Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

132 – The Beast Form of the Phoenix

Chapter 132 - The Beast Form of the Phoenix

Soldier Greg:

The duchess's family had left for the royal capital and would be back in a few days. It was the time of the magical academy entrance exams, always a chaotic period.

In my day, it was madness, but thankfully, I stayed in the academy within our territory. As vassals of the ducal family, we had guaranteed scholarships to the territory's magic academy, which covered all family members with magical aptitude. They funded our education and living expenses throughout the years we honed our skills.

I came from a family that had served as guards at Evenhart Fortress for generations, and I was lucky to be born with the gift of magic. My father was proud of me, and I even became popular in the village for being the first mage in the family. Five years ago, I was sent to study, and recently, I returned for the most difficult mission of my life. I'm about to do a job nobody wants to take.

"Hurry up, Greg!" Tom's voice interrupted my thoughts, urging me on.

"Are you sure we have to do this?" I asked hesitantly, glancing at my partner.

Life at the fortress was peaceful; after all, who would dare attack a place guarded by an army? But the real issue wasn't invaders—it was something far worse living among us.

"It's your turn to deliver the meat, and I'm only coming with you because you're new. Do you think I want to be doing this?" he replied, unable to hide his discomfort.

I was carrying a large slab of meat on my back, and we were approaching the entrance to a shed sealed off entirely to keep out sunlight. Whatever lived inside preferred the darkness.

I stopped at the entrance, staring down what looked like a tunnel that curved into the blackness.

"This is creepy. I’ve heard rumors, and now I'm scared," I admitted, my voice trembling slightly.

I glanced at Tom and noticed he was sweating, clearly uneasy as well.

“Why do we have to do this and not the legacies?” I asked, trying to mask the fear in my voice.

“Not even they go near that thing. Besides the young masters, only Lady Margaery and Lady Katherine ever step foot in there,” he replied, with a tone that suggested this wasn’t something to question.

I stared into the dark entrance again, taking a deep breath.

“Are you sure the creature in there will know the difference between this meat and me? Why don’t we just leave and forget about it?” I half-joked, hoping it could somehow be a real option.

He gave me a horrified look.

“Are you insane? You want to leave that thing hungry?”

“You’re right…” I muttered, resigned.

Why did I have to come back from the academy and end up doing something like this?

I adjusted the meat on my back, making sure it wouldn’t slip off, and began walking again. Tom stayed by the entrance, watching me with an expression that made it clear he wouldn’t trade places with me for all the gold in the kingdom.

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we wait until they return from their trip?” I asked, hoping to delay the inevitable.

“When that thing isn’t fed, they know. And Lady Margaery spoils it like it’s her own child. You do not want to upset anyone, especially whatever lives in there.”

I glanced at the darkness again, and my legs began to shake.

The stories I’ve heard about what’s in there... I really hope they’re just lies.

“Good luck, Greg,” Tom said as I finally crossed into the tunnel.

“Do I just toss the meat in there?” I shouted, trying to keep my tone light.

“Don’t shout!” he whispered in panic, rushing toward me. “If it’s asleep, that’s better for both you and me.”

I swallowed hard, unsure of what to do.

Should I make some noise? Maybe if whatever is inside knows I’m coming, it won’t be startled if it wakes up and sees me.

I kept walking down the dark tunnel. The shed had been remodeled and expanded with the help of earth mages to suit the preferences of the creature living inside.

When I reached the bend, my heart began to race, and I felt the fear creeping up inside me.

Calm down, Greg! You’re a soldier, and this is probably just a bunch of stories…

I pressed on, turning the corner and walking further into the place. Now, the daylight that had still barely reached the entrance was gone, leaving me in complete darkness.

The silence made everything even scarier.

Adjusting the large slab of meat on my back to keep it from slipping, I continued along what felt like a cave. Then, something startled me.

“Shit!” I yelled, only to realize it was just my own shadow.

The place was dimly lit by a faint glow from a small crystal embedded in the wall. As I walked, more light crystals began to glow automatically, responding to my presence and illuminating the path ahead.

They really invested in this place...

I felt a little more at ease with the faint light, but I noticed that as I moved forward, the crystals behind me would dim, plunging the tunnel back into darkness.

The meat was growing heavier on my back, a clear effect of my nerves. I was getting more tense by the second, but suddenly, the tunnel came to an end.

Did I make it?

I realized that the walls of the tunnel had disappeared, opening into a vast, dark space where not even the faint light from the crystals could reach. I swallowed hard as I understood I had arrived at the heart of the lair.

“I’m coming in…” I tried to say, but my voice came out shaky.

My task was simple: leave the meat at the edge of where I stood.

“Just a few more seconds…” I muttered to myself, trying to calm my nerves.

With difficulty, I placed the meat on the ground. I couldn’t just toss it carelessly, or I might irritate the creature living here. I had to set the food down gently, showing that I was being respectful.

‘Snooort.’ A hot breath blew against my face.

“Holy shit!” I jumped in fright and looked back toward the center of the lair, but all I saw was darkness.

My legs began to tremble again as I realized something was definitely there with me.

I just hope it's asleep... please, let it be asleep, please!

‘Grrrrr!’ A deep, guttural growl came from the darkness, and I froze, raising my hands in surrender.

“Please, Mr. Monster! I’m just here to bring the food, I’m unarmed!”

Not that I’d dare to do anything, even if I was armed…

Another hot breath blew from the shadows, and I could hear heavy footsteps approaching, echoing through the ground.

What do I do!? What do I do!?

I wanted to run away from this place, but I knew any wrong move could be fatal. I couldn’t see what was lurking in the darkness, but I was certain it was massive. The sound of its footsteps and the heat radiating from it told me that this creature was every bit as terrifying as the rumors among the guards had said.

The light behind me went out, plunging the entire area into total darkness.

This can’t be happening… I must be the unluckiest guy alive.

My body was frozen with fear as the presence kept getting closer and closer. My breath stopped completely when I felt the hot air so close it almost brushed against my skin.

“I… I… I’m just the new guy delivering food,” I stammered into the darkness.

Silence reigned, and my body began trembling even more.

“Is… is anyone there?”


“OH SHIT!” I fell backward, collapsing onto the ground as panic took over. A monstrous creature spat fire into the air and roared with an earth-shattering sound.

“HELP!” I tried to get up, but my legs gave out, sending me tumbling again.

The creature’s footsteps grew louder, closer, and I crawled along the ground, completely paralyzed by fear. The vision of the winged reptilian monster, its face covered in spikes, sharp teeth bared, and flames pouring from its mouth, was seared into my mind.

Finally, I managed to stand, though still shaking, and bolted back through the tunnel, the lights flickering on automatically as I passed.

I glanced back one last time.

‘AAAARRGH!’ The monstrous being roared again, incinerating the slab of meat with the fire spewing from its mouth.

“THIS ISN’T REAL!” I screamed, trying to convince myself as I sprinted, gripping the walls for support.

The family pet… it’s a DRAGON!

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