Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


Hi, author here how have you been? me? I been good... better...  I think we all have been better...

so here is the second part of the chapter nothing much to say...





well... I don't really like getting into politics... but... I hope that all of you that live close to or are within the conflict zone that's happening with Russia and Ukraine... I hope that you are alright... and that things get better...



/pov change third person/

 a girl came out of a door with a simple white dress over her body while drying her hair with a towel.

-haa...a...! I never knew that a hot shower was so refreshing...  (G1)

-*sigh* speak for yourself.../whispering/ I had to take a shower with her... (G3)

-hey! We are sisters!! I know it! I feel it!! (G2)

-but... I don't even know you... (G3)

G2 cutely appeared shocked by these words, but then made a face even cutter face of determination

-then I will keep saying it and staying with you until you feel like I do!! (G2)

-*sigh* somehow... I'm not worried about you... I'm more worried about that girl that was there when we woke up... she dealt with you in such a manner that appeared to only be playing with a child... we don't even know her name... I don't even think she is even human... speaking of which... what is it that she did to you? (G3)

/stops drying hair/- I... I don't know... I remember that rage... I wanted answers... then I remember all of my body getting covered in that... black thing... I could not move... then I felt it... moving and it felt... good... then it got cold like if some liquid covered my body and it became intoxicatingly good... I... could not... resist it... (G1)

her become redder the more she talked about it

-sister you really think that she isn't human? (G2)

-hey! and what about Grace!? she seems trustworthy (G1)

at that moment both girls went full red

-p.p...p... please let's not talk about her (G2)

I'll... have to agree with her... let's not talk about her and let's better talk about what we were told to choose... an unknown partial freedom... or an unknown possible "free" servitude... (G3)

-why is that? (G1)- -why do you think so? (G2)

-because of what she said... " the second is that you join will be treated as good as it can get, but you won't be able to go against me" that means that she wants just to serve her... we don't have anything that belongs to us...and she wants us to join her, but she will control us... but well... the alternative... isn't much better... if that what was written in that book is... but... even then I think we should accept her offer... all of us. (G3)

-sister, I'm with you, always (G2)

the "third" girl pated the head of the "second" and looked at the "first"

-what about you? I feel like I've always preferred not to have to look over my shoulder just to stay alive (G3)

the "first" girl took her towel and threw it over her shoulder

-me neither... I feel like that freedom wouldn't last that long anyway... at least this way we'll get a place to live and food.... even if we can't go against our... new master. (G1)

they all had this look of determination among's them

*knock knock*

but this was interrupted by a knocking from the door

-hey can you open it?! my hands are a bit full right here! (???)

the first girl that was standing close to the door promptly opened it and in came the person that greeted them when they woke up, she was pushing a cart were 3 plates full of soup lay

she promptly placed entered the room and in an orderly fashion placed the plates on the table before turning around and looking at them to then make her way towards the door.

-well as I promised something heavier to eat now-- (???)

-wait! we... (G2)

she looked at the "first" girl with a red face

-we would like to... (G1)

-we made our choice... we would like to stay... (G3)

-oh...- /whisper/ -well that's certainly faster than what I expected... but not unwelcome- I take it that you are all on the same page? (???)

all the girls nodded

then she straighten up and smiled while the cart disappeared beneath the ground behind her surprising all the girls

-well then, My name is Blake, and from this point on, you all belong to me... You can refer to me whatever way you want, but don't worry I haven't forgotten that we will have a small chat about our agreement, but as I'm a bit occupied at the moment that will have to wait... for now, eat your food, you will need the energy for later, also. (Blake)

Blake moved to the entrance of the room before opening the door and picking up a child that she then proceeded to leave on one of the available beds.

-She is Riber a girl that has... some rather unfortunate circumstances, I'll leave another plate for her when she wakes up, give it to her and keep her company... I'll come back to take her to her sister later, then well talk more. Is that clear!? (Blake)

said Blake as she caressed Riber's hair

-yes master! (all girls)

they could see how Blake let out a small smile before heading outright through the door.

