America In Another World

Chapter 7 – Become Our Vassal State

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Hi guys! I have been very busy recently (A literal avalanche of homework) and I noticed the spike in comments. I will try my best to respond to them. Also, I can't thank you guys enough for getting me into Trending. A double release might come out soon (Give me a couple of weeks for the homework giving to calm down).

"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want" - General William Tecumseh Sherman - Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue by Toby Keith

1000 (Early Hour), Quiet 94th, 195 AE

Primopolis, Septentrio Magus Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

News about how the meeting went with the Americans and the information gained about the Americans were reported to Emperor Arstant.

“I suppose we can agree to their non-aggression pact.”

Even though Robertus was only a messenger, he was also a close friend and advisor. He may not have as much experience as the actual older advisors and he may get easily excited but he is bright.

“Your majesty, if I may express my opinion.”

“Go ahead.”

“I believe that they might have refused because the required payment might be a bit too high.”

“You have always expressed that Casca. It definitely wasn’t because of this. According to the report, Jacques told me that the United States wasn’t willing to agree to our defense treaty because they felt that this will get them involved in wars. You should also think about the reason why our payment is so high. The reason why we have that payment is because of the stress on our Imperium and the resources we have to expand. We are like a... world police that ensures the safety of the other nations. We must accomplish this duty while still taking care of our own country.”

“Why must our Imperium be like a ‘world police’?”

“Well Cascus, the reason is that there is no other nation strong enough to counter the Mach who is the criminal. If there were, I would gladly let them take care of the world. I myself am getting tired of always having to keep the Mach in check. If only there was another country.”

1500 September 5th, 2019 CE

Washington D.C., United States of America, Formidon Continent

President Hayes was enjoying a nice glass of sweet tea in his office and was looking over various reports.

Sheesh… I’m tired. All I wanted was a quiet term to serve and lead my country. At least nothing else is happening and things are going great. Fuel problems are resolved. Relations with other nations in this world are being established. The phoenixes have been pushed back to the ridges of the Northern Frontier and companies have begun setting up mines and other things there. Some people have even started to settle the land. A defining feature of the American past. The Wild West. I wonder if the Northern Frontier can be something like that. A revival of a defining feature of American history.

There are some minor issues as of right now but nothing too major. Some people are protesting the “massacre” of the phoenixes and some companies have been impacted badly from being cut off from our original world. Nothing too bad. Congress is also passing quite a few laws. I was very surprised at the amount. Usually, it takes them ages to get something passed. The most important of them would probably be the “Technology Safeguard Act”. Just something to make sure we maintain technological supremacy. I hope this calm goes on. As my motto says
“Work hard and fix everything first, then be lazy.” I will be so unhappy if someone tried to invade us or start a war or something.

Unknown to the President, he’s going to be very unhappy very soon.

Somewhere in the ocean between the Bem Kingdom and Formidon at night.

Two fleets of ships were making their way towards the Formidon continent. Accompanying the Machian squadron is 20 Bem ships of the line carrying 2,000 soldiers. The Bem ships of the line were in a columnar formation. On the flagship, a Bem admiral in his quarters was drinking some liquor with his vice admiral.

“Damn Mach thinking they can do whatever they want and damn king licking their feet.”

“Admiral, those are treasonous words… but I do agree.”

“This is a suicide mission. A nation on Formidon. Pffft. Last I heard, it was infested with man-eating birds.”

The admiral downed a glass of liquor and continued rambling. He was missing his family and home.

“The people hate that the king listens to the Mach. The Mach literally is the king of our king. We can’t do shit.”

He drank another glass and slammed it down.

Further ahead of the Bem fleet was the ships of the Mach. On a Desmond-class battleship. Another admiral was talking with his close aides. They were enjoying some fine wine.

“This will probably be an easy conquest. A bunch of savages that just sprouted up as a nation after the birds disappeared.”

The Machian diplomat among them joined in.

“Although they are a bunch of savages, we are still required to try to make them a vassal state. Wastes fewer resources than fighting them. Of course, I do hope that they disagree so we can show them the might of our glorious Imperium. To our Imperium!”

The people in the rooms raised their cups.

“Glory to our Imperium. May it last a thousand years.”

Unknown to them, the Mach Imperium will probably not last another year.

In a random bar in Industropolis on the same night

The room was filled with people talking about various things. It ranged from personal matters to current state affairs. A common topic was the nation on Formidon. It started after people noticed and spread the news of the gathering of ships at Port Bannock. The Emperor wasn’t that concerned about keeping it a secret so it soon got out that there was a nation on Formidon. Two men, acquaintances from work, had begun talking about it.

“Finally with this, we can win against those pigs.”

“I don’t understand how conquering a bunch of savages will help us against the Magus.”

“You numbskull. Is there only air in that brain of yours. The reason why we wanted to conquer that continent in the past and now is the resources.”

“Whatever, I relatively don’t care about this politics stuff. As long as it doesn’t affect me. On the subject of me being a numbskull, does your wife know you’re here?”

0930 September 6th, 2019 CE

0545 (Early Hour), Quiet 98th, 195 AE

Miami, United States of America, Formidon Continent

Diplomat Underwood and Translator Hoffman had come to the temporary Magusian embassy after Ambassador Jacque called him about urgent matters.

