America In Another World

Chapter 81 Part 1 – Bombardment

Sorry about the delay. I completely forgot to upload it yesterday. Also, the chapter is in parts cause of how busy I am currently. Had to write a lot of essays. 

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1110 May 16th, 2020 CE

0835 Sun 46th, 196 AE

Outside the Port City of Jahlean, Elven Nation

“I guess we are sieging the city.” 

It was quiet. There was no sound of artillery or bullets. Only the sound of idling engines and men chatting away. 

“Well, the orders are just to stay outside of the city. Doesn’t say anything about a siege. We could be waiting for reinforcements.” 

“It doesn’t seem that the elves want to advance. They are just holing up in there. We might as well leave them there if they aren’t gonna attack us.” 

“It’s gonna be a hassle if we don’t do something about them since we will have to protect our logistics from possible attacks. Might as well as get rid of concentrated enemy units before they become a problem.”

“Do we even know what’s inside the city? Are there any elven soldiers? I haven’t seen one since we began this invasion.”

“Well, intel has nothing. They are probably just a ragtag group of armed citizenry.” 

“Can we just start calling them terrorists? I don’t see much of a difference at this point. They just seem to be Taliban with World War 2 weaponry and thoughts.” 


Near Primopolis, Magus Imperium

After stepping off the plane and onto the airfield, Renout felt a sense of relief since he was finally back in his home country. A tent had been set up nearby and Magusian soldiers directed him and the rest of the people who have been rescued to it. A few minutes in a line, Renout entered the tent. A Magusian officer looked up.“Full name and the place you are from.”

“I’m Renout Hewet. I’m from the village of Hallfeld.”

The Magusian officer looked back down onto his desk and started writing. “That has been completely burnt to the ground. You could try to return to rebuild it but I can’t see how much one man can do. Do you have any relatives or friends that are willing to house you?” 

Renault hesitated. “...I have a question about that.”

The Magusian officer didn’t look up. “Yes?”

“I’m trying to find my parents and younger sister. They have been captured by the elves. Have they come through here?”

The officer opened a drawer in his desk and took out a book and opened it. “We have a very short list of people who have been rescued. Can I have their names?”

“Anna Hewet, Emelnie Hewet, and Arthurus Hewet.”

After flipping through the book, the officer shook his head. “Sorry, they aren’t on the list. If you have nowhere to go, we are providing five days of free lodging at nearby hotels.”

“Will all those who are rescued going to come through here?”

“I’m not sure about that. As of right now, yes.”

“Alright. Thanks.”

“There’s a tent to the right. They will send you to the hotel and give you some more help.”


Walking out, Renout saw a poster on the wall. On it was a soldier holding a rifle charging forward. Emblazoned on it below was “Your Imperium Needs You!”

He thought about it. If he could go, he could try to save his parents and sister himself. He was scared to actually join. He had kept his head down when he was a slave to the elves and now he wants to go back there and fight them. He wondered if it was even reasonable since he had just gotten out of that hellhole. He was quite a lonely person and didn’t make many friends because of his awkwardness. He also knew that the idea of going to save his family by himself was absurd. How long was it going to take to train him? Would his family have returned by the time he was sent to battle? Will he even be sent to the right area? The thoughts circled through his head. 


A few minutes after Renout’s exit, Frery entered the tent. 

“Full name and the place you are from?”  

“I’m Frery Gauvain. I’m an engineer at the Fowke Aviation Company. I’m looking to return to the headquarters at Laufenberg.”

“I meant the place that you live at. Not the place you work at.” 

“I live at Laufenberg.” 

The officer looked up. “How were you captured by the elves?”

“I was on vacation.”

“Well, nothing happened at Laufenberg. It was far away from the fighting.”

“Then, I would like to go there. I need to have an urgent meeting with my boss.” 

“Okay. We will provide you with a train ticket to the city.”   


1235 May 20th, 2020 CE

0917 Sun 50th, 196 AE

Washington D.C.

The President looked at a satellite map of the Elven Nation. General Griffith briefed him on the current situation. “Other than their major cities, everything on this side of the mountain range has been secured. The towns and villages have been much easier to deal with. We are laying siege to multiple cities. Mr. President, we will save more lives if we advance into the city instead of sieging it. Sieges will just leave to more suffering from both sides and the will of the elves are undeniably strong. They have already been there for 4 days. They may prefer starvation to surrender.”

“The losses we will take from these battles will be too grave… “ President Hayes pondered quietly for a bit. “Alright, General, you have your wish. I’m authorizing the use of artillery and airstrikes on any groups of identified armed elves in the city. Pass that down the chain.”

Port City of Jahlean

A woman carried a basket of fruits that was gathered from her master’s small front yard garden. Right next to her master’s house, a group of armed elves stood behind a makeshift barricade. The elves decided to set up defenses street by street to make the fight as bloody as possible. One of the elves eyed her as she went back into the house. She hurried into the house. After setting down the fruit basket, she looked around to make sure no one was home and went to the room that had been provided to her. It was a small room and the only thing provided was a ragged mat to sleep on. 

“We will be saved soon…”

Emeline looked at her daughter, Anna, in the room. Anna slept quietly. She was gaunt and was likely still hungry. They had been through unspeakable things but the end seemed to be drawing near. From what she has seen and heard, the city had been surrounded.


2200 May 20th, 2020 CE

0200 Sun 51st, 196 AE

Emeline awoke to a whistling noise. The ground shook as explosions occurred outside.

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