Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 4 defeating the big robot part 1






[Third person POV]

Inside a mall somewhere...


The sounds of explosions can be heard making little thermos all around the mall...

On the inside, 2 people are fighting a big robot...

One of them is wearing military police clothing and was shooting with a gun in his hand and on his other hand he was carrying a little girl wearing simple clothes, and she was shooting magic at the big robot...





[Liana POV]


"[EMP shot]!"(Liana)


We are fighting the big giant robot right now, the guy carrying me is shooting it with the gun that he had, and I was shooting magic at it too but...



The bullet got deflected because of its strong armor and my magic can't even get through its armor as well...






The giant robot swings its pincers at him, but he evades it with a roll to the right while still carrying me...

The pincers hit the floor behind him, and it accidentally got stuck on the ground...

With that happening, he aims his gun at the giant robot's head and shoots at it...



But the bullet didn't even dent it at all...

"Where the hell is its fricking weak point?...."(mister)



The pincer that got stuck forced its way out of the floor and flew towards his back...

"Watch out! [Shock wave]!"(Liana)

I shoot an electric wave to the pincer and manage to knock it back from hitting him...

He looks behind and shoots at the pincer with his gun...




I think I heard something there...

The pincers move back and grab the ledge of the big hole, the big robot body is pretty much at the center of the hole and the 4 pincers is securing its body from falling down the hole...

Three pincers, actually...

One of them is attacking us but...

Wait a second here...

I look at the pincers that are holding the body in place...

As I look closer it seems to have some damage on it...


I look at the guy and shouted to him...

"Mister the pincers is its weak point!!"(Liana)

He looks at the pincers and lowered me down to the ground, and then he gave me a thumbs up at me...

He then aims his gun at it and shoots his gun at the pincers that were holding one of the walls...




2 of its pincers move...

One of its pincers grabs a Pillar breaking it, but the Pillar is still standing the other pincer grabs the second floor and broke the floor there but the floor still manages to hold then the big robot's body...

It then started rising its body up till it reaches the second floor...

The robot big red eye locked on to us and then its front body started opening and...


I see two big Heavy Machine Guns or HMG for short open up in its body!? I shouted at him...



He then runs towards me, grabbed me and started to run as fast as he could...



Big robot shooting


The machine guns started shooting at us as we ran to avoid the bullets...

The bullets came and went! Flying everywhere in every direction around us, but luckily we didn't get hit by it and managed to get to cover behind a Pillar somewhere, but it's still firing its machine guns at us...



"Well that's just great...."(mister)


The guy changes his gun mag while looking at the big robot behind the Pillar with me...

The pillar won't be able to hold for long since it's started to crack a lot from machine-gun fire...

I quickly started thinking of something to do...

Okay, think! Think! What can I do right now to stop that thing?...

I look at the big robot in the middle of the hole shooting at us with its machine guns...

I then try using appraisal at the big robot...


Spider walker Giga type(mark 5)

Lvl 50

HP: 120950/350000

MP: 0/0




Let's think about that later because that doesn't help...

My brain is going to blow up because of the differences in stats...

I look around and saw that one of its pincers was badly damaged from the shots that he was shooting at with his gun, which could be useful...

I then started looking around, when I look up I saw something in the top layer of the floor up in the ceiling...

It's a gigantic TV screen...

If I'm right, if it falls it might hit the body and the badly damaged pincer of the robot for where it's standing...

It just might work I just need a distraction...

I look at him and pointed my hand at the TV screen on the top floor...

"Mister I think if that TV screen falls it may hit that giant robot! And might cause the robot to fall and crash down into the hole!"(Liana)

He looks at where I am pointing, but he shakes his head...

"There's no way I can make that fall with my gear, it is impossible since it has a steel part that has to be cut to get it to fall" (mister)

I looked at the TV screen, and he is right I see a big steel pipe holding it in place behind it, I then closed my eyes and started thinking...

