Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


Hi, author here... hi... sorry for the long disappearance...

shit happened...

debts were created...

fences destroyed...

but shit happens... and we have to deal with it... somehow...

well... hope you are ok so here is the chapter... enjoy!




hi! right now I'm looking up into a tree canopy as the light came through it it's quite... nice

muña... muña... no... don't want... to eat it (Riber)



mmm... (Blake)

you know, this spot is pretty nice... (Blake)


you know... I don't know why I have the little kid...Riber... on my lap... but somehow I feel it's something... natural...? ...mmm... more like calming... (Blake)

well as I have said before I like kids... but I think I'm been influenced by my body again to protect it... speaking of protecting... you need to know what you are protecting right? the name "Riber" is androgynous so you can't get the gender with it... but you can with my investigation skill... but I didn't use it, I noticed it when I was carrying this kid to where I'm seated right now... you see Riber... aside from that it is biologically a she... she is a fully-fledged futa... meaning a vagina and working dick

*ground shaking* *crumbling*

I'm even moving my fingers between her hair... that sadly it ain't soft and flowy like Luna's... but that's to be expected... I have personally taken care of it for her... but later I'll teach her some special tricks my... "mother"... told me(Blake)

While I was remembering, I inclined my head to my side to avoid a stray fireball that came awfully close to my head... the fireball hit the tree I'm resting on

mmm... this is interesting... it ain't hot as you would expect... even after... o...! it dissipated... it didn't even leave a mark... this must be Luna's foxfire... she really has good control of it because it ain't burning what it shouldn't burn... come to think of it... they are going to completely destroy that house... looks like... I will have to bring Riber with me... this is unexpected... but... it's ok... I still have this feeling of wanting to protect her...


mmm... something for later as there is something more worrying right now, and that is that the villagers are coming to look at the commotion... wich... as you would expect is... bad... and I can't shout as Luna won't hear me with all the commotion... but, I still have a connection with her that I don't really use... so...

Luna try to take the fight out of the village... I don't want to have to explain or pay for any collateral damage... (Blake)

she didn't answer... but I know she heard me because just a few seconds after I finished speaking the succubus went flying busting out through the roof clearly not voluntarily before I saw Luna's tree tailed fox form jump into the roof before jumping towards the falling succubus and "landing on her" before "jumping backward" with such strength that luna turned around in mid-air landed on her fox form before jumping back and transformed back into her "beast-man " form.

I have to hand it to her she sent her straight into the nearby plains with just that jump kick... mmm how far would that be? about 200...260 meters?...

I patched up your weapon and left it in your inventory if you want to use it but it won't last long (Blake)

what? you thought I would be doing nothing? naa aside from patching up her weapon I was also actively blocking attacks that would even put a scratch on Luna, I did this by quickly generating a small metal plate right into where the impact point was effectively blocking most of the damage that Luna would have taken from those really fearfully big claws.

thank you, mistress (Luna)

she said before starting running before changing into her fox form and on the tip of her tails, small balls of fire appeared and started going in the direction of the succubus. welp, that succubus is really hurt right now so it won't take that long to defeat her

but I am still curious about two things... why is she here, and... why do I have the need to protect this kid instead of the now normal need to rape everyone I see...

*murmurs* 1Random villager = r.v.

hey, what happened to that house... (r.v.1)

I don't know I heard some explosions... (r.v.2)

isn't that the house of that hideous bastard family? (r.v.3)

o yea... (r.v.1)

I hope they died especially that older one (r.v.4)

what about the smaller one? (r.v.2)

he appeared to be a nice kid but... did you know that he tried to steal from some adventurers? (r.v.3)

really? (r.v.1)

yea and this happened just when rumors of a humanized dragon kidnapping a little girl towards the north (r.v.3)

*murmurs continue*

hmm... so... they are hated here...? well that ain't nice at all... Riber here... appears to be just a child that... was forced by the situation... she doesn't even have the thief title... come to think of it both of them look like they haven't had a full meal in some time... I turned my head to a side and out of the corner of my eye I looked at the villagers that are coming to watch the crumbling house... and by their comments, I bet that even if they have the money to pay they must charge them a lot more than the rest...

