America In Another World

Chapter 98 – State of the World

Sorry about the delay! I had to study for my final exams and write my final papers. Good news, summer break is starting in about a week. Once I rest for a couple of days after the start of summer break, I will look through and answer recent comments. I wish final exams didn't exit... enjoy the chapter! 

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1029 June 14th, 2020 CE

Riverside National Cemetery, California

“This is one of the single most devastating events that our country has faced since coming to this new world. We are here to honor the 93 brave sailors of the USS Cheyenne who have died in service of this great nation. We shall...” 

After a few more minutes to finish his speech, Ronell was escorted to the side. Rifles were fired in three volleys as a lone trumpet played.

Families of the sailors stood crying before their loved one’s graves. 


5 miles from Los Angeles

A Marine Protector-class patrol boat, the USCGC Pike, tried to keep up with the speeding yacht.

<<<“This is the Coast Guard. By order of the President of the United States, no boats are allowed into the Pacific Ocean. Please remain within 5 miles of land. You are currently going beyond 5 miles. Turn back! I repeat, turn back. Failure to comply will result in your vessel being boarded and those aboard arrested.”>>>

The yacht completely ignored the commands of the Coast Guard ship and continued sailing. 


The .50 cal machine gun on the Coast Guard ship opened up in a small burst. There were multiple splashes of water in front of the yacht. The yacht veered to the right and quickly came to a stop. Shouts came from the yacht. “Don’t shoot!”

“What the fuck are you doing? Go! You are not getting paid if you don’t!” 

“I don’t want to fucking die! This isn’t worth it anymore.”


Eight coast guardsmen with rifles boarded the ship. “Down on the ground! Hands up!”

The small group of people onboard quickly raised their hands. 

The Coast Guardsmen handcuffed the crew and a middle-aged couple on the yacht. The husband, who seemed to be the owner of the yacht, was visibly upset. “What is this? Nazi Germany? You have no right to stop me from traveling where I want!”

The sailors started leading the arrested towards the USCGC Pike. “Sir, there has been a restriction ordered by the President that does not allow ships on the Pacific Ocean beyond 5 miles of shore. If you wanted to go out to sea, you could have followed the shoreline until you got to the Southern Ocean where there is no restriction.”

“Do you know who I am? You can’t do this to me!”

“If you aren’t the President of the United States, I don’t care who you are. No one is allowed to sail into the Pacific ocean unless with prior approval. You and the others on this ship will be detained and the ship will be seized.”

“Well you can go fuck yourself.”

“And you have the right to stay silent”


1745 June 14th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

The FBI director sat down across from the President. “The court date for Quincy has been set.”

“Oh. It's about this matter. I nearly forgot about Quincy. As long as he is charged within the bounds of the law, I don’t give a damn anymore.” 

“What if he breaks the agreement?”

“As I ordered before. I want people to keep an eye on him and make sure that he doesn’t talk and that if he does talk, make sure that it doesn’t spread.”

“What do you want me to do to him if he does talk?”

Ronell became quiet. After a few seconds, he sighed. “Just make it look like an accident, alright? Have no records of it.”

“Of course, Mr. President. We have done this before.”

“I’m trusting you on this.”


Magi Research and Development Center, Magus Imperium

Multiple elves in green cloaks looked over the engine of a Knight magipanzer. “The elves seem to have decided on using a hybrid approach. Combining both mechanical and magical. Isn’t it similar to our hybrid engines?”

“Yes but they have applied magic to all of their technology. Even their ammunition is special. Well, in our view the elve’s technological aim is still hybrid like ours. Ours is pure and true magic.”

“I’m concerned about the American mechanical technology. The Emperor seems to be really fond of those toys that they gave him.”

One of the researchers who had a white beard shook his head. “He has been invested in magical research since the moment he became Emperor. He won’t let all that investment go to waste.”

“Not including the superiority of the American mechanical technology. Won’t these Elven technologies that we know have encouraged him to still use a hybrid approach? He is very interested in these magic batteries that the elves have.”

“We just need to present something even better. Our research should be coming into fruition soon. Although I can not guarantee it to be better than what the American mechanical technology has to offer, I can say it will be better or comparable to elven technology.”


0222 June 15th, 2020 CE

0411 Sun 45th, 196 AE

Primopolis, Magus Imperium

Emperor Arstant looked up at the sky. Soldiers in uniform were marching down the street in the view of his palace. Civilians lined the sidewalks cheering and waving. Wyverns flew overhead at the military parade. A squadron of P-51 Mustangs flew in V-formation. While they now had the capability to build P-51s, their air force was mainly still reliant on wyverns. The magi researchers were studying the idea of enhancement magic in order to improve the wyverns and hopefully make them comparable to these P-51s. 


On the ground, a platoon of four M4 Shermans drove down the road side by side followed by columns of A1s. The difference was stunning. The A1 was just a long rectangular box with a 75mm gun in front. It had riveted armor and looked unwieldy. 


Artillery and anti-aircraft pieces pulled by trucks followed the tanks. More soldiers followed. Emperor Arstant smiled as he watched them go by.


0430 June 15th, 2020 CE

0515 Sun 45th, 196 AE

Hasta Air Base, Magus Imperium 

“Welcome, Emperor Arstant. We are happy to let you view the first shipments of food aid that are being given to your country.”

An American colonel guided Arstant through the airbase. A gigantic gray aircraft sat on the field next to the paved runway. Arstant looked at it in wonder. The size of it was unlike anything he has ever seen. “And… that's an aircraft?”

“Yes, a C-5M Super Galaxy. It is a transport aircraft capable of carrying vehicles, men and equipment. We are sending food aid to your country using aircraft such as this. It’s currently carrying about 100 tons of food.”

Arstant got himself out of staring at it. “That doesn’t sound like the agreed amount.”

“More shipments will come soon. Mostly via ship but the first few will be by aircraft such as these to provide faster aid.”


A random airfield, Magus Imperium

Simon waited at an airfield where he was scheduled to be transported back home. At least forty other elves were besides him. American soldiers stood nearby keeping a watch on them. They were very laid back.


Somewhere in the Elven Nation

Groups of Chinooks carrying soldiers departed from an airfield. An infantryman looked out from the window besides his seat in the Chinook. “This is much faster than expected isn’t it? We are already going home!”
“There are still some poor sods that still need to keep stuff under control.” 

“We were just fighting the remnants of a defeated army. They will do fine without the rest of us there.” 



“The prophecy shall be fulfilled! It will be to the will of the Great One. The gate will be opened soon! Our darkness will spread to the other worlds!”

Guttural noises could be heard among what seemed like a crowd of jet black flesh. Some of them had sticks with skulls on them. 

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