Archon of Danmachi

Aftermath of the Show XV

Loki silently excused herself from the room, leaving her two guests alone for a moment, Nox was about to arrive and she wanted to to talk to him before the awaited meeting took place.

After all, it was best to get their stories straight and inform him of what she gleaned so they would have the advantage in the talks.

Being that the King himself was in their Familia home to request their help however, Nox was already on a pretty powerful position when it came to any upcoming negotiations.

Soon after, Nox arrived as expected, Tiona, Ais and Riveria in tow and, seeing this gathering, Finn, Tione, Bete and Gareth joined Loki as they all met up and quickly went inside with a short greeting.

"Ya have a way of attractin' trouble as always Noxy." Loki sighed, teasing her young lover.

"You known it beautiful. So tell me, what kind of trouble have I attracted this time exactly." Nox responded in stride.

"The guests clammed up, they said they would speak only after ya arrived. Probably intending on speaking with ya alone I'd wager." Loki replied.

"That doesn't mean you haven't picked up on things from their demeanour though, otherwise you would not call me as technically, this does not qualify as a emergency." Nox went straight to the point.

"Ah, ya known me too well Noxy! Guess it wasn't a waste spending all this time with ya eh?" Loki teased in response.

"Onto serious business though, here's what I could figure out from just keepin' an eye on them .  ." The red haired goddess said before moving on to explaining what she had gleaned from her previous observations of the two guest in the Twilight Manor.

"Seems legit to me . . ." Nox said in response at Loki's theory something was off with Freya, something related to his actions during the Monsterphilia and bad enough that her most trusted right hand personally came to request Nox's help.

'Well, Freya did go crazy and charmed pretty much all of Orario in the Light Novel so her going off rails is indeed a matter of concern. Though from the way things are going, I'd imagine there must have a specific trigger.' He pondered.

'In the LN, a Freya who could no longer hold back on her desire for Bell went on a date with him as Syr and confessed, his rejection being the trigger that led to her going completely off the rails but . . . I don't remember any specific thing I've done that could have had that sort of impact.' Not wracked his brain but couldn't come up with an answer.

There had to be something, he knew that much, it was probably something which he said or did while Freya was watching that while he did not place that great a meaning or importance on it, the goddess of beauty most certainly did and it thus set her off.

'The girl that came with Ottar, Horn, she is the former Syr Flover who becomes Freya when Freya is taking her form as the current Syr. Since she is basically a mirror in which all of Freya's emotions are reflected, meeting her should get me a very decent idea of how bad is it.' Nox continued to ponder.

Since he knew of Horn's connection with Freay, there was a lot he could learn about the goddess from meeting and analyzing her since, unlike Freya, the girl was not nearly as skilled in hiding her depths.

Freya might not really hid much of herself but there are certain nuances, a feeling that though what one is seeing if the true Freya but not the full complete truth of the goddess. Getting overloaded by Freya's emotions however, Horn was much easier to read regardless.

After all, there was no comparison in the difficulty of figuring out a human whose life was measured in decades and a goddess whose life was not measure att all due to her agelessness.

"What are ya cookin' inside that head of yers?" Loki suddenly called out and Nox came out of his thoughts, only to realize everyone seemed to be focused on him.

"Sorry just trying to figure something out. what did I miss?" He apologized and inquired.

"I was sayin' that there's little more we can figure out without actually seein' what the two visitors have to say but . . . It looks like ya have something in mind?" Loki questioned.

"Just trying to figure out the trigger. Way I see things, there as to be something specific that set Freya off, resulting in her right hand man coming to pay us a visit, probably without informing her, I just don't know what that trigger was." Nox explained, omitting his thoughts on Horn for the moment.

"Even if we assume Loki and your assumptions on the goddess Freya are correct, there may not have been a specific trigger for whatever is currently happening with her, it may all be simply a result of accumulated stress blowing up." Finn interjected from the side.

But while his consideration of that option was most definitely correct from a logical standpoint, Jun knew from his knowledge of Freya learned from the LN that that option could almost certain be dismissed as it was highly unlikely to be the truth.

"No, Noxy is probably right . . . Freya is a long time "friend", from what I know of her, a specific trigger is the much more likely explanation. That aside though, I am most interested in the girl that came with Ottar." Loki supported Nox's interpretation of events while drawing attention to Horn.

'It seems Loki's instincts and experience allow her to sniff out things that wouldn't even cross my mind if not for my previous knowledge . . .' Nox internally praised Loki with a wry smile, knowing that keeping things completely hidden from his beloved red haired goddess was truly difficult.


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