Wait I got fire Magic! I look at him again...

"I can cut it with magic!"(Liana)

He looks at me...

"Hah?really?" (Mister)

He didn't seem to believe me...

"I have fire magic! I can cut it!"(Liana)

I said to him with determined eyes...

He looks at me then at the gigantic TV screen than at me again...

After a couple of seconds, he sighted...

" Just be quick okay? I'll give you 10 minutes " (Mister)

"Yes!" (Liana)

He then started running out of the Pillar and did support fire while also taking cover in some places, the giant robot started looking at the guy and kept shooting its machine guns at him...

I ran as fast as I can from where I am to quickly find a way up to the second floor...

There are 5 floors to get to the top floor...

The gigantic TV screen is on the fifth floor of course...

I run around and found a stair that is leading up to the second floor...

I use that to go to the second floor...

After climbing the stairs and now on the second floor I can see the robot's face from here, and It's still locking on to him and kept shooting its machine guns around him...

I better move fast...

Then I heard some sounds down there...


I look down and see him throwing Grenades on the pincers...

It damages it a lot, but the robot is still hanging...

I kept moving and found another stair that leads to the third floor...

I climb up to the third floor and when I got there I see...




3 hollow Droids in front of me great!...

I made a gun shape on my hand and use my skill...

"[EMP shot]!"(Liana)



I shoot my magic at it, and it hit the middle hollow Droid, and then I move to a cover on a nearby stall...

The other 2 hollow Droids aims its gun at me and started shooting at me...




I then move out from there and did a roll to the side while grabbing my gun from my inventory, I then aim it at the two hollow Droids in front of me and pulled the trigger...


"Hit" (Liana)






One of the bullets I fire hit the first Droid in the head, and it falls down to the floor, but the other one got hit on the body...

The one that got hit on the body is still standing and was still aiming its gun at me...



I rolled to the side evading the bullets but...



I fail to evade it and one of the bullets hit my left leg...

And I fell onto the ground...

I aim my gun at the Droid that was about to shoot me again and quickly pulled the trigger...




I shoot 2 times and all of it hit its head the Droid then falls to the floor and stops moving...

I then started getting up...


My left leg hurt so much I have tears in my eyes...

And my leg is bleeding quite a bit...

But I need to get going...

I look at the stairs in front of me and move to the stairs while jumping a lot with my right leg while still bearing the pain in my left leg...

But I stop since I almost forgot about something...

My ears started flickering...


I quickly aimed my gun behind me and shoot 3 times...



I heard something falling behind me, I look behind and see a Droid on the ground with one bullet hitting its chest and the other in the head...

"Always double-check"(Liana)

After seeing that there are no more Droids anymore on the third floor aiming at me, I quickly moved up to the fourth floor while Bering the pain in my leg, it's hell climbing the stairs with my leg that got shot...

After getting to the fourth floor I saw...

A lot of furniture blocking the way to the fifth floor...

There's a lot of types of furniture here like chairs, tables, and other big things, and it's pretty annoying because my left leg hurts right now, and I don't have time to go around it good thing all of them are made of metal...

I aimed my hand at the furniture that was blocking my way and used my skill...

"[Shock wave]!"



All the furniture that was blocking me got flung out of my way some of it got sent flying out of the fourth floor and falls to the first floor below...

Some also got sent flying to some stalls nearby and destroyed them...

I keep moving up the stairs not minding what happens at all to the fifth floor where the big TV screen should be at...





[Mister POV ]


Shooting my gun at one of the pincers and kept damaging it a lot but it was still not enough...



Its machine guns moved and aimed at me and were about to fire but then...




Some furniture out of nowhere fell from the sky and hit the big robot on top of its head shaking the robot up and messing up its shots, I manage to quickly find cover before it started looking around to find me again...

Whatever happen there I say my thanks...





I'm going to do parts since the battle chapter is pretty long I did my best to draw the place

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