America In Another World

Chapter 8 – It Has Begun

Condition of your author: Halfway dead... lol XP

I have been so busy that I nearly wasn't able to get this out in time. I now have some time (I really want to relax and laze around in the sunshine) so I'm going to be doing a lot of stuff. Editing, answering all of your comments and figuring out the specifics of my next novel (The plot has already been conceived).

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Orange now represents Latin/Common Language/Imperial Language 

"We're not just going to shoot the bastards, we're going to rip out their living goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks." - General George S. Patton

Warrior Song

The footnotes give info about vehicles

1414 September 20th, 2019 CE

0707 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

Miami, United States of America, Formidon Continent

“Hoffman, are you sure you translated that correctly?”

“I’m pretty sure that is what he said.”

“Make him repeat it.”

Hoffman asked.

Diplomat Felix started gloating.

“Ah. I might not have been clear. Our generous and almighty Mach Imperium have given you barbarians a chance to become a vassal state of our glorious country. It would be wise to accept.”

Hoffman translated and also explained the contents of the papers that were handed to him.

“This ‘treaty’ is basically what he had just said. It also adds certain conditions. Something along the lines of complete obedience and high amounts of tribute. They want us to become a vassal state to their country.”

Diplomat Underwood looked towards Diplomat Felix with a calm face. 

“Our country will not become a vassal state to your country. We have already refused the mutual defense treaty given to us by the Magusians. We would like to stay neutral to any conflicts that you two countries may have. The United States of America will not agree to any proposal that is against its interests.”

Diplomat Felix started to sound more and more threatening.

“Then that is really regretful. We have given you barbarians the great honor of being able to ally yourselves with us. Since you have refused, the Mach Imperium and Ben Kingdom hereby declare war on you. However, we are merciful people. You have 12 hours (24 hours in our time) to surrender. If we get no response within that time frame, our fleet will invade. We will burn this city down to the ground and kill every single one of your people.”

After the Machians departed, Diplomat Underwood stood there with an extremely and uncanny calm face.

“Contact Washington”

1500 September 20th, 2019 CE

0730 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

Many miles off the shores of Miami

Admiral Publius was talking to Diplomat Felix when they returned to the rest of the fleet.

“Diplomat, are you sure about this. The aircraft they used earlier seemed to be advanced.”

“Admiral, I know the situation of the world. No country other than the Magusians can put up resistance that can stop us. Sure their aircraft with the propeller on top may seem advanced, in reality, it is inferior to our aircraft. It doesn’t have any weapons on it and it seems less maneuverable compared to our Maximil fighters. It is not fit for air to air combat or anything else in particular. These ‘Americans’ might have created it because it was easy to make. The anti-air cannons on our ships can easily deal with it.”

As a military man, the Admiral has some doubts but didn’t question the superiority of his Imperium.

Unknown to them, they were already surrounded.

1500 September 20th, 2019 CE


“Commander, they are well within the range of our torpedoes. We can blast every single one of them out of the water within mere minutes.”

The Commander was stern and focused on the radar screen.

“Washington hasn’t given the go-ahead yet.”

Hidden underwater near the Bem and Machian fleet was Submarine Squadron 6 and Submarine Squadron 4. It consisted of a total of 6 Los-Angeles-class1

and 7 Virginia-class nuclear attack submarines. Out of sight but close to the Bem and Machian fleet was also two carrier strike groups. This was a total of two Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carriers, two Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers, and four Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers. There was also an additional 6 Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer present as an engagement force. The submarines have 4 torpedo tubes each and have a large number of torpedoes in stock. The Mark-45 5-inch (127 mm) guns and Mark 41 Vertical Launching Systems of the cruisers and destroyers were ready. F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets2

were also ready for liftoff from the USS George Washington (CVN 73) and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). F-35 Lightning IIs3

from multiple Air Force bases across Florida were preparing as extra support. The fighter jets were loaded with a variety of air to surface missiles and guided bomb units (GBU).

1420 September 20th, 2019 CE

0710 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE 

Washington D.C., United States of America, Formidon Continent

The President was on his phone in the Situation Room.

<<< “They want us to become their WHAT?!”

“Sir, our diplomat refused it but then the…” >>>

After a few more minutes of talking, the President got off the phone. 

“Get us to DEFCON 2. I’m going to need to inform the people about our current situation.”

“Mr. President, news outlets have already had Latin translators translate what was said. The people know and they are outraged.”

1445 September 20th, 2019 CE

0722 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

A random news station 

News stations across America were in a frenzy. In channels that report news, all other programming was pushed back for this breaking news. Here is an example from a news channel.

<<<  “Good afternoon. I’m Martin Sods. We are interrupting this broadcast to bring you breaking news of a possible declaration of war against the United States. At around 2:10, this afternoon, a ship representing the Mach Imperium and Bem kingdom arrived in Port Everglades. This was also the place where the Albeans and Magusians docked less than a month earlier and established a good relationship with the United States.”

A labeled political map appeared on the screen that labeled the countries.