“Our spies say that a Machian naval squadron consisting of around 30 warships are sailing towards you.”

“Do you know what their intent is?”

“We aren’t quite sure but we believe that they may be on their way to invade you.”

0950 September 6th, 2019 CE

Washington D.C., United States of America, Formidon Continent

<<< “Mr.President! We need you in the Situation Room now. This is urgent!” >>>

… I got a bad feeling about this

A few minutes later in the Situation Room

...Great… I really shouldn’t have thought of that yesterday.

The President and the rest of the National Security Council learned that the Magusians had intelligence about a possible Machian invasion. Currently satellites were trying to find out whether or not this was true.

1112 September 6th, 2019 CE

They were looking at satellite images depicting a total of 52 ships. 32 ships were in a group and all made of metal while another 20 ships were in a group behind and seemed to be made of wood. Cralson was explaining.

“At around 1050, this morning, our satellites spotted two formations of ships in the middle of the ocean between our continent and the Impertoria continent. We believe its a mix of Bem and Machian warships. They seem to be sailing directly towards Miami.”

Everyone showed faces of concern. The President was asking questions.

“How long will it take them to get here.”

“It is predicted that it will take them about 14 days. The Machian ships have greatly reduced their speeds to somewhat match with the Bems.”

“What do we think their intention is? It doesn’t seem peaceful.”

“Seeing that they are a group of heavily armed warships. According to the Magusians, it is hostile.”

1500 September 6th, 2019 CE

0730 (Mid Hour), Quiet 98th, 195 AE

Miami, United States of America, Formidon Continent

“Diplomat Underwood, I believe it is in your country’s best interest in accepting the mutual defense treaty.”

“I have said it many times. My country has absolutely no interest in that.”

“The Machian will probably back down if they know they will immediately have to go to war with us if they attack you. Agree to the treaty and your country is saved.”

“Our country is able to defend itself.”

“Then I will have to leave. I believe it isn’t safe for me to be here. However, I will leave behind some minimal personnel to maintain contact.”

“Then I hope we can meet again.”

Ambassador Jacques got up and left with a solemn face

1323 September 20th, 2019 CE

0641 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

Miami, United States of America, Formidon Continent

A few days ago, the United States went into DEFCON 3. Most Magusians and all the Albeans have left. However, a group of 4 very low-rank Magusians have been left behind with some communication equipment. They were ordered to escape and destroy the equipment if the Americans failed to stop the Machians.

A few miles away from Miami.

Admiral Publius was looking out the bridge. Within an hour, they would arrive.

While looking through his binoculars, he noticed something that was approaching at a very fast speed. He focused on it and waited for it to approach. It didn’t seem like the man-eating bird. As it got closer he identified it as a weird aircraft. Instead of the propellers being in front of the aircraft, it was above. All the others in the bridge started to notice it. People started murmuring to each other.

“What is that?”

“I don’t know”

Admiral Publius took the initiative

“Put everyone on alert. Prepare for battle”

A few minutes later

The weird aircraft was only a few miles away. A loud voice came out of it.

<<< “This is the United States Armed Forces. We request, on behalf of our government, that you advance no further. We will allow one of your ships to dock and explain. I repeat. This is the United States Armed Forces. We request, on behalf of our government, that you advance no further. We will allow one of your ships to dock and explain.” >>>

“Admiral, what do we do?”

“Let our ship advance. Communicate to the others to stay behind.”

“Couldn’t this be a trap? That weird aircraft could be using it as a chance to destroy our ship and escape before the others can catch up. We could just all advance forward and blow them apart.”

“Do you doubt the power of a ship named after our Emperor? That aircraft will be blown out of the sky if they do anything. Our diplomat wanted to open up negotiations first before any action.”

The Desmond-class battleship started to move forward.

1410 September 20th, 2019 CE

0705 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

Miami, United States of America, Formidon Continent

There were news crews and civilians everywhere. The people were being kept back by police and military. This was receiving much more coverage and much earlier than the Albeans and Magusians because of the obvious military buildup in the surrounding area. When the Albeans and Magusians came, it was more unexpected and the government tried to keep it low. There was a bit of news coverage after people noticed. This time it was different. Diplomat Underwood was there to greet the Machians. The Desmond-class battleship had just docked. Two well-dressed men accompanied by 10 sailors carrying rifles got off. Diplomat Underwood greeted them. One of the well-dressed men spoke.

“I’m Admiral Publius of the Machian Navy and this is Diplomat Felix. We would like for you to hear our proposal.”

Translator Hoffman was also there and explained it to Underwood. Diplomat Felix handed a paper to Underwood who gave it to Hoffman.

“Basically we want you to become our vassal state.”

Diplomat Underwood raised an eyebrow after Hoffman translated what was said.

Bem Ship of the Line

Image result for ship of the line

Mach Heavy Cruiser

Image result for SMS blucher

Image result for SMS blucher

Mach Light Cruiser

Image result for Arethusa-class cruiser 1913

Image result for Arethusa-class cruiser 1913

Mach Destroyer

Image result for wickes class destroyer

Image result for wickes class destroyer

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