-what the fuck did we just sign up to(G1)

-too late to go back now... we should do as she said and eat... it does smell good. (G3)

-and it tastes good too!! (G2)

the third girl couldn't help but smile at her easiness with the situation and went to eat herself.

/pov change Grace/

later within the day in front of a small building was a single silhouette where the only distinctive features are the armored boots and the body cloak

-so... this is the bar that Blake wants me to listen to rumors from... (Grace)

I entered through the doors and headed for the counter I could feel all the stares from other adventurers and mercenaries that were seated all around the place

-what can I get you? (bartender)

- some ale (Grace)

the bartender then turns around graving a simple wooden ale mug before filling it from a small wooden barrel

-here (bartender)

-thanks (Grace)

I drank my ale while I listened for anything

-haven't seen you before, so...? what brings you here? (bartender) any recent rumors? (Grace)

-no rumors around here recently... except for the high amounts of wolves in the area... but that's no longer a rumor (bartender)

I placed some money on the counter both for the ale and some extra. The bartender continued cleaning a wooden mug he had in his hand before graving the money and storing it under the counter

-well... there have been rumors about something happening up north... increased monster activity and whatnot... there is also something about a few fallen nobles towards the south, lastly about some recently burnt goblin encampment close by. (bartender)



-what is a lady like you doing in a place like this? won't you prefer to come with us and have some fun? I assure you you will be peased (???)

-yea! come with us let's have some fun! (??)

I continued with my drink

-hey! I'm talking to you..bit...! (???)

he tried to grab my shoulder but before he could I used the back of my free hand to hit him on the head throwing him to the ground hitting two other lightly armored guys that must be his friends and while I was at it I stood up from my seat and finished my ale while walking towards the now grounded ugly man.

-a small man like you doesn't have the right to touch me (Grace)

I put my boot on his stomach

-ufhg  (???)

-go home to your mother, you milk drinker (Grace)


-you shouldn't talk to me like that! (???)

-why? what are you gonna do? cry? (Grace)


I kicked the guy away on his ball before leaving my empty mug on the counter

-aahh!!...!!! you'll pay for that!!! g... get her!!! (???)

-you bitch!!! I'm gonna enjoy hearing you moan by my cock (??)

-small mans like you wouldn't even know how to please a woman (Grace)

they tried to double team me but I punched the first in the face throwing him on the ground before blocking a hit with my forearm from the second before hitting him on his stomach making him fall to the ground on his knees.

-you know I'm starting to doubt that you are even worthy of being called men, I kicked your ass so easily that it wasn't even fun (Grace)

-Hey!! cut it out, will you!? I don't care what sort of quarrel you have, if you are going to damage my place then get out!! (bartender)

I walked towards the first guy I kicked who was still on the ground whining about the pain and kicked him on the head before graving his money bag

-here this should cover any damages, and another ale (Grace)

then I left it on the counter and sat down just as my drink got served

-in the fight, he lost his money (bartender)

-this is good ale... where is it from? (Grace)

-it's fro.. (bartender)

-that's stealing you know? (????)

-not if you have a bar fight, stuff tends to get lost... you were saying (Grace)

-from here we use local produce, I sell barrels of it if you're interested (bartender)

-oh... I'm definitely interested (Grace)

even more after blake gave access to her inventory...

-ey! I WAS talking to you (????)

he tried to grab my shoulder just like the last guy so I did the same and hit him on the head with the back of my free hand, surprisingly he just shrug it off... but he did move a little bit...

-hum... you certainly are stronger than the other guys... and more handsome too...but I'm afraid I'm not interested. (Grace)

-my goal was never to flirt with you, but to make you a beautiful girl recognize that that was stealing  (????)

-it ain't stealing if it's a bar fight!!! (random drunkard)

the guy became a lithe red at hearing that but he continued looking in my direction

-I ain't leaving till you admit that that was stealing (????) 

