America In Another World

Chapter 88 – The Inevitable

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0840 May 30th, 2020 CE

0720 Sun 30th, 196 AE

Forest of Origin, Elven Nation

AA thauguns, positioned in openings in the forest so that their shells didn’t explode in the trees, fired into the air.

“This isn’t working! They are too fast.”

The human planes zoomed by before the manaflak even exploded in the air. 


Mark 77 incendiary bombs dropped from the F-15Es zooming overhead.


“The forest is on fire! We need to put it out!”

“Sir, they are still bombing us. We can’t go out!”

“Anybody who has water abilities! We need you up here!”

“But sir!”

“We have to put out the fire before it spreads even further.” 

Flames chewed through the forest and explosions rocked the ground. 


MacDill Air Force Base, Florida

General Abrams Thompson watched the drone footage that showed the damage done on the forest. “The elves seem to have put the flames out quite fast.” 

His aide snorted. “They have water magic bullshit. Of course they put it out fast.” 

“Well, the President has given specific orders for that forest to be wiped off of the face of this planet. I want more strikes on that forest. Also divert two B-52s on that. I want the place leveled. Carpet bomb it if you need to.” 


1722 May 30th, 2020 CE

The Pentagon

In his office cubicle, Daniel Gretting looked at the report on his computer screen and muttered to himself. “Hm. Weird. These numbers seem to be incorrect. The past few reports were all 3 deaths from airstrikes.”

He scrolled through the report that detailed the latest numbers on civilian casualties. In the end, the information on these reports will have to be compiled into an overall report titled ‘Annual Report on Civilian Casualties In Connection With United States Military Operations in 2020’. Daniel looked at the time. He looked back down at his computer screen. He was just a civilian worker for the Department of Defense and it was nearly time for him to clock out. Rubbing his head, he turned off his computer and stood up. “I will deal with this later. I get the feeling this is complicated shit that I got myself into. Of course it had to be fucking me to notice.”


0250 May 31st, 2020 CE

0425 Sun 31st, 196 AE

87 miles from the Forest of Origin

The Knight started sputtering and suddenly stopped. Ara looked down into the tank. “Has the magibatteries ran out of fuel?”

One of her crew members shouted back. “I think so. It’s not starting.”

“Ok. Everyone get out!”

Ara jumped off the side of the Knight and hit the ground. She turned around and looked at the Knight. The rest of the crew slid off the tank. Ehlark also slid off the side of the tank. Ara looked at Ehlark. “Well, I had hoped it would have gotten us to the Forest of Origin. I didn’t want to steal from those civilians if I had known we would have had to abandon it.”

Ehlark cocked his head. “In military law and rules of conduct, seizing materials from civilians in order to aid the war effort is legal and encouraged.” 

Ara sighed and shook her head. “Are rules all you think about?”


Forest of Origin

Tarron listened intently to Vuduin. “According to reports from those who have recently arrived, there are multiple units who have defected.”

“To the humans?”

“No, my Leader, it seems like they couldn’t bear the humiliation of turning to the humans, so instead they have formed their own independent groups.”

“Well, they will just be a bump in the road for the humans. As long as they don’t attack us, they are free to do whatever they want. It’s probably better since they are bogging down the human advance.”

Vuduin stopped what he was saying. He wanted to warn Tarron that he was losing his grip over the country and many had become disillusioned. Tarron cocked his head. “Colonel General?”

“Oh, sorry. Was thinking if there was anything else. We do have reports of elves being attacked by other elves.” 


Three days later

0506 June 3rd, 2020 CE

0533 Sun 34th, 196 AE

Explosions shook the ground. Loose dirt fell from the ceiling and landed on Tarron’s map. He swept it off and sighed. “They have been bombing for the last four days already.”


Less than a mile away

Ara stood in utter shock. The Forest of Origin looked almost unrecognizable. What was once a lush green forest had become grey charred wood and blackened dirt. “What…”

Ehlark had a grim look on his face. “The humans found out.”

Ara gritted her teeth. “Who goes there!?”

Ara and Ehlark pulled out their pistols while her de facto unit raised their rifles and submachine guns. They turned to face an elf approaching them

“I’m Major General Ara Balra of the 11th Blitzpanzer Division. Who am I speaking to?”

The elf saluted. “Private Rhys Keagella of the Leader Security Company.”

“Is the Leader still alive?”

“He is. We have set up a bunker system in the forest. Human aircraft have been bombarding us daily for the past four days but its been holding up.”

