America In Another World

Chapter 86 – The Elves Fight On

Sorry about not updating for almost 20 days! I had been suffering from a bacterial infection for two weeks (It started on November 11th and I got better on November 24th). At first I thought it was a cold since I had a cough and runny nose but then a week passed and I got worse. My doctor told me it was some sort of bacterial infection and gave me medicine for it so I'm fine now. That two weeks was just suffering. :< 

Also, I'm 19 now! YAY. 

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Read a chapter ahead ->

1444 May 27th, 2020 CE

1022 Sun 27th, 196 AE

Afvalin, Elven Nation

From far away, the explosions and orange glows could be heard and seen in the night skies of Afvalin. 


The fire control officer looked at the black and white video feed. “We got an Elven armored column down there. Goddamn, how well did they hide their armor.”

“Seems like they crashed them into houses so they could be hidden.”
“Well not like that matters much now.”

The 105 mm on AC-130 circling the city opened up on the four Elven Knights below. 

“We have what seems to be a company of elven infantry coming down that street.”
The 30 mm autocannon made bright white dots on the screen of the thermal camera as rounds hit the elves below.


The battle had been going on for a day and the elves were fighting tooth and nail for their capital city.


0123 May 28th, 2020 CE

0341 Sun 28th, 196 AE

The shooting stopped as the ground shook violently. Bricks fell off of some of the three story buildings. Jacob ducked and yelled at his squad. “Get back into the Bradleys! The buildings are coming down!”

Issac piled into the Bradley along with his squad. “Why the fuck is there an earthquake? What’s the chances of that?”

The Bradley shook violently. A metallic pang rang out as something hit the Bradley from the outside. 

Captain John Rose felt his entire body shake as the ground shook violently. 

<<<“Captain! This is 2nd Platoon. The river is overflowing!” 

“It’s overflowing? How bad?”

“The water in the river is rising up at unbelievable speeds. Shit! All tanks in 2nd Platoon back up! Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! It’s gushing towards us!”>>>

Another voice came on the radio. 

<<<“All units pull out of the city. Find the fastest route possible. The city is submerging!>>>

As the shaking stopped, some water started flowing down the street. John’s tank started moving back. Even with the rising water, elves were shooting again.
“There’s a tank to our left!”

The driver of the Bradley yelled back at Jacob. “The water is getting too high. We have to abandon the Bradley or we will be swept away Everyone get out!”

They have been trying to navigate the city in order to get out but weren’t fast enough. Elves had also tried to stop the Bradley but were quickly dealt with by its 25mm chain gun. 

“Fuck! We need to get on a building. Go!”


Issac waded his way through the gushing water and followed his squad. Entering the house, there was already a few feet of water on the ground. They rushed up the deserted building. Jacob, Issac, and the rest of the squad got onto the roof of the house through a window. The water was filling the street and rising. Their Bradley started floating away. A wave then engulfed it and turned it sideways 

Jacob shook his head. “Fucking hell. The elves must be up to some shit with their magic.”
Issac looked over the roof and at the ground. “Um, the water is still rising… we may need to find higher ground.”

“The building beside us is a story or two higher. We should swim across when the water gets high enough.”
Issac shook his head. “The water is too violent and there are random waves, we can’t swim across”

Jacob nodded. “I’m gonna try to get an evac for us.”


<<<“This is 1st Squad of 2nd Platoon. I have my squad with me. We need an evac here! We are stuck on a building on the east side of the city.”>>>

Issac couldn’t hear what was being said on the other side of the radio but Jacob shouted.

<<<“Just get us something!”>>>

10 minutes later

In the distance, a black helicopter got closer and closer. Issac shouted. “Our ride is here!” 

Jacob looked at the edges of the roof. ”Jesus christ! Get in the helicopter! GO! GO! GO!”

The water was splashing onto the sides of the roof of the building. The men piled into the Blackhawk. As the water started flowing onto the roof, the Blackhawk’s wheels started lifting off the ground. The Blackhawk’s rotors made waves onto the water. Suddenly, a wave of water started coming for them. 

“There’s a fucking wave incoming!” 

“Come on! Get us off the ground!”

The wave barely missed them as the Blackhawk gained altitude. 


Afvalin, Elven Nation

The capital city of the elves was once in a valley that had a river run through it. Now, it was just a massive lake. Debris floated around in the water and the structures that hadn’t been swept away stuck out of the water. It was as if a hurricane just swept through. A few Blackhawks and Chinooks flew over the flooded city. An F-15 flew by. In one of the Blackhawks, Issac looked out. “They fucking sacrificed an entire city, their capital, just to kill a few of us.”

Jacob took in the view. “Probably for their sense of pride or something. The elves’ mentality doesn’t differ that much from a human’s. I guess. If we can’t have it, you can’t have it either.”


0444 May 28th, 2020 CE

0522 Sun 28th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

Ronell looked very stern. “How many men did we lose?”

Cralson looked grim. “A couple hundred were drowned. We lost five Abrams, two Bradley, and a couple of other vehicles. This was completely out of our expectations. Fucking magic bullshit.”

“We have to look out for things like these in the future. I would like all units to stay about a mile away from rivers.”

“We could ask the elven official that surrendered to us. He may know something.”


Port City of Filanneas

Anfalen shook his head. “I did not know that Tarron had any plans to submerge the capital city.”

Daniel nodded. “Can your entire country be submerged again?”

“We aren’t capable of submerging this country as of right now. We were able to submerge our country and keep it submerged because of the last Great Magus. We surfaced our continent right when he died. The current Great Magus doesn’t have the power to submerge us or keep us submerged. The Great Magus with that amount of ability comes about once every few thousand years.”

“Good to hear that we only have to deal with one of these bastards.”

“Well, if the capital is gone, then the current Great Magus might be dead. With great amounts of mana, comes great physical weakness. So much mana in one elf is not good for their health. I don’t believe that the current Great Magus could have moved out of there. I remember the successor of the current Great Magus wasn’t that powerful. We were still trying to find a suitable replacement for him.”


Washington D.C.

Ronell was delighted to hear that the chances of another flooding incident happening wasn’t likely. However, the ‘stay away from rivers’ command was still in effect just in case. The President sat in the Situation Room for a briefing by General Thompson.  “We are seeing a general breakdown of order among their units. We have some units seemingly retreating in a similar southern direction. However we have many units that are holding their ground yet not covering anybody’s retreat. There are some units moving in a completely unreasonable direction. According to military intelligence, it is highly likely that Tarron Venharice is dead.”


Forest of Origin, Elven Nation

Colonel General Vuduin Roqen took in the forest. “I have never actually visited this place before.”

Tarron looked around. “Our ancestors ruled these forests during the days when we used bows and arrows. Well, not much is left of that time. The forest reclaimed it all when we ventured outwards.”


A few minutes later
“Here’s my plan. We will begin building a base in this forest. Multiple small spread out camps. Each with an independent yet still unified command. The Americans can easily destroy concentrated formations of us and find ways to tear apart our chain of command. This forest is perfect for ambushes. Their armor can’t enter the forest.”

Tarron nodded to Vuduin’s words. “What will we do about our armor? We can’t just abandon them outside the forest.”

“Our armor has proven quite ineffective against theirs. At this point, they are just metal coffins. The Titan was killed without even putting up a fight. At most, we bring our Stallions.”

“The Knights have some use. We can entrench them and make them into bunkers. We can even hide the few Fortresses we have until the day we use them again.”


May 29th

Sun 29th

Galath Mountain Range

With Elven forces in disarray, US and Magusian forces easily crossed over the mountains. The scattered elven units that tried to hold their ground were easily pushed aside.

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