Archon of Danmachi

Aftermath of the Show XIV

Loki could only commend herself for her vision as her worries became increasingly more certain by the general demeanour shown by her two "guests". Even the stoic Ottar seemed to be letting little tidbits through his otherwise stony front, something which in and of itself had meaning.

The greatest source of nonverbal information however, was the obviously disturbed girl that had come with the King to the Twilight Manor and it was from her that Loki gathered enough to make her own judgement of the situation.

This girl, who Loki figured was Horn since while she had never personally met her, the red haired goddess figured she was the only one important enough to walk around with the King on seemingly critical business, was jittery to say the least.

From the appearance of Ottar who while outside the Dungeon, could almost always be found by Freya's side, Loki could deduce it was either something they did on Freya's direct orders or something they did on their own with a direct connection to Freya.

From Ottar's little slips in demeanour, Loki guessed it was the latter. Something was wrong with Freya and the two members of her Familia came to the Twilight Manor to search for Nox because of it. That also meant the girl was more important that the red haired goddess had given her credit for before they met.

Freya was one of the most influential goddesses in Orario now . . . she was the most influential goddess in Orario, as one standing at the top of all goddesses of beauty, the amount of trouble she could make without technically breaking the rules all gods were bound by, was truly astronomical.

As such, if something was wrong with ther, it was not just a problem for the goddess herself and those directly connected to her, but also a huge problem for everyone as if Freya wet of the rails for some reason, the consequences would be disastrous.

Loki figured that much out and so she called Nox despite his warning not to be disturbed, in light of the peculiar circumstances.

In the meantime however, she dedicated herself to try and figure out more of the situation despite her two guests only being willing to discuss whatever matter they had come for directly with Nox and no one else.

And as Horn ws beyond the doubt the most mysterious and behaviorally unstable of the two, it was her that the red haired goddess seemed intent on observing and, while Horn would usually notice these things and make moves to to give anything important away, her mind was far to entranced with other matters for her to make such judgements on that particular moment.

It would be easy to assume Horn's rapidly shifting expression, constant pacing and repeated huffing puffing and sighing to be related to her goddess' problem, whatever it might be, and her hurriedness to fix it. However, Loki thought different.

The girl seemed to have some manner of complex internal struggle when it came to Nox as her nervous behavior seemed to be getting slightly ever worse the closer it came to Nox's agreed upon time of arrival.

'If I had to guess, I'd say this girl is madly in love with Nox while simultaneously passionately hating him and wishing him gone. Her nervousness would then stem from meeting the man who stole her heart as was as her hated "enemy" of sorts, face to face . . .' Loki evaluated.

'However . . . That doesn't make any sense . . .' The red haired goddess thought to herself.

She was aware that a lot went on in Nox life that she did know about, be it things she knew went on beyond her sight while not knowing what exactly they were or even things she hadn't the slightest idea about.

Nonetheless, Loki was pretty confident that she knew most if not all of Nox's romantic life, even his escapades with her rival, the Big Boobed Loli Goddess which she would never acknowledge publicly as a worthy rival under any circumstance.

'There are of course people with a couple of loose screws that develop extremely strong feelings for someone with minimal or no interaction and this Horn girl does sort of give ment that feeling but . . . It still feels off . . .' Loki pondered.

'What I sense from her is too pure and deep seated, regardless of how twisted it may be, to come from mere observation or minor interaction.' She analyzed.

The red haired goddess knew she was missing something, she had to be missing a critical piece that would make her conclusions all make sense since she had a pretty good feeling she had hit the mark with her deductions.

In a way, it was quite frightening how close Loki got to the truth just from a quick analysis of the circumstances and the observation of nonverbal cues. Then again, as a goddess of trickery whose divinity fostered an innate nature most fitting for schemes and deception, perhaps such skills ought to be matter of course.

'Putting aside this little girl for now . . . Freya being obsessed with Nox is nothing I did not know, for the King and his little accompaniment to be searching for him makes it obvious enough what this is all about.' Loki thought.

'If I had to give a big guess, something about Nox's little show during the Monsterphilia triggered Freya in someway that is probably not good for anyone, including herself . . .' The red haired goddess deduced with unerring accuracy.

Whatever the case, Loki silently excused herself from the room, Nox should be about to arrive and she wanted to to talk to him before the awaited meeting took place.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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