America In Another World

Chapter 87 – Crumbling Power

Sorry about the late release. It's nearing the end of the semester for me which means I have final projects and final exams. Obligations... *massive sigh*. 

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0246 May 29th, 2020 CE

0423 Sun 29th, 196 AE

On the other side of the Galath Mountain Range


Nick’s Abrams came to a halt. “We have elven soldiers right in front of us. Fire!”

The shell exploded on the ten or so elves on the hill. Some elves panickedly stood up with their weapons while others were frozen in shock. Suddenly they started shouting. “We surrender! We surrender!”

Droves of elves put their hands up and laid down their weapons. Nick’s Abrams along with the rest of the platoon drove close to the surrendering elves and stopped. 

Connolly smiled “Huh… nice. Either their fighting spirit is gone or these are just a bunch of untrained conscripts.”

Nick stared at them through the slit of the commander’s hatch. “Well, look at them. Some of them seem to be starving. I guess their logistics fell apart.”

Infantry started arriving to secure the surrendering elves. 


10 minutes later

An elf ran into a run-down building. There were many elves in the building but the messenger ran directly to one. “Commander! Human forces are here! Our forward observers have been defeated!”

The elf stood up. “Our ‘Leader’ may have run away in fear of these measly humans but we will face them! Elves! Into positions! They will not take our city!”

“Wooo! Our new Leader!”

A shout came from outside. “Human aircraft! Get into cover!”

Explosions rumbled the ground. The elves dived for the ground and took cover under desks. 


A few minutes later

Another messenger came in through the door. “Commander. Our forces are surrendering! Human tanks are here.”

Shooting and explosions could be heard outside. 

“We are retreating! Get to the car!”


Somewhere in Elven-held territory, Elven Nation

Sitting on the back of the turret of the moving Knight, Ehlark scanned the sky. His head swished back and forth. “There aren’t that many human aircraft overhead anymore.”

Ara, who was sitting in the opened commander’s hatch, replied without looking back at Ehlark. “We are just a magitank on the road. I don’t think the humans will send aircraft just for us. There are probably larger groups moving towards where the Leader is.”

Ara turned her head towards the forest beside the road. A few elves could be seen. In reality, a hundred or so elves were in there. 

Something landed a few feet in front of her Knight and exploded. Ara lurched forward as her Knight came to a sudden halt. Ara, quickly gathering herself, went back into the Knight and closed her hatch. “Enemy magitank to our left! It’s another Knight.” 

The turret started moving. Ehlark slid off of the side of the tank and ran into the forest

Ara looked through the slits of her hatch. Off in the distance, a Knight had its gun aimed at her tank. “Fire!”

Her magitank’s shell hit the front sloped armor.

“First one bounced! Reload. Driver! Turn our tank towards the enemy!”

Another shot came from the enemy Knight and flew over her Knight. 


This time the shot went through the front and an explosion occurred. Ara took a deep breath and let it out. She opened the hatch and looked out towards the destroyed Knight in the grassy field. Ehlark was beside her in an instant. “Are you alright Major General?”

Ara’s eyes widened at the voice of Ehlark. “Oh, Ehlark, you spooked me there. I’m fine.” Ara turned her head to the forest. “I need a squad over here! Check the enemy Knight!”


An elf saluted as he approached her. “Major General. The bodies are definitely elves. The surrounding area seems clear though.”

Ara rubbed her head. “We need to be more careful. We don’t know who is friend or foe now.”


Ehlark and Ara stood side by side while observing the destroyed tank. Ara touched the hole that her Knight made in it. “Any idea which unit they are from?”

Ehlark shook his head. “Based on the designation on it, it should be from the 88th Magipanzer Division. However, the crew aren’t wearing a tanker’s uniform so they could be from another unit.”

Ara frowned. “Their shots are so bad, I don’t think they are a part of the Double Eight unless they started conscripting random elves into their division. I don’t think their pride could have taken it.” 


Four hours later

Ara awaited the response of the village chief. After swallowing, the village chief spoke. “Sorry, Major General. We just restarted production after another group of soldiers took ours. We barely have enough to power our village. Such a measly amount can’t power your vehicles.”

Ara sighed and walked out of the building. Ehlark was standing outside. Ara looked at Ehlark. “We may have to abandon our Knight.”


0845 May 29th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C. 

Ronell looked through the satellite images. “We have spotted increased activity inside this large forest. It seems that a lot of surviving elven units are moving towards this location.”

“Either a new Leader has arisen or Tarron isn’t dead.”

Ronell groaned. “I want this forest destroyed.”

“Understood, Mr. President.”


0833 May 30th, 2020 CE

0716 Sun 30th, 196 AE

Forest of Origin, Elven Nation

Many elves were working on trenches that would crisscross the main base. A single elf came running towards them.  “We have reports of human aircraft! Get back into the bunkers!”


“Our observers outside the forest have reported human aircraft. The humans seem to have found us, sir.”

General of the Infantry Ryo Miahorn nodded. “Of course, this was inevitable. Hopefully, they can’t see through the forest canopy."


Somewhere in the Forest of Origin 

“I seem to be living more underground now than up above.”

Tarron laughed sadly as he drank. He was currently in a dimly lit room with Vuduin. The room was part of a hastily constructed building dug into the ground. There was rapid knocking on the door of his room. Whoever was on the other side of the door shouted. “My Leader! We are under attack! Human aircraft are overhead. They have found us!”

Tarron chuckled. “There seems to be nowhere I can run to anymore.”

Vuduin, who was sitting beside him, raised his glass. “Well, we are with you till the end. Cheers.”


1322 May 30th, 2020 CE

0941 Sun 30th, 196 AE

Washington D.C.

“How’s the provisional government?”

Katerina smiled at Ronell’s question. “Well, Mr. Inaneiros has been setting some things up. They are already making a census and he has elves fixing basic services in the territories we have secured. We are going directly for a democracy after the war in this situation. I wonder how well the elves will adapt to it, having never experienced it.” 

“Well, we are there as a guiding hand. We can probably fix them the same way we fixed the Germans and Japanese after World War 2. They are a nation-state unlike the Mach Imperium. Also, I heard the Bem Kingdom will be having their referendum soon.”

“Ah, yes, that had been delayed until now because the process to strip the nobles of their titles has been complicated. The National Guard unit there has been doing quite a good job at keeping the nobles in check. The king already removed the personal armies of most of the nobles so that helped a lot.”

Ronell smiled. “That’s good to hear. Do we have a set day for the referendum?”

“June 6th. Less than two weeks from now.”

A bit of concern crossed his face on that. 


Aginport, Bem Kingdom 

Private Seth Campbell of the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the Virginia Army National Guard made a big yawn as he stood guard in the street. The sun had just started going down. His squad leader, Staff Sergeant Noah Gonzales chuckled. “Tired, Seth?”

Seth rubbed his eyes. “Well, yeah, we just kicked another one of those nobles' asses yesterday.” 

“That should have been the last one. The referendum is gonna happen soon and if that goes well, we get to go home.”

“I didn’t think being a part of the National Guard would be this much. I thought we would help people out during natural disasters. Not shooting people trying to kill us with muskets”

“Ha. We are still soldiers. Not sure what you expected. National Guard units have been sent to fight wars since World War 2 or something. Well, at least you weren’t here when we deployed to Iraq. I rather fight a bunch of 17th century soldiers with muskets than terrorists with AKs and suicide vests.” 

“Well if you put it that way, I guess so.”

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