach Imperium will definitely target you. The Formido continent is a land full of resources. Full might be an understatement. It’s overflowing with resources. Many decades ago, the Mach Imperium tried to wipe out the natives and acquire the resources so that they didn’t have to bother with trading. If they know that you exist and that the giant birds are gone, they will definitely try to wipe you out to gain the resources. We fear that they may already know of your existence. My country knows that spies have infiltrated us but we don’t know who. The spies may have already told them.”

“We still don’t think our country will require your help in a conflict with the Mach Imperium.”

“Then allow me to elaborate on their fearful weaponry. The Septentrio Magus Imperium knows perfectly well the power of the Mach Imperium. We have so far fought 4 wars with them. They have all ended in a stalemate with one side gaining some land and nothing else. As of right now, our army is on par and in some areas superior to theirs. They have guns. Guns are…”

“We know what a gun is.”

Ambassador Jacques paused for a second.

“That does make sense. With your ships and buildings, you should know what a gun is. Well, they use guns called bolt action rifles and machine guns. Here are some pictures. Their machine guns, called the AG-2, are frightening. They have thousands of these and it can fire 500 rounds per minute.”

Ambassador Jacques was watching Underwood’s expressions.

It’s either he’s very good at keeping calm or that his country already has machine guns.

“Moving on. They have a menacing armored vehicle called a tank. Heres a picture of their tank called the Industro II. They have about a thousand of these. Its armor can go up to 22mm thick. It is armed with a 40mm cannon.”

Underwood just nodded his head. Ambassador Jacques was surprised. Do they have tanks? They probably do…

“My country’s tanks are slightly inferior and we can’t produce as many guns or tanks but our magic makes up for it. We have Earth magic that can act as a gun or anti-tank weapon depending on how powerful the Magus is. We also have Shield magic to protect our soldiers. Basically, our army can face them as equals. Our navy may be somewhat inferior to the Mach. However, that is fixed by my country’s use of coastal guns. Coastal guns are offered to all of our allies as a way to defend themselves against the Mach. The coastal guns are guaranteed for your country if this treaty is accepted. Machian ships are truly terrifying. I have seen your country’s ships but they are no match for the Machian battleship when you compare their size and weaponry. This is a picture of their Desmond-class battleship. As you can see, it has 6 turrets with 12-inch guns. They have about 26 of these terrifying ships.”

“I see.”

I see? That’s it? Even our country was surprised and panicked when our spies found out about this ship. We spent a lot of resources improving these coastal guns so they have a chance against these battleships. We also have 5 barely comparable battleships and we don’t have enough Maguses that have enough power to put up a shield around the entirety of our ships. And all he’s saying is ‘I see’?

Ambassador Jacques started to look a bit unhappy. Diplomat Underwood noticed.

“Are you fine.”

“Ah. Yes. I’m fine. They also have this thing called a plane that is able…”

“We know what a plane is.”

Ambassador Jacques looked up and shook his head lightly.

“Sure. Here is a picture of their Maximil fighter aircraft. It is armed with two of their standard machine guns. Our country’s air force is on par with them. Our flame breathing dragons that can carry Maguses can take down any Mach aircraft.”

Ambassador Jacques paused in an effort to let it sink in a bit before continuing.

“Recently, through their increasing technological capabilities, they have been becoming more and more powerful. Our Imperium’s technology may be lagging behind theirs but our magic greatly makes up for it. Our country is willing to help you in any way possible as long as you agree to this treaty.”

“I will repeat what I said before, we will not accept it. Our country is not willing to immediately agree to a treaty that may drag us into a war.”

Ambassador Jacques tried to press on.

“You are making a terrible decision here. Our country also doesn’t want a war with the Mach. By signing this treaty, this ensures that we prevent the Mach from invading you and growing stronger by gaining the resources of this land.”

“If this land is so full of resources, wouldn’t they try to start a war anyway?”

“No, as long as they know that we are supporting you, they will think twice before starting a war with you. Our army and air force are a force that can’t be ignored.”

“Our country isn’t willing to agree to something that may require us to fight your war. As of right now, our country is more willing to agree to a non-aggression pact.”

“Can you at least give the terms of this treaty and these pictures to your ‘President’”

“We can do that but it is unlikely that he will agree. Though the non-aggression pact, trade, and our wish of sending diplomats to your country is still on the table.”