“From our translators, we were able to learn that the people who represented the Mach Imperium and Bem Kingdom immediately demanded the United States of America to become a vassal state of the Mach Imperium. Of course, our diplomat immediately refused. Then the representative of the Mach Imperium and Bem Kingdom proceeded to declare war on the United States. The representative said that they were willing to wait for 24 hours for a response from the United States gover… I’m getting word that the President is making an announcement. This is live footage of the President’s address on this situation.”

The screen switched to the president behind a podium. 

“My fellow Americans, at around 2 pm Eastern Time today, our diplomats made contact with diplomats representing the Mach Imperium and Bem Kingdom. They gave us the offer of becoming their vassal state and when we refused, they threatened us with a war within 24 hours if we did not submit. As we speak, there is a Machian and Bem fleet positioned right outside of US territorial waters near Florida and are ready to advance. However, the US navy is positioned and ready to strike if they dare enter American waters. Although we want peace, we do not believe that peace is so sweet as to be purchased at the cost of our liberty. As of right now, we will try to resolve this peacefully and request that they advance no further. May God bless the United States of America.” >>>

1500 September 20th, 2019 CE

0730 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE 

Washington D.C., United States of America, Formidon Continent

The President was in the Situation Room and was viewing live footage from a surveillance drone. An RQ-4 Global Hawk was flying far above the Machian and Bem fleet while recording and sending live footage to the Situation Room. 

“Mr. President, all our forces are in place and ready to strike.”

“Tell them that we will never agree to their demands and that they will be fired upon if they tried to proceed any further.”

1520 September 20th, 2019 CE

0710 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

Many miles off the shores of Miami

“Admiral, another plane seems to be incoming.”

“I hope that they are wise and agree to our demands. It would be a real pity if they didn’t.”

<<< “Here is a message from the government and people of the United States of America. We will never agree to your terms. We request that you send a single ship for further negotiations. We will open fire if all of your ships advance. I repeat we will open fire if all ships advance.” >>>

The admiral was looking out the bridge.

“Diplomat, what do we do?”

“Per the king’s instructions, if they refuse we will attack. Commence the attack Admiral.”

Admiral Publius turned back to his sailors.

“Let’s ignore that puny aircraft. We are heading straight for their city. Signal for all ships to advance.”

1525 September 20th, 2019 CE

0733 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE 

Washington D.C., United States of America, Formidon Continent

On the screen, the ships started to advance. The Sikorsky Sh-60 Seahawk helicopter4

was staying a distance away from the ships and was ready to pull back if they were fired upon. Strangely, even though the ships all started to advance, the ships ignored it. The President was confused as to why the helicopter wasn’t fired upon but decided to warn the Machian and Bem again. He had also already been informed about what US naval units were positioned there. 

“Tell the helicopter to warn them again. Also, get the engagement force and fire warning shots if they do not desist.”

1530 September 20th, 2019 CE

0745 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

 Many miles off the shores of Miami


The messages from the aircraft were ignored. The two Desmond-class battleships were going at its top speed of 23.6 miles per hour towards the city. Going at top speed will go through a lot of coal but they had already been replenished by colliers. A sailor on the Desmond-class battleship noticed something.

Admiral! We have multiple ships sighted over the horizon to our left.”

“Let them approach. When they get within 10 miles, our ship and the other Desmond-class battleship will open fire.” 

The Admiral was calm since no known ship of that time could outrange the Desmond-class battleship. Being one of the most advanced ships of its time, it had a maximum firing range of about 10 miles. They could pummel any ship that dares try to get close.

1530 September 20th, 2019 CE

0745 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

 Many miles off the shores of Miami

“Commander, we have spotted the Machian and Bem fleet.”

The Commander of the Arleigh-Burke-class destroyer got on his radio with the other commanders.

“Once we get into range, we will each fire a warning shot and then disengage.”

The Arleigh-Burke-class destroyers were going at a top speed of 35 miles per hour and were quick long approaching its effective firing range of 15 miles. It could fire up to 20 miles but wasn’t 100% accurate beyond 15 miles. It’s also could fire 16-20 rounds per minute automatic. Of course after exhausting 16-20 rounds, it will take time to reload.

1545 September 20th, 2019 CE

0752 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

 Many miles off the shores of Miami

“Admiral! They opened fire!”

“Opened fire? What’s does the rangefinder indicate?”

“They are about 14 to 15 miles out sir!”

“Those are probably warning shots. Those can’t get anywhere near us.”

Right after saying that, 6 pillars of water rose up around the fleet. The admiral was flabbergasted.

What?! Impossible! To have a range of more than 10 miles! Is that rangefinder accurate?”

“It is sir.”


Both Desmond-class battleships had its guns pointed towards the 6 ships that had opened fire on them. However, they were way out of range and seemed to have no interest in getting closer.

“Admiral, what do we do?”

“Press forward! They don’t seem to fire accurately and seems to take time to reload!”

1550 September 20th, 2019 CE

0755 (Mid Hour), Quiet 112th, 195 AE

 Hidden under the ocean near the Machian and Bem fleet

“Washington has given the go-ahead. They want us to sink the two battleships.”


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