Archon of Danmachi

Aftermath of the Show XIII

Needless to say, Riveria's talk with Nox was tremendously important and valuable for the two of them. Though what they gained out of it was different, it was similarly precious nonetheless.

Riveria gained Nox's trust, a secure spot as his second in command and now, probably the person who knew most about him in the way of things he kept to himself all the time.

This trust strengthen the love he had for her, gaining Riveria a great improvement in importance within Nox's mind.

She might not yet have access to his deepest of secrets but she was the only to whom he directly told they existed and why they remained secrets even to those he trusted the most in this world.

As for him, what he had gained was comparable indeed. Since he was the only one with full knowledge, at least until that moment, Nox was burdened with making the big decisions by himself with even the slightest error maybe being disastrous and it all being on him.

Now though, he could run all decisions through his new second and work out plans with her, take advice from someone who knew why he made the decisions he did due to now having the full knowledge of what he had going on.

It was a huge relief for Nox and by putting such trust in Riveria, he also gained a much stronger love in addition to the solid support from the high elfess.

Now that they had everything squared away though, it was take to go back out. Nox left the room after his heart to heart with Riveria and joined the others while the high elfess went to tell Ais the decision they had both made in regards to what was to be done about her situation.

Thus the illusion that Ais was the sole matter of discussion between Nox and Riveria was created in the minds of everyone present, making their new connection and improved relation their little big secret.

After Riveria finished telling Ais the restrictive plan she and Nox had worked out, at least the major points, the girl felt sad, sad that not only had she disappointed and taken advantage of Nox, in doing so, she was no longer allowed to train and dungeon dive on her own terms.

Regardless of how it saddened her however, Ais accepted her punishment, which in truth, was never meant as one. It was merely a way to stop Ais's self abuse which would no doubt lead to a very poor end for the girl, though she herself was not yet mature enough to see it that way.

After this was taken care of, Riveria made a small show of pondering before showing her agreeance to Nox's previous plan, reinforcing in the minds of those who had accepted his design with a bit of reluctance that their decision to support the their man was indeed the correct one.

With all parties in agreement, it was time for action though, and it was precisely in this moment that a message from none other than Loki herself reached Nox.

He had given her a magic item that enabled telepathic communication with other holders of similar objects so long as the the signature of the object held by the one wanted to contact was registered in the one held by the user.

Nox kept his at all times and when he was doing something important, he had others who could contact him know so that they only tried to reach him in emergencies. When he was doing something critical however, he gave out warnings that he would be unreachable.

For this gathering, which in Nox mind was of great importance for his group, he had given a warning to only contact him in case of emergency as he did not wish to be interrupted.

As such, Loki's "call" did draw his attention and, though emergency might not be the exact word for it, it was most certainly an somewhat urgent matter.

The King, accompanied by a girl, came visiting the Twilight Manor, wishing to speak to Nox about matters of critical importance at the earliest possible time and Loki's sharp instincts warned her of the importance of said matter and the impact it could have.

That being the case, she decided to call Nox despite the situation at hand not really falling under his definition of emergency.

Thankfully, he was just about done, only assigning specific tasks was left as a lot of preparation was required before making a big move like taking over the Man Made Labyrinth, Knossos.

Telling Loki he would be at the manor in less than an hour, Nox communicated what had just happened to the girls and Tiona along with Riveria decided to follow him up, swiftly followed by Ais whose motives were threefold.

She wanted to make it up to Nox by being helpful, wanted to actually do something rather than just standing still and doing nothing until her magical contract was created, and she obviously wished to help with whatever the Loki Familia, who had been her home and family for quite a while now, was dealing with.

Back in the surface, after Loki informed the two visitors that Nox would be there in under an hour they settled down in a room while waiting.

Ottar's demeanour did not betray any of his thoughts but Horn who came with him was an open book to someone as experienced as Loki who swiftly made a read of the situation.

It was this initial judgement combined with her innate instincts that made her break protocol and call Nox and as time trickled by while they all waited for his arrival, the red haired goddess could only commend herself for her vision as her worries became increasingly more certain by the general demeanour shown by her two "guests" . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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