America In Another World

Chapter 94 – The Homefront

Sorry about the nearly 3 week hiatus. I had a very busy week last week (a lot of tests and assignments). I guess I'm finally actually experiencing college. My second semester feels so much more stressful than my first. I still have no solid idea on what day I will update... as of right now, i'm gonna try updating once a week but I won't have a set day to do so. 

Anyways, I'm not sure how long this arc will be... it could be very short or medium sized... hmmm... we are gonna focus on non-military stuff such as civilian life, politics, and economics. Also, I'm gonna try to upload a working map.


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0755 June 10th, 2020 CE


Keith led his horse back to the stable. He found his father in the house making himself coffee in the kitchen. “Dad. I heard you hired a lot more new employees and bought a few acres of new land. Are you sure we are able to cover the costs?”

His father took a sip from his mug. “People can’t import crops no more so us farms have to do more work. I’m expecting a lot of demand this year.”

Keith poured himself a cup of coffee. “There are rumors that companies are trying to find replacements though.”

“Taking a gamble here. I don’t expect any place on this world to have the capacity to fulfill what our country needs.” 

They sat down drinking. “I’m a bit worried about you, Dad. I’m already 32 years old. Let me help you manage the farm.” 

Keith’s father chuckled. “I told you I won’t let you have the farm until I kick the bucket. I may be getting old but I still have some energy in my bones.” 

“Alright Dad, I will go tend to the pigs.”

“You will never stop asking, will ya?”

“Nope. Until you agree.”

Keith’s father chuckled again. “In your dreams.”


0815 June 10th, 2020 CE

0707 Sun 40th, 196 AE

Port City of Filanneas, Elven Nation

“For your main demands, here's what I can do. The demanded gold, silver, steel, wood, and bricks in 4 years, the military blueprints, and the manuals.” Anfalen stopped. “The 1 million tons of agricultural foodstuffs… is difficult… if not impossible. We have suffered population loss of nearly 50% and I’m not sure what the state of my country’s farms are like at the moment. We are currently depending on American aid. I also can not guarantee the intact and working weapons. Our weapons inventory has been greatly depleted. From my knowledge, the small arms and thauguns should be possible. However, the ships and planes are not possible seeing that most of them have been destroyed."

Jeph frowned. “The 1 million tons of agricultural foodstuff is non-negotiable. We do not have enough to feed our population since you elves burned down almost all the cropland we had in the south.” 

“As I said, we are depending on American aid. We also do not have enough to feed our population. I’m sorry. I’m not able to help you with that.”

“Well, you elves should have thought about that before starting a war.” 

 “I may have a solution.” Both turned to look at Henry. "My country may be able to cover some of the foodstuffs. We are already providing aid to you elves. We should also be able to provide food to the Magus Imperium. However, I currently can not give exact figures on how much.”


1345 June 10th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C. 

President Hayes was being informed of all the agreed terms so far. “A pull out of all US forces once rogue elements have been dealt with.”

The aide stopped to let the President speak. “I know this is something we set as a term but I really have a bad feeling about this part. I would like us to leave as fast as possible.”

Cralson shook his head. “We can’t just abandon them. They don’t have a functioning military capable of countering the rogue units.”  

“I just don’t want ourselves to get into another decade-long war. I want us to leave this powderkeg as soon as possible.”

“Not every insurgency will turn into that and I fully believe in the military’s capabilities against an already defeated enemy that is 70 years technologically behind.”

The aide waited for them to stop so he could continue on about the terms. 


In the ocean 

A fishing ship 50 miles away from New York hauled in their net. “Quite a good catch we have today.”

The newest member of the crew, Paul, checked out the fish in the net. “Hey Curtis, the fish really look odd.”

“These are Redfin Tuna. They have the looks of one but are not actually tuna. Tastes a bit different too.” 

“Isn’t that name a bit misleading?”

“People didn’t want to make up new fish names and we don’t know what the people of this world name their fish. It’s good for business too.” 

“Is there supposed to be a hole in the Redfin Tuna?”

“Huh. No. Untie the net lemme take a look.” Paul pointed to the fish that had a gaping hole right through its side. “Huh…”

As Curtis studied the fish, Paul gave a shout. “Hey, guys, there’s quite a lot of fish like that in here.”

“Dammit, there goes our profits.”

“Guys, could this be the rumored Kraken?”

“We are well outside the restricted areas and this hole seems small for something like a Kraken.” 


Atlanta, Georgia

In an office room, a few people sat around a long rectangular table. A person at the head of the table started talking. “The impact of being transferred here has just started to mellow. Domestic sales have kept us afloat but we had to lay off a few hundred employees. We are hoping to start expanding operations into other countries soon.” 

“Has the government agreed to let us begin expansion?”

“There are still restrictions on travel but we are sure we will be able to begin in three months. The people in the marketing department have a concern though. We have to test the taste of the people in this world. They are not sure if our current line-up of products will suit the tastes of the people here. Especially the different species.”

“I heard the McDonald’s in the Bem Kingdom have been getting good sales on Coca-Cola and Sprite.” 

“That is only one country out of many and they are populated by humans. We will definitely try to identify possible local flavors. We will offer up our current line-up before beginning to present local flavors.”


Somewhere in the Northern Frontier

A group of people trekked through the forest. “Are you sure there is gold up here? I don’t feel comfortable in such foreign places.”

“Just don’t eat any of the plants or whatever. According to the EPA, there’s no animals here so there shouldn’t be anything to creep you out.”

“Aren’t the EPA and CDC still operating here to make sure there isn't any weird stuff? Are you sure we can be here?” 

“They are just making sure there are no harmful and invasive plants or insects or whatever. This land is full of natural resources and the government is selling it to companies. We common folk have to stake a claim too.”

“Um. I thought we were just here to find gold. Why are we talking about land all of a sudden?”

“You are thinking so small, brother. Just grabbing some gold and leaving? No. no. no. We claim the land where we found the gold. That land will be rich with it and we will be rich too.” 

They soon happened upon an open field. “Pretty sure this is corporate land. ExxonMobil, maybe?”

Multiple oil derricks dotted the field.

“Ain’t what we are searching for. Let the corporations go for black gold. We are going for real gold here. Come on, let’s not get too close. We don’t want to be spotted.” 


1345 June 10th, 2020 CE

1036 Sun 40th, 196 AE

Industropolis, Mach Imperium

Pomponia had a very unhappy face as she greeted the American diplomat. “I’m getting sick and tired of being here. You promised me I will be able to step down soon yet here I am. Still on the throne.” 

The diplomat nodded. “Apologies for that. We have run into issues on what to do for your country. Establishing a unified democratic state holds great potential to create unrest which we seek to avoid.”

“How about you place another monarch here instead of me? One more willing to rule?”

“We are seeking ways to break up the Imperium into a collection of independent democratic states along cultural and ethnic lines. Keeping a monarch is not looked upon well in my country. However, it is possible for a monarch to remain as a figurehead.”

“I just want to quit and go back to my house. Just get me off of this throne. I swear if I have to spend another year with these noble assholes and their haughty parties.”


1345 June 10th, 2020 CE

1036 Sun 41st, 196 AE

Port City of Filanneas, Elven Nation

“I am hoping that by meeting your country’s demands, that your country will allow the return of elven prisoners of war. I have been informed that most of the prisoners are being held by your country.”

Jeph turned to the other Magusian diplomats. Henry interrupted. “My government insists that you agree upon this. More elves returned means that the elves will have more capabilities to provide you with the demanded materials. Moreover, keeping these elves locked up is a waste of resources and food that could be used to feed your own population.”

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