well, it appears that luna is about to... never mind she just uppercut her and now is dragging her unconscious body here... I believe that she will want her reward... but I can think of a few things that I can say to her about that fight that she needs to improve upon... but some of them must be because of her... Fox heritage... she did play a lot with her as I believe that she could have beaten her earlier... but I'll let it pass... now into what's more important... or annoying as I see it.

due to the commotion, the villagers have come here and that means that the guards must be close...and these types of incidents normally get reported to the higher-ups... so... with this in mind if the one that ¨bought¨ luna is looking (or by extension his henchmen) for her they will look at reports that mention a kitsune I don't doubt that she was already seen... so putting them to sleep would not work because they would still remember... and I can't reprogram so many people at the same time... mmm maybe... a curse... to make them forget?

is there something like that...? for now I need a low-level misdirection barrier around this place... then... ha found it... there is a... dark affinity magic that much like the barrier I just put up misdirects the thought process of a person or group of individuals to suit the needs of the caster and it is just what I need... annoyingly it uses most of my Mp so I will need to feed later...

ok so... targets... inside and around the barrier within... x distance... ...duration... duration? so I can have it work for some time for a bit less mp? ...mmm tempting... next... objective...? ... memories of this moment... change them to... a bar fight of a... mmm... human and a monkey beast-man... more monkey than man... meaning monkey head and whole body covered in fur... still thinking on duration... should I? it would be fun if the noble sees this and just shrugs it off to then receive a report some weeks later about a kitsune...

anything else?... o yea I have to exclude Riber... Luna... Grace if she appears... no, she is coming... and that... for now... nameless succubus... and myself as the caster...

and... rise my hand gather my magic on my palm and hit the ground with it releasing it on a colorless spiral that reaching its apex forms a dome that will collapse upon itself later... and I can already see the effects all the villagers on its action radius now look like zombies and the ones that are outside are actively avoiding this place... good.

... ok Grace is ready to come out...

and the fight is already over...

I'll send her to do a little errand for me instead, I heard something interesting... soo... throw a ball of myself somewhere... let it grow... Grace comes out in her full armor(me)... coincidentally Luna while walking slowly trows her "pray" in front of us catching the attention of Grace who I'm guessing assumed that a fight was on, and... as she does have a history of running first into a fight... charged drawing her sword and shield... inevitably rising my irritation levels.

- haa!!♥♥(Grace)

and... she fell on her side after moaning loudly, after all, I just inserted a rather wet tentacle inside of her, that went right through her and is now touching and softly stimulating her cervix entrance, and yes I know that suddenly entering a "not horny" vagina is bad for both parties but it entered with the appropriate lubrication and when touching the cervix I applied a small amount of anesthetic because it can get rather painful if you are not prepared... it's not a place that you are supposed to touch... but it can be... incredibly stimulating done correctly.

she is now trying to stop the supposed "invader" from entering but as that tentacle came out from the inside part of her clothes... that would be a little hard... also because I would not allow it.

blake... ha♥.. wha♥y...? now it's not... ha♥... a... good time... no♥... haa... there is ha...♥(Grace)

I know Grace, she has been taken care of by Luna... and now I am wondering why did you attack? (Blake)

I ♥... saw a demon a...♥... falling and I thought haaa♥... (Grace)

ha... right... well, it's fine... what's not fine is you charging straight into battle without looking at how it is progressing and your surroundings... but we can talk about it later, for now, you would be wise to remember who do you belong now and that most of the rules and laws about other species only apply if I tell you they do, except for goblins those rascals must die. (Blake)

oh god, I must have sounded like a villain...also is it "oh god" or is it "oh goddess"? given that here it's a goddess, not a god... or is it "oh Romina"  given that I know her way more than personally... 2plis tell me in the comments as I have no idea

*sigh*... we can talk about it later... for now... ill let you cum♥, I'll need you to be focused for... something else. (Blake)

ha...♥ wha♥...? (Grace)

then... for a lack of a better word I let that tentacle go on a rampage inside of Grace

...!!! wait!! no!! nononoo..!! B..b...Blake! wait now isn't a♥...!!! haaa♥♥!!!

