America In Another World

Chapter 95 – Conspiracies

Well, I'm 100% back now. You should be able to expect weekly chapters. If you were on my discord server, you would have known what has happened so far. I have been agonizing over a computer science class. I recently decided to withdraw from that class because it wasn't going well. (There goes my computer science major XD). Now that I don't have to spend around 40 hours a week trying to figure out how to finish my coding projects and having panic attacks over my computer science exams, I have more time to write! 

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0604 June 11th, 2020 CE

0602 Sun 41st, 196 AE

A prison in the Magus Imperium

Simon languished on the bed in his cell. If not for the small barred window, he would have lost count on how many days he had been stuck in his cell. If he was right, it had been eight days since he was allowed outside. At least they haven’t forgotten to feed him. However little it was. Suddenly, there was banging. The door to his cell opened.

“Get out here you elves. War’s over.”

As he walked out, Simon noted the crowded surroundings. Human soldiers were everywhere and armed to the teeth. 

The warden appeared in the middle of the hall. “We will be escorting you out of here. You are all going home. Now, behave yourselves. Do not dare try to attack us. You all lost the war, you hear me? If you do, we will kill you and we will find any of your family and kill them too. Understood?” The warden didn’t wait for a reply and looked at the still closed cells down the hall. “Now, you boys will be let out once they leave. Can’t have all of you out at once.”


1822 June 11th, 2020 CE

On the streets in Arlington, Virginia

Two men flanked Daniel in the streets. One of them looked at him. “Are you Daniel McCormick?”

“Yes… what may I do for you two?”

He lowered his voice. “We need you to come with us. We are with the FBI.”

He showed his badge. Daniel instantly froze as his mind went into panic mode. He took a deep breath and barely said a word. “Okay.”

They led him to a nondescript black car. They entered the car and the agents started driving. The other man started talking. “We have found out that you have discovered some information that was supposed to stay confidential. If you release that information, you will be considered committing treason.”
Daniel nodded. 

“Do not report it under any circumstance. There will be consequences. Do not try to hand it over to the media. We will be monitoring you.”

Daniel nodded again.  The car stopped. “Now get out.” 

Daniel looked around as he exited the car. He was in front of his house.


Daniel fumbled with his keys and opened the door to his house. Then he stopped. Cold dread filled him. He remembered something that he was too panicked during the car ride to tell them. He had already sent the information to the FBI. 


He shut his door and started rationalizing to try to calm himself. It was to their organization so it should be fine. And he sent it before they even came to talk to him. Maybe it was even that tip that caused them to approach him. If not he was probably going to have a meeting with them quite soon but hopefully they would let him off the hook. 


A few minutes later

The agent driving laughed. “Well that guy was scared shitless. His legs seemed to have turned into Jell-O.”

“I don’t think we have anything to worry about. And here I was afraid this dude would be more resistant.”


An hour later


“Good job you two.”

The two FBI agents sat down. “And when are we getting paid?”

“I have struck a nice deal with a certain corporation. Once the money comes in, I will pay you two handsomely.”
The agents nodded. “Understood General.”

Quincy looked at both of them. “Hm. Not threatening me?”

“It’s bad for business, you know. And this isn’t Hollywood.”

“Ha. Never thought there would be anything as handy as corrupt FBI agents.”

“Corrupt is a loaded word, General. We prefer capitalistic.”

White House

“Mr. President, this is from the FBI and is classified Confidential. They recently received a tip that someone was tampering with the civilian casualty reports. Upon further investigation by the FBI, this seems to hold true.”
“Civilian casualty reports? Were the numbers faked?”

“Yes. The numbers are much smaller than reality.”

“I want a corrected version as soon as possible. Classify that as Confidential. I want to see it before anybody else.”

President Hayes' face grew pale as he skimmed through the papers in the file.

“These numbers… this can’t get out to the media or any public report. Understood? Tell the FBI to keep it under wraps. Find the guy who reported this. When did the data start being manipulated?” 

“From the earliest reports, it seems to be a couple days after the military begun landings on the Elven Nation”

“Does the FBI have a suspect for who is tampering with the data?”

“None so far but they are looking into logs connected with the tampered data”

“Tell them to put more people on it. People who can keep their mouths shut. This will be a political shitshow if it gets out. I don’t want to be the President who gets remembered for authorizing the killings of thousands of innocent Magusians. And get me Quincy. He needs to explain what the hell is with this collateral damage. Were we firing artillery and dropping bombs indiscriminatingly?! Wait. Don’t get him. Actually, don’t inform any member connected to the military. Someone from there could be the one who did this.” 


0128 June 12th, 2020 CE

0344 Sun 42nd, 196 AE

Primopolis, Magus Imperium

Renout waited near the entrance of the refugee processing center. A soldier guarding the gate walked to him. “Look. Renout. You should go home. There’s no point sitting out here. The higher-ups are about done with you too.”

“I don’t have a home to go to. I just have to wait. I know they will be back.”

“Renout… I know you have a job and home now. I don’t want to actually kick you out like I’m supposed to. Settle down. Don’t spend all your free time waiting here. Find some friends. Maybe a wife even.”

Renout didn’t answer. 

“Tell you what? I will ask around occasionally to see if any Hewets came through here. I will visit you the moment I’m informed.”

Renout still refused to respond.

“Look Renout. You have been here every single day and it's gotten to the point that I know you by name. Don’t you see how ridiculous this is. If I don’t kick you out, they are just going to send someone else who will use actual force. If you take my offer, you will still get informed. You get what you want and I don’t need to either bully you or get fired from my job.”



0450 June 12th, 2020 CE

0525 Sun 42nd, 196 AE

Port City of Filanneas

Henry invited the Magusian diplomats for an US-Magusian only discussion. After the greetings, Henry gave the Magusians an announcement. “My government has agreed to provide food aid. However we will not be sending as high as your original offer.”

“My countrymen need that food. And if you can’t supply that, the elves will.”

“Your countrymen do not need that much. We are willing to supply up to 500,000 tons of food a year for the next two years. Anything in excess of that will be utterly ridiculous and does not reflect the needs of your population. We know what you are trying to do.”

Jeph hissed. “The elves are supposed to be punished for their wrongdoings.”

“We have all punished them enough. Their country is in ruins. They are being forced to give over resources and military information. To starve their population would only incite future conflict.”


1403 June 12th, 2020 CE


“Keith! Have you heard? The government is sending even more food aid. I knew this would pay off!” 

Keith glanced at his dad. “It’s only going to the large corporations, Dad. They won’t ask such a small farm like ours.”

“Don’t you get it? Those corporations will be too busy trying to fulfill those government orders that the local markets are gonna turn to us small farms. This is the jackpot! Woohoo!”

Keith’s father started doing a weird dance. 


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

“Dive! Dive! Dive!”

The USS Cheyenne, an Los Angeles-class submarine, started going deeper into the ocean.

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