America In Another World

Chapter 81 Part 2 – Bombardment

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2130 May 20th, 2020 CE

0145 Sun 51st, 196 AE

Outside the Port City of Jahlean

“Our drones have found barricades set up throughout the city with armed elves manning them. A few of them even have elven children there.”

“Are they armed?”

“We observed them holding what seems to be guns.”

“If they are armed, they are a threat.”

“The streets aren’t that wide so surrounding houses might be destroyed.”

“We will have to take that chance then. Only target the barricades with armed elves or any area with a concentration of them”

“Understood, sir.” 


M109A7 Paladins of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment raised their guns and fired in unison. Their shells went for different targets across the city.

2246 May 20th, 2020 CE

0223 Sun 51st, 196 AE

Kasnor Human Concentration Camp, Elven Nation

A soldier talked to a war correspondent observing the evacuation. They walked past a parked Abrams and a few of the crew hanging around. “We are currently evacuating these Magusian civilians. This is the biggest concentration camp we believe that the elves have. About 10,000 Magusian civilians were held here.”

“How many were saved?”

“Around 9,500. Luckily, the elves just started executing prisoners when we rolled up. We caught them off guard by advancing at night. Most of the elves ran. The ones we have captured seem to be have been confused at the ongoing situation.” 

“I heard that there are multiple other concentration camps. What happened to those?”

“The operation to free the prisoners started six days ago when Special Forces and Army Rangers secured multiple small and medium-sized concentration camps.”

“Why was this camp not prioritized?”

“Being this large in size and so densely packed, sending in a small or medium force would have been unwise. The distance made any insertion via air impossible. We are literally next to the mountains that cut this entire country in half. This camp was a priority target though and ground troops got here as fast as possible. There should be a ton of elves crawling around in those mountains so we are getting these Magusian civilians out as fast as possible.” 

Close by, an Osprey took off. 

“Is it ok if I questioned a few of the Magusians?”

“Feel free to do so but they speak Latin. I can translate for you to a degree.” 

The soldier went around asking those who were still waiting for a helicopter. Many responded with stories of how they were starved, forced to work, and shot for not working fast enough or collapsing. The war correspondent took multiple pictures of the interior and exterior of multiple buildings. The execution sites were also captured on camera. A picture of an Ospreys full of Magusians was also taken and a few pictures of CH-53E Super Stallions and Ospreys lifting into the air. 


Port City of Jahlean

“Don’t cry… we will be fine…” 

Emeline tried to soothe Anna. Explosions after explosions occurred and the ground shook violently. A deafening explosion occurred and the wall caved in. 


Abrams and Bradleys entered the city. The barricade at the outskirts of the city had already been destroyed by shots from the Abrams. Issac followed his squad towards the city. Even with the artillery bombardments, the elves put up stiff resistance, and house-to-house fighting occurred. 


A few hours later

Issac sat down on the street and leaned his head back. Jacob stood before him. “We have secured half of the city.” 

“Only half? Sheesh.”

“We have a much smaller force trying to take over a big city. Of course, we only secured half.”

Across the elven cities of the southern side of the mountains, similar fighting raged on. 


Nilfelon, Elven Nation

A Sherman tank rolled down a street. Magusian infantry flanked it. Suddenly a rocket shot out and flew over the turret of the tank. Its .30 caliber machine guns opened up and the Magusian started shooting. 


0301 May 21st, 2020 CE

0433 Sun 51st, 196 AE

Galath Mountain Range, Elven Nation

Gerald talked to Scott over the comms. “Seems like they haven’t learned that their static defenses aren’t gonna do shit in the end.” 

“Hah. The Magusian food is doing more damage to us than they are.” 

Gerald snickered. “I hope Hayden will be alright. We told him not to eat it.” 

A squadron of F-15Es dropped loads of bombs onto the Galath Mountain Range. Anti-aircraft fire sprayed into the sky but nothing was hit. They just made the targets much more obvious. 


???, Elven Nation

One of the generals reported to Tarron. “My Leader, the defenses outside of the base have been devastated by air attacks.”

“It’s fine we still have our troops inside the mountains. They will be protected.”

Anfalen spoke up. “My Leader, I still suggest we disperse our troops. We have been setting up defensive positions after defensive positions and none of them are working. The Americans have the capability to destroy any sort of organized defense we throw at them.” 

“Anfalen, when did you become a general? You are the Head of Intelligence. Not a person who makes military decisions. Isn’t that right gentleelves?”

The general staff snickered and nodded.


Anfalen sat down in the chair of his new “home”. It was more of an apartment than a normal house. “They are all fucking yesmen…”

An elf with short blond hair and ears that pointed a bit upwards looked out from the kitchen.  “Anfalen, it's your first time home. You should think of something other than work.” 

“Well, we can’t really call this home. Can we?”

“I know. I know. But we have to make do.” 

Anfalen laughed and continued on with his previous thought. “When haven’t they been yesmen. It’s just gotten worse. Saelihn, maybe I should do something.” 

“Anfalen. I know your work is important but don’t stress yourself out too much. Tonight, we are having some Petren fish cooked with saltnut sauce.”

Anfalen stood up. “It’s a good thing this place has a large stock of food. I do prefer the fresh stuff though.”

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