wow... grace came so hard that she actually squirted... some of her love fluids are even dripping down into the ground, I unconsciously licked my rhetorical and body-morophed lips... and the mild sweet scent that came from it... is just... *sigh...* sadly, I can't right now... but I will grab some on one of the empty potion vials that I have, they are made from glass so it won't lose any... "properties".

it's... really hard to not start drinking it all right from the source... even if the instance I have on her is making physical contact, but you get my meaning...

as for Grace... she is fine just still twitching in the pleasure remains... she did cum quite strongly. as for Riber... what should I do with her...? I can bring her with me, but I know that won't be safe... and I bet she will be worried for her sister... additionally I have these strong protection feelings towards her... as I have said before...

don't tell me!! that Romina made an anty pedophile system?!!?

*whispering* sis... did Romina... (Blake)

yes, she did, there are no unpunished pedophiles... or at least it was like that it's been partially deactivated... somehow... and I need administrative level access to reactivate it... I can only make simple status checks... (sis)

*whispering* why do... ... ...thank you that's enough for now. (Blake)

now back on topic, I will now send her sister to my internal place... probably play a little bit with her... gotta get the taste of a succubus, then probably hear her story... then... I don't know I might give her the option to follow me or just go... as for Riber... mmm for now I'll send her to my dimension... I'll leave her on a bed, she is in a deep sleep state, I'll wait for her to wake up instead of forcing it... or could leave her with the three girls...if anything they might even develop a sort of connection among them...

speaking of which how are they... mmm...they seem fine... one is in the shower while the other two... are reading the book I left them and judging by their wet hair they must have entered together... come to think of it I never asked them if they could read... or if they knew how to use a shower... but isn't the first something that stays even if you lose all you memories...? apparently so... and the second is easy to understand just a red and a blue levers...

*time skip*

I've been walking together with luna exploring this little village that had some simple places like a clothing store with some rather nice set's of clothes... a even had an adventurer guild branch office so... as we needed to wait for Grace, we used the opportunity to take a small quest where we needed to clear some wolves from the area and collect some herbs on by a river bed hidden by a lush tree forest around it.

there was also a brother of all things... but none of the girls in there catch my attention...

speaking of Grace... she was right now on a very simple mission... she needed to go to a bar or anywhere really, and listen for any rumor that came up about north where we would be going to next... that if I'm not mistaken it's the Ust...Ustrain empire capital by the way ... did I point out how weird is that name?... but granted there are even weirder names out there... and this one is rather tame in that regard... also weirdness is defined by our own perception of what is weird so... I'm ranting again don't I...?

-mistress are you alright? (Luna)

I looked at luna that had a worried face while her ears moved with purpose on top of her head

*sigh* sorry it's just... (Blake)


a growl came from a nearby bush and two wolves jumped on top of us... or at least tried because as soon as it appeared I graved one by the throat, the other one luna made a backward spin kick hitting it on the head, we both broke their necks in the act... these are... level 124 wolves... they should know their place with me around...

*growl...**grrrr...* *grrrr...*


oh... well... that's a lot of wolves... and they don't appear happy that their prey just fought back and successfully killed two of them.

/time skip/

I feel compelled to reiterate that there were A LOT and a half of wolves... I counted 66... 66! ant that's only what I counted... a pack of wolves should only be 30+ max... are these guys fucking rabbits or what?

whatever they are now bio...

-mistress... don't you think that there were too many wolves... I counted 43 (Luna)

I just silently nodded and commanded my scout minions to make a full sweep of the area, this many wolves isn't something normal considering factors like food intake, their lifestyle, and possible predators... I'll make a good distraction considering what Grace is doing right now...

*sigh* I really want to teach her a lesson right now...  but this... can keep me distracted for now...

-come luna we still need to get those herbs... (Blake)

we left after I "ate" most of the wolves, curiously enough some of them had a magic core that was slightly bigger than the wolves I found some time ago.

I should see how are the girls doing... and introduce them to Riber

this chapter actually is...

umm... was longer but I was forced to cut it there were some problems with the end so... you will be getting the rest tomorrow (for me at least)

I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V



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