I just ignored him and continue to enjoy my ale.

before I was finished this guy tried again to grab my shoulder and turn me around but this time I let go of the empty ale mug and turn around hitting him square in the face with my fist... or that was what I thought because he apparently managed to grab it just before it connected... he was pushed back tho.

-wha! don't get more aggressive... I'm not here to fight... but you do appear to be quick to take the strength approach... and are appreciative of the strength of your opponent so I propose you this, why don't we have an arm-wrestling match: if I win you admit you stole from that guy and pay for damages and drink if you win we say that we never had this conversation and I pay for that barrel of ale you are interested (????) 

-deal, we'll have that match you want... of... whatever arm-wrestling is (Grace)

he started moving towards one of the empty tables before seating down and signaling me to seat in front of him... now I'm curious... I haven't heard of arm-wrestling before...

I moved from where I was seated and into the one in front of him. many of the drunkards around also started to surround that table.

I sat down he started explaining what we were going to do and it was surprisingly simple we place our elbows on the table and we must raise them or we lose, and the objective was to overpower the other by sheer muscle power.

but during his explanation, I felt... the interior of my armor move...

/whispering/-Blake (Grace)

I readied myself with my arm on the table and he did the same we both graved our hands and we used two empty mugs to signal the stopping points there was also a random guy doing a count down.

-3... (random guy)

-who do you think will win? (random guy 2)

I dunno... I'll bet 30 to the girl (random guy 6)

-I'll have 50 on that guy (random guy4)

-what are you doing...? I believe I told you to be discrete? just think to answer me... anyway, come to the place I told you, we are leaving (Blake)

-2... (random guy)

-I'll bet 40 on the guy (random guy 2)

-gotta defeat this guy, he seems stronger than he looks (Grace)

-1... (random guy)

-he is stronger than you! just use... *sigh*(Blake)

-go! (random guy)

we started and I felt the strength and got nearly overpowered before I managed to push back and get a semblance of a stand-off.

-*sigh* why don't people listen to what I say... (Blake)

I barely could move forward, but I managed to overpower him until just a bit of distance left... but I swear I saw a glimpse small smile forming on this guy's face that irritated me.

suddenly I got overpowered before being stopped suddenly just above the empty mug.

-told you he was stronger... but not stronger than me (Blake)

I felt Blake's strength overpower my opponent and he was pushed back until he hit the mug and flattened it on the table

-HEY!! you'll have to pay for that! (bartender)

YEA!!! come here you bastards PAY UP!!!  (random guy 6)

the guy and I stood up from the table while he was scratching the back of his head

-well I was defeated fairly I'll maintain our deal, I'll also pay for the damages! and get this girl her barrel of ale! (????) 

just as the bartender placed the barrel on the table and I went to get it the guy graved my hand and brought it for a "respectful" backhand kiss

-so what's the name of the beautiful lady that just defeated me? if I may ask?

my old noble customs demand that I answer respectfully, but... I'm no longer a noble so I made the most discussed face I could muster and quickly retracted my hand from his grasp, I somehow can feel Blake getting irritated.

-hew... don't touch me you may have a nice looking face but I refuse to let a weakling know me

then I proceeded to punch him on his face this time hitting him so he was holding his nose I got the barrel on my shoulder and went out of the bar before putting the barrel on the inventory.

/Pov change/

I managed to get a damaged wagon, the way to the Ustrain empire capital takes about a month on foot... too long, so I got a wagon that would take us about 7 days... a good improvement in my opinion... problem is it's damaged... it was cheap... and fixing it will only take...



that long, fixed.

now for the horse? why not use one of my bigger minions? made in the form of a horse with fur and all... exactly like a horse, but overall faster and stronger and it follows all my orders. it's good enough for the job and doesn't need to stop as I made it to work all day and night, to that end I made some modifications to the carriage to make it more comfortable during travel, hence the 7 days... it would be 15 otherways.

Luna was certainly happy with the soft seats where she can sleep that I was installing .

