Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 5 defeating the big robot part 2


[Liana POV]

I arrive on the fifth floor and walked myself to the gigantic TV screen...
I was also bearing the pain in my left leg that got shot last time...
The bleeding is still there but not that much anymore...
I moved to the ledge of the fifth floor to see what's going on below...


I heard the sound of gunfire still raging below...
I look at the giant TV screen and it seems that it's quite high up in the ceiling...
I look around but didn't see any ladders to go up there...
My fire magic is only level 1 so I might be unable to melt it at long distance and my lightning magic won't do well again steel at long distance too...

"... What to do now?..."(Liana)

I closed my eyes and started thinking...



The small tremor came and made me lose Ballance a little but I'm still okay...



A cracking sound came from on top of me...
I look up to see that there is a crack on the rooftop near the TV screen...


I then look at the crack then on the TV screen then on the crack again...
It's pretty close almost very close to it...
I then look around to see if there is a way to get to the rooftop...

"Ah! Found it..."(Liana)

I found an emergency exit door to my right at the edge of the wall...
I move to the door and open it and I saw the stairs going down to the other floors but to get to the rooftop I need to...
Climb a ladder...
The way to the rooftop is going up by ladder and that's not good my leg still hurts from the shot...


I took a long deep breath before going to the ladder and climbing up...
The pain in my leg is still there...
I also haven't checked my HP at all yet...
I use appraisal on myself...
Lvl 35
HP: 1019/3500(bleeding)
MP: 855/1800
Okay!? I lost a lot of HP! from that one shot to my leg... That's a lot... Wait bleeding?
Bleeding: -1 HP every second
Oof!! So I lose 1 HP every second?!

"How much damage does that shot do!?"(Liana)

[ That shot did 2000 dmg]

Big! How did the Droid survive that shot then!? it only has 150 HP!? With my HP I will die with only 2 hits from them!?

"How did the Droid survive a bullet in the chest!?"(Liana)

[Protective armor on the chest area and other parts of its body except for the head]

Okay, thanks for the information! Let's move on! I climb up the ladder while bearing the pain in my leg...


[Mister POV]


Shooting my gun on its pincer a lot of times...
But it's still standing! Seriously why the hell won't it fall!


I evaded another barrage of bullets coming at me by moving to cover on a pilar...
I look In front to see one of its pincers moved and was aiming at me!...


I move to the side and the pincer strikes the Pilar beside me...

Boom! crumble! crumble!

The Pilar falls and the pincer is stuck there I aim at it and fire my gun...



Bullet out at this time!?...


I did a tactical roll while reloading my gun...
Seriously will the kid plan work? What is that kid doing right now!...
I aimed my gun again at the giant robot and started shooting...


[Liana POV]


I manage to arrive at the rooftop by ladder I was sweating nonstop right now...
I look upfront and see the door to the roof...
I slowly walked there and tried opening the door...


It won't open I take a big sigh...
The door seems to be made out of metal so...
I raised my hand towards the door and use my skill...

"[Shock wave]"(Liana)


The door flies a couple of feet away and falls to the rooftop floor...
I move out to felt the wind blowing around me I look around and saw the crack on the floor...
I then move to the crack hopefully it's the right one...


But I wonder how will I blow it up?...

[Advice using combination magic]

"Combination magic?"(Liana)

[ Yes a combination of 2 elements of magic]

I then think...
I only have fire and lightning magic right now...
I wonder what I can do...
I look at the ground it's still sturdy Even know it's cracked I might be able to soften it out with fire...
I move back from the crack...

I then took out a Droid part from my inventory...
Combining fire and lightning elements...
Fire to melt the ground beneath it and lightning to overheat the metal...

"[Flaming Ark Flash]"(Liana)

The Droid part started to shake violently and glowing red...
I then throw it at the crack...
It started melting the ground beneath the crack and submerged itself on the ground...
I then wait a couple of seconds then...


An explosion was made and dust came flying out everywhere I cover my eyes to not let the dust get in my eyes...
Once I open my eyes and look at the crack it made a hole for me to jump in I look at what's below the hole and see that it's the back of the TV screen where the metal pipe is...
Might as well explained what my spell did I combined my fire magic and lightning magic...
I use the fire magic to melt the ground and lightning magic to make the metal droid part explode...
Ark Flash is a thing in science...
Using the power of electricity to a metal piece with a hollow out inside to evaporated it causing a burst of flame that explosion on sight from the inside the force of the blast is also very strong...
Combine its power with fire to melt the ground beneath it will make the explosion bigger because of the force it generate and the ground blocking and heating it faster...
I jump down from the hole I made and land down on the back of the TV screen...
I saw the steel pipe beside me...
I look at it and it's around 100 centimeters in diameter...
It's pretty big...
I made a gun pose on my hand and aimed it at the steel pipe and used my skill...
Adding the power of compress flame...
Adding oxygen as high energy...

"[Blow torch]!"


Then a small blue condensed flame was made in one of my fingers I then move my hand closer to the steel pipe and let the flame touch it...


Great, it's melting it! I just need to keep this up!...


[Mister POV]


"What was that?"(mister)

It came from the top floor...
I hope the kid is okay...
I look at the giant robot in front of me it stops firing its gun at me...
What is it doing now...
Its eyes started to glow very brightly and then...


I saw something opening on top of the robot...
Wait is that...


"Oh my God!"(mister)

It fired missiles!!! The missiles were flying around the place and...
One of them hit the floor beside me and flung me away...
I manage to roll away from the explosion...


It made a big explosion but at least I manage to evade it...
Another one hit the third floor and made the floor fall down to the second floor the last one hit the rooftop on the side and made some rubble falls to the first floor onto me!?...



I evade the falling rubble and manage to get out with only a scratch...


It fired 3 more missiles it hit the second and fourth floor but one of them is going to...


[Liana POV]

"Almost there..."

Only 20 centimeters left...



I grabbed a railing near me...

I felt rumbling everywhere what's going on down there! I almost fell and I have to stop cutting and started balancing myself here again...



I look down and see...

"A missile!!"(Liana)



The missile hit near me and a shockwave came shaking the gigantic TV screen with me on it...

"Where did that come from!"(Liana)

[ Warning boss entered rage mode]

"Wait seriously!?"(Liana)

Oh no, what to do I better hurry up!...
Then my ear twitched...



I look down again and see...
A missile...
At me!? I use my skill fast!

"[Shock wave]!"(Liana)


It hit the missile and stoping it from getting closer but then


"Ah...not good..."(Liana)


The missile explodes in front of the gigantic TV screen and made a gigantic shock wave hitting the TV screen with me on it...


I grabbed onto the railing beside me so that I won't fall down but then I heard a sound...



I look at the steel pipe and saw a crack...
My face went pale and I started sweating a lot...




and the gigantic TV screen falls...
With me on its back...



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