“As of right now, we would like to establish a temporary embassy in this city and get a response to this treaty from your leader before we continue.”

“That can be arranged.”

0942 September 2nd, 2019 CE

Washington DC, United States of America, Formidon Continent

“Yeah, we can’t accept this. I mean it's ridiculous. We have to pay them monthly and give them a ton of free stuff during war. This also basically requires us to house foreign soldiers on our soil. At most, I can accept a mutual defense treaty… thinking about it, the mutual defense treaty is still a bit overboard. The chances of it passing Congress are slim. I mean look at these weapons and their descriptions. The capabilities confirm the Mach to only be a peak World War 1 nation. We can easily defeat them.”

The Secretary of State, Katerina Clifford, had given the President the details about the diplomatic meeting with the Magusians.

“Diplomat Underwood, the diplomat we had down there, had suggested that we can at least give them a non-aggression pact.”

“Well, let’s see if they can agree to a non-aggression pact.”

0500 (Early Hour), Quiet 94th, 195 AE

1000 September 2nd, 2019 CE

In a hotel meeting room near Port Everglades

“This area seems good.”

“Well then, we can arrange that easily.”

The diplomats were discussing the location of the temporary embassy. Then the phone rang. Diplomat Underwood had sent the information about the meeting through others since he had to continue on with the meeting. Now the Secretary of State herself was directly calling him.

<<<“Diplomat Underwood?”


“I know that you are currently busy with the meeting but I would like to tell you the President’s decision right now. He agrees that we can’t accept it but we could try to negotiate a mutual defense treaty.”>>>

Diplomat Underwood nodded and hung up. Ambassador Jacques was curious.

“What was that?”

“This is a telephone that my country commonly uses for long-range communications. I got a call from my superior about the treaty that you presented us.”

The Magusian diplomats were surprised that the Americans had a telephone and were interested in its weird shape. More and more, it seemed to them that this country called the United States of America may be on par with them or the Mach. The buildings and some technology of the Americans seemed like it. Their reaction to the weapons also made sense if that was true.

“So what was the reply from your President.”

“As I have said, we can’t agree with your treaty. However, we can agree to a non-aggression treaty.”

“Well, that is disappointing to hear. We will discuss this non-aggression treaty that you proposed in the future. Allow us to continue talking about establishing this temporary embassy.”

0700 (Mid Hour), Quiet 95th, 195 AE

Port Bannock, Mach Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

2 Desmond-class Battleships, 8 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and 20 destroyers were leaving port. Force A, a naval squadron put together by the Mach Imperium in a week, was steaming towards the Bem Kingdom in order to gather more forces.

7 days earlier

0600 (Mid Hour), Quiet 88th, 195 AE

Industropolis, Mach Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Whether or not they are descendants of our people, I don’t care. That continent is full of untouched resources. If we could get our hands on it, we can build a bigger navy than our current 230 ships and an army with thousands of tanks! Think about it your highness! Think about it! Thousands upon thousands of tanks rolling through no mans land as we smash through the Magusian defenses! Hundreds of ships shelling their coastal defenses while they try to feebly counterfire! With an army and navy like that, the Magusians will stand no chance! We need to subjugate that nation on the Formidon continent as quickly as possible.”

A seemingly crazed man was talking to the Emperor. That crazed man was the war advisor and head general of the Mach military.

“We can send a naval squadron to do that."

“Sir, just a naval squadron is not enough, we need to send soldiers to completely subjugate the land.”

“Then send Bem soldiers.”

“Why include the Bems? We can send our own soldiers.”

“Have you forgotten what happened when my great grandfather tried to take over that continent? Thousands of Machian soldiers were slaughtered when the birds appeared. Only the navy was able to escape. I’m not doing a repeat of that. We’re sending a naval squadron with soldiers from Bem. We can spare some resources as a reward for their kingdom’s participation.”

“As you wish your majesty. I will prepare a squadron and notify the Bem of our intentions.”


Image result for gewehr 98

AG-2 (Apparatus Gun which is latin for Machine Gun)

Image result for hotchkiss m1900

Industro II

Image result for renault ft

Has a slightly bigger gun than shown in the picture (The picture shows a 37 mm instead of a 40 mm)

Desmond-class battleship

Image result for helgoland class battleshipImage result for helgoland class battleship

Image result for helgoland class battleship

Maximil figther

Image result for Sopwith camel

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