“I would like to meet with the Leader.”

“I will see what I can do. Are these elves from your division?”

“No. These are just survivors that I gathered at random. I haven’t bothered to check which unit they were from.” 


45 minutes later

Ara entered the room and immediately saluted. “My Leader!”

“Major General. I would like to commend you for safely guiding a hundred elves here.”

“Just doing my duty, sir.”

“Good to hear.”

“May I inquire about our current situation? I have not been able to communicate with any form of command.”

Tarron smiled at that. “This is Colonel General Vuduin Roqen. He will update you on the current situation.” 

Ara gave a salute to Vuduin. Vuduin nodded. “Let’s take this conversation outside. There is much to inform you about.”

“Ah, before you two go, I forgot something important. Congratulations, Major General Ara Balra, I’m awarding you a two rank promotion to General of the Magipanzers. Also, so much has been happening for the past few days and this is far overdue but Colonel General Vuduin Roqen, you have been promoted to Field Marshal. I expect much from you two, General of the Magipanzers Balra and Field Marshal Roqen.”

They both saluated. “Thank you my Leader!”

“The Forest of Origin is currently the only place in our actual control. Everything else not controlled by humans is in our de jure control. We have been bombed daily and its worsening. Truth to be told…”

Vuduin stopped. Ara eyed him. Vuduin looked around and lowered his voice. “Truth to be told, I don’t think this war is currently in our favor. Our current government has lost legitimacy. I’m pretty sure you have been fired upon by other elves. I would actually suggest surre… negotiations with the humans.”

“You know if you said that to most other elves, they would probably report you for treason. However, I agree with that. But with how you are saying it, I guess our Leader isn’t too keen on that idea.” 

Vuduin laughed. “I’m a Field Marshal now and I’m currently quite close with Tarron. He will believe my words more than anybody else.”

They exited the bunker. They were deeper in the forest and this portion wasn’t as devastated as other parts of the forest. 

Vuduin continued. “I have been talking with a few other officers who also are thinking like me. But we don’t want to do anything premature.”

“Any orders then?”

“Those 500 or so elves you led here have been assigned to you. We also have a couple hundred elves that will also be under your command. Not much but that will have to do. Which unit were you from, again?”

“The 11th Blitzpanzer Division.”

“I believe we have some survivors from your units. With magipanzers too. They will be assigned to you.”

Ara smiled. “I’m happy to hear. My elves are some hardy ones.”

“Also, I don’t need you to write up a report about what you faced during your retreat here. We have more important things to do. We have been building up defensive positions. Trenches, bunkers, and such. I will take you to the command center and give you the exact locations.”


An hour later

Ara found Ehlark among the other elves she had left.  “Ehlark! I got promoted to General of the Magipanzers. You are under my command now.” 

“Glad to hear that, General.” 

“Not sure if I’m allowed to do this but I’m giving you a five rank promotion. Congratulations Colonel Valzana.”


Ara chuckled. “Any higher you will be a general and I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to do that. But I do need a second in command. You may follow the rules too much but you are probably the most suited.”


0822 June 3rd, 2020 CE

0711 Sun 34th, 196 AE

White House

Cralson updated him on the current military situation. “Most areas have fallen under our control. There has been limited and ineffective resistance from the elves. I believe we have broken them.”

Ronell frowned. “Then why hasn’t this war ended?”

“It seems that the elves would rather become independent forces than surrender to us. We have witnessed elves fighting amongst themselves while still fighting us.” 

Ronell frowned. “Ok, what’s next? Katrina?”

Katrina handed him a report titled ‘Preparations for the First Bem Elections’. “We have the full list of candidates from the electoral committee. The Bem have around an 60% literacy rate so the candidates are using symbols to represent themselves.”

“How’s the security situation there?”
“We have National Guardsmen posted at voting sites, protecting candidates, and patrolling settlements.” 


Aginport, Bem Kingdom 

Seth stood guard at an election site and watched as people walked into the building. He spoke to Noah. “So they are doing the presidential elections first?” 

“There are already a couple parties and quite a few independents on the ballot. They even have a monarchist party.”

Seth raised his eyebrows and groaned. “What?”

“Yeah seriously, I don’t really know their goal but I do hope they just want a figurehead. Well, there’s something even worse. The ‘Noble’s Party.’”

“Oh come on.” 

“Guess what they want.”

“Fuck off. Staff Sergeant. I don’t wanna hear anymore.”

Noah laughed.

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