I also called Grace back a few moments ago... I haven't been too preoccupied with what she is doing only having partially my attention as she should've experienced this type of info gathering... unless she is... more inclined to use force and calling unwanted attention on that regard... well I'm free so let's take a look...


-what are you doing...? I believe I told you to be discrete? just think to answer me... anyway, come to the place I told you, we are leaving (Blake)


-gotta defeat this guy, he seems stronger than he looks (Grace)

is she... mmm who is that guy?

appraisal... a Hero!? he doesn't have any sleaving indications on him... interesting... quite strong two... he is level 250... weaker than me by a long shot... but stronger than Grace by about...20%...

ho? they are doing arm wrestling?

I should tell her...

-he is stronger than you! just use... *sigh*(Blake)

ok, Grace is win... wait...

-*sigh* why don't people listen to what I say... (Blake)

 she will lose... he is toying with her... *sigh* I better help her

-told you he was stronger... but not stronger than me (Blake)

I took over the armor she is wearing and kind of like a power armor overpowered that guy.

mmm, she got an ale barrel? well at least that's something nice... and ... it's one of those guys the mere fact that Grace called him a pretty face is irritating

nnh!!! I want to kill him.

grace soon arrived and we departed...

/Pov change.../

in a nicely decorated cave, there was a silhouette drinking tea calmly seated on a simple sofa with what looked like a butler behind her

/Phamp/(doors being open forcibly SFX)/

pffff!! *cough* *cough*(??)

-Mom!! look! (???)

a small figure came through the doors nearly breaking them

-missy, please don't open the doors like that they'll get damaged... mistress are you alright? (???)

-I'm sorry, but...! look this soul was by the river bed and it's sad... you need to hear it! (???)

the little figure presented a small ethereal flame

-*sigh*... let me see it my little one... (???)

-Mom! stop calling me that and hear what this soul told me! (???)

the figure receives the small flame and appears to look at it with a warm sight

-Hello, So what does my baby's guest have to say? (???)

-MOM!! (???)

the mother giggled at her daughter's antics before looking back at the soul in her hands... while the daughter moves in beside her mom

-so? why are you sad...? (???)

-*weeping* please...I...I need help... my sister *sniff*, she is trapped in a church's dungeon... with many other people...*sniff* with that... lunatic of a priest! (soul)

-mom, we have to do something... (???)

-Well... calm down my dear daughter (???)

the"mother" let the soul float in front of her before patting her lap 

-Come on now, come and relax in your usual exclusive seat, my little girl (???)

-mom...! (???)

she reluctantly agrees and seats down on her mother's lap before getting the soul back in her hands the mother could only smile

-Fumu... It seems you are the sign that fate has finally given us for us to move (???)

-mom...does that mean...? (???)

-Sebastian, would you kindly call my dear... (???)

at this moment another horned female figure appeared in the room while holding one of her arms in an embarrassed and doubtful way

-I've heard it... are you really sure we are going now...? didn't you want to be ready before... truly... going out? (???)

-there is this saying I once heard... you are not ready for anything, till you take the first step... this...-looks at her daughter seated on her lap who looked back at her with pleading eyes- will be the first... (???)

the horned girl hearing this walked over to the other two before seating herself beside them and gently picking them up both before placing them on her lap making it so the daughter was seated on her mother's lap while she is seated on the horned girl's lap making a pretty interesting scene for any observer

the horned girl affectionately resting her chin on top of the next girl's hair said.

-then let's take it together I'll always be beside you (???)

-Thanks, dear I couldn't have asked for a better partner (???)

they both then lovingly rubbed their cheek against each other.

-*sobs*... so beautiful... yet... so far now... (soul)

even if the small soul whispered it to herself she was within some very special individuals.

-oh, before I forget dear why don't you show her her new home? we will start with the preparations(???)

-alright mama, come let's go and meet the rest (???)

the "daughter" answered her second mother before standing up and disappearing with the soul that appeared a bit confused.


I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V

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