America In Another World

Chapter 97 – The Incident

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1509 June 13th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

While walking towards the Oval Office, Ronell ran into the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Stephen. I know you haven’t had much time to settle down on this unexpected promotion but the current situation is worrisome. What’s happening, I need details.”

“All we know is that the USS Cheyenne has not responded to attempts to communicate with it after it missed its scheduled status report . The only three scenarios where this is possible is either the communication equipment broke, they have sunk, or a mutiny occurred. I don’t believe a mutiny is likely so we are between the first two probabilities and going under the assumption that they have sunk.” 


They entered the Oval Office where the Cralson was already there. “Mr.President.”

“Cralson, I have been informed what’s happening. We don’t know much do we?”

“As much as anybody other than the submarine crew themselves knows. We know the general area of where the submarine sank. According to the Chief of Naval Operations, they were conducting regular exercises there.”
“Are we certain that the submarine has sunk?”
Cralson shook his head. “We have to expect the worst.”

Ronell’s face looked grim. “Stephen, if they are sunk, what are the crew’s chances of survival?”

“If they have, it's slim. If they met an accident while on the surface, then it's likely we can save them. But they were most likely submerged. Depending on how far they have sunk, we may not be able to rescue them. In addition, based on the amount of damage the submarine took, oxygen production could have been knocked offline and they could be running out of oxygen. I can not say much more until our ships arrive.” 

“What ships are we sending?”

Cralson answered. “The USNS Impeccable is enroute, they are an ocean surveillance ship capable of searching for undersea objects in a wide range. We also have multiple Arleigh Burkes that have been stationed in Hawaii too. P-8 Poseidons, maritime patrol aircraft that can deploy sonar buoys, will be the first ones there. The Undersea Rescue Command has also already been deployed. They are trained specifically for rescuing crews of disabled submarines. They are currently enroute with the HOS Dominator that’s carrying a Submarine Rescue Diving Recompression System which can rescue the crews.”


Thirty minutes later

They had quickly moved into the Situation Room. Ronell stood with his hands on his hips as he watched the screens that displayed the data coming from the sonars.  

“They have detected what we believe is to be the USS Cheyenne. It has only slightly deviated from its planned route but it’s sinking. Good news is that it is still within range for rescue. Bad news is that it's sinking fast. They are only about a thousand feet down but the SRDRS only has a range of two thousand. We will have to get to them fast.”

1625  June 13th, 2020 CE

Submarine Location in the Pacific 

A Submarine Rescue Diving Recompression System (SRDRS) was lowered into the ocean from the HOS Dominator. Two members of the Undersea Rescue Command went along in it.


Washington D.C

Ronell watched the camera feed from the SRDRS as it was lowered to the submarine. There were holes on the side of the USS Cheyenne. “It doesn’t look good.”

Stephen nodded. “There still could be survivors. It’s equipped with watertight doors that can seal off flooded areas.” 

“From what I have seen, those holes seem to be a match. It is definitely done by that damn sea creature. Cralson, I want a restriction on all submarine activities in the Pacific. Call them back to their homeports.” 


A few minutes later 

There was a video feed from the commanding naval officer of the rescue operation on screen. “We have confirmed survivors from the URC. The SRDRS is being attached to the submarine hatch to get them out.” 

“Excellent work Admiral.”

The people in the Situation Room watched as the SRDRS started positioning itself on the hatch that was at the back on the long end of the submarine where the engine room was situated. Haggard sailors started coming into the SRDRS. Once full with 16 people, it started its ascent. Clapping started.


On the screen, the SRDRS started its descent again in order to rescue more crew. The officer on live video looked grim after receiving a report. “Mr.President. We are expecting casualties. It’s likely more than 90 deaths. It seems only the sailors in the engine room survived.” 

A heavy silence fell on the room.


An hour later 

Dr. Munoz, the biologist hired to help identify the mysterious sea creature, was in the Situation Room. The screen had been set to a bunch of slides. A photo showed up on screen. It was similar to a swordfish but its nose was much larger and connected from the skull to the jaw.

“From studying the damage done by it, we have made what we believe is a possible model of the sea creature that is currently attacking us. I do not guarantee this is correct but it's our best scientific guess. For all we know, it could be the tentacles of a giant sea monster. But if we are correct, we are currently identifying it as the ‘Lancefish’ because of its semblance to a swordfish except with a lance instead of a sword as its nose.” 

Ronell posed a question. “And how is it drilling holes through the sides of ships and submarines?”

“We are not exactly sure but we believe that its nose is as strong as tungsten. They vary in size. The largest capable of drilling a hoie about a yard in diameter. The smallest is capable of drilling around a few inches.”

The biologist switched to a slide that showed the sizes of the Lancefish.

Stephen asked next. “And how do we kill it?”

“I would need a captured specimen in order to find a way to kill it. On that note, I believe that their presence is growing and it's concerning. The waters around us may soon become inaccessible.” 

Dr.Munoz changed the slides to a gif that showed swathes of red growing in the oceans surrounding the Formidon continent. Cralson nodded. “We did have reports of fishing ships catching fishes with holes in them in the Atlantic.”

Ronell sighed. “They have spread over there too?”

Cralson shrugged “We aren’t sure since it's only one occurrence and it's just fish.” 

Dr.Munoz continued. “That is why we suggested that they vary in size. From photos, the fish seem to have been pierced in a similar fashion as the ships.”

Ronell shook his head. “Any idea on how we can find a specimen that can tear through metal like paper? It’s not like we can catch it with a net.”

“You probably will have to kill it in order for me to study it.” 

“So you need us to kill it for you to find a way to kill it?” 


1705 June 13th, 2020 CE

1132 Sun 43rd, 196 AE

Primopolis, Magus Imperium

An American diplomat bowed before Emperor Arstant. “Thank you for granting me this audience at such a late hour.”

“No need for this. We are glad you have helped us against the elves and are supplying us with food. What do our American friends need?”

“We are wondering if you have any knowledge of any sea creatures capable of drilling through metal?” 

“I do not believe so. Why do you ask?”

“Our ships have come under attack by sea creatures capable of such and we are hoping you would have any information.”

Arstant sat there thinking. “Let me call in one of my scholars knowledgeable on this.”


A few minutes later

A person in scholar robes stood beside the Emperor. “Other than the records of the large birds on the Formidon Continent, there should be no other hostile creatures in that region. Most records of creature attacks come from the birds. I have never heard of any stories of attacking sea creatures capable of drilling through metal.” 


1822 June 13th, 2020 CE

Golden, Colorado 

In the National Earthquake Information Center, the seismograph started printing out jagged lines going up and down. The geologists in the room started looking at that specific seismograph. “This is weird. This is from the seismic stations in Hawaii.” 

“What’s weird about that? Isn’t it usual for Hawaii to experience earthquakes?”

“Oh yeah, you are new. It’s the first earthquake in Hawaii we have had ever since Earth was transferred here. The plates had stopped being so active there.”

“Hm. Seems to be quite minor though.”

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