Ant King In MHA

Chapter 134: A New Threat?

__________ POV Beru __________

"What do you mean, 'dangerous organisation'?" I asked while twirling my antenna and looking at Nezu with a bored gaze.

Not long after the fancy party ended, Nezu called a meeting with everyone to inform us of some stuff.

It seems there are signs of a new force showing up in the underworld. Aizawa is the one that made that discovery, as he's the one with the most connections in that part.

Well, not more connections than me, but I don't really plan on using mine at all.

"Yes, Beru. It seems that this organization has begun acting quite a few months back. And it's been in the spotlight before too..." Nezu looked at the screen, then a familiar image appeared on the screen.

A giant villain fighting a large group of heroes... Oh. I guess that's a thing now. I don't remember being in this fight though, this is certainly my gigantification quirk though.

The guy on film seems to be quite uncaring about injuring the heroes. He's slamming them into the concrete street and in everything that he can.

"Two of the heroes that fought him later died due to their injuries... Now, we've concluded that this is the Giant villain that we've fought before, with and against..." Nezu said as I felt a bit of an annoyance when watching the scene.

I made sure to craft a friendly face for that fake large organisation, and now this random fucker just ruins it? Well, it's clearly not any random cunt, this is obviously my clone.

"Sounds a bit odd~ I remember him helping heroes and refusing to harm them in the past~ Why the sudden change of heart?~" I really need to try and salvage this somehow. But that might not really be possible unless I admit to being an entire organisation by myself...

"That, we don't really know. But he's no longer friendly. He also seems to be interacting in different ways... His appearance seems fixed now too. We're still quite unsure if this is truly the same person, but I guess we'll have to wait and see... Sings point in both directions right now." Aizawa spoke while studying a few files on the table.

"It's pretty annoying~ Say, if this bloke appears, call me instantly, tell me his location, and I'll pay him a friendly visit, yea?~ If it's truly the same guy, then he should've been able to get rid of those heroes much easier~" My words seem to have provided some assurance to everyone here.

I guess they all believe me capable enough to take care of things.

"So you're saying that this one is weaker than the one we know? What if he was just toying with the heroes?" Snipe asked while twirling his gun. Really classy, cowboy style.

"That's unlikely~ Even when holding back~ I can tell that his punches hold so much less power~ Who knows how many people All for One quirked up?~" They all seem to be accepting my explanation for now...

But, in truth, I can tell this isn't my actual clone. Both due to strength, and mannerisms. So, a small question arises...

Why, in the name of fuck, did my clone start handing out quirks like Halloween candy? I guess he did start an organisation of sorts, using an endless arsenal of quirks.

I guess he's found a way to transfer quirks from his body into All for One too... It's annoying, honestly.

I learned to transfer quirks specifically for that presentation from earlier. Now, we didn't actually have quirks powerful enough to do such damage, but I do have a quirk that temporarily charges and activates quirks.

It can somewhat mimic the excess of Quirk Factor in the body for a few moments. We obviously didn't say anything about that in the presentation though. That would be quite self-defeating.

"So... Is that all we can do? Wait for things to happen? It feels a bit strange to be this... Passive?" Present Mic is quite the lad really, but I don't really want anyone to get involved in whatever the fuck my clone did.

I need to clean up my own mess, as some would say.

"Well~ That is the very basic nature of hero work~ We only appear if something happens, rarely can we preemptively stop it~ It's better if we prepare to capture him and then think about his organisation more~" Once again, my sound answer has cooled off the situation.

What can I say, I have that effect on peop-

"That is nice and all. But we can always just start hinting that villain down. We already know his area of operation, he's revealed his face, even if he's not on the registry, we can patrol properly and find him." Vlad King, the bastard...

How dare you bring a good solution to the table? I just said that I don't want you guys involved in all this shit.

"... I think Vlad's proposal is better. We can team up with a few more heroes and form patrolling parties in that region. It's better if we do it sooner than later." Nezu, the bastard...

Actually agreeing to Vlad's proposal while disregarding the gaze that I keep giving him... Well, if I can't make them uninvolved, I should at least try to involve them minimally.

"How about this~ You all spread out and look for him~ Then you call me and I take care of him?~" I really hope they bite this time too...

"... sounds like you don't trust us anymore Beru~ OH I'm soo hurt." Midnight, the skank...

Actually daring to point out the obvious. She's also flirting with me, in such a serious time... I guess we're both quite similar now that I think about it.

"If this was the original, as you've put it. Then we'd likely call you. But, after looking a bit closer, it's pretty clear that this man isn't as strong. He also hasn't changed his face at all in over 4 different appearances." Damn it all! Why did I make such a convincing point about it not being me?!

"... I guess?~" I was forced to admit defeat this time. But I won't be kept down!

If I can't prevent them from looking after the villain, then I'll just have to find that guy faster!

Let the best hunter take the spoils! Or whatever... I should get to sniffing him out.

__________ POV Narration__________

A while before the entire meeting with Nezu happened, something else of importance was happening somewhere else in Musutafu.

"Are you sure this will attract the heroes? I've been making more and more appearances all over the city." A man dressed in a tacky, Hawaiian shirt and short jeans looked at the man in front of him with respect.

"Obviously~ I wouldn't have asked you to do such a thing otherwise~" The man, no the being that responded was rather strange. Looking like a hybrid of different quirked animals, looking somewhat like a chimaera made of more and more limbs from different species.

"Well, you know I trust you best, boss!" The casually dressed guy got up from his seat and left the room. Leaving only the abomination to its thoughts.

'...Let's see how you enjoy this little surprise, fake...' These thoughts filled the man's mind as a menacing and toothy smile revealed itself on his face.


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