Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

133 – My Dragon Wife Is Jealous

Chapter 133 - My Dragon Wife Is Jealous

Nathan Evenhart:

We had just returned from the Royal Capital, and next month, my life was set to take a new turn with many changes on the horizon. I didn’t have to worry about grades since I wasn’t competing for any position, being a high-ranking noble, but we still had to study to secure a good score. I managed to get 80% on the theoretical exam, while Chloe scored above 90%. She was better than me when it came to memorizing the kingdom’s history, but I did well.

The magical battle test was a simulation to evaluate the student's skill, and you already know the chaos I caused in that place. Chloe, on the other hand, was praised for her ice summoning skills. The battle test didn’t give an actual score, just a “commendation” rank. After the simulation, there were several simpler magic tests. The students had to cast their best spells, maintain a spell for a long period, and perform other assessments that couldn’t be evaluated during the battle.

Chloe and I were excused from the rest of the exams, but it wasn’t because of the chaos I caused. As high-ranking nobles, we didn’t need to complete the other tests, just the main ones. The remaining evaluations were to assess the performance of other nobles and commoners in magic and to break ties for those with similar scores. Since we had guaranteed spots, we were spared from the rest of the admission exam, our scores remained private, and we didn’t have to wait for the final results a week later. So, we left that same day.

"Finally, we're back..." I said, entering the castle.

"Everything went well. I can hardly believe it. I was so nervous, but I did great," said my cousin, happily.

"You both did well because you studied, plain and simple. Studying is important, and just because you know how to use magic doesn't mean you can neglect it," Aunt Margie said.

Just as I was about to say something, a hand landed on my shoulder, stopping me.

"No rest for you yet, young man," my mother said. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Right now?" I asked.

My aunt came closer. "Yes, go now, or you'll leave Cylla in a bad mood. It’s not you who has to listen to the soldiers begging to be reassigned," Aunt Margie added.

I really wanted to take a proper bath first. I’d cleaned up as best I could while away, but I needed to make sure I could change my scent, or she’d know…

"Want me to go with you, Nate?" Chloe asked.

"B-Better not," I replied.

With no choice, my mother and aunt forced me to head toward Cylla’s lair.

As I made my way toward that dangerous place, a few soldiers tried to make conversation, and I responded casually. It was a restricted area, and only a select few had permission to enter. In that particular part of the castle grounds, a special wall had been built, with a gate blocking access. The place was practically inaccessible, and only a very limited number of guards were allowed in, solely to deliver food.

Luckily, the guards assigned to that area were trustworthy, all villagers loyal to our family. But even among them, only a handful had permission to enter that restricted space. Those who did rarely spoke of what they saw inside. Maybe they kept quiet out of respect for our family... or perhaps out of fear.

I swallowed hard as I finally reached the entrance to the lair. The atmosphere was different, thick with tension. Even knowing what awaited me on the other side, I couldn’t shake the chill running down my spine.

Please don’t let her find out… please, don’t let her find out!

I made my way through the cave, turning the corner of the tunnel that led to Cylla’s lair. The automatic crystal lights began to flicker on as I approached, activated by movement. These crystals were powered by my mana, and I manually recharged them from time to time, though they had impressive durability. Still, I raised my hand and conjured a small floating fireball beside me, just to ensure I had some extra light.

When I finally reached the entrance to what could barely be called a room—more accurately, Cylla’s lair—I paused. The darkness here was dense, almost alive, and for a moment, the silence made me doubt if she knew what I’d done. My heart pounded.

‘Thump, thump, thump.’

Heavy footsteps echoed in the tunnel. Something massive was approaching, and soon, the shadow of a gigantic figure stopped right in front of me, blocking the entrance.

‘Snooort.’ A hot breath huffed, and then I felt myself being sniffed.

Please don’t let her find out, please don’t let her find out...

The silence lingered for what felt like an eternity.

Did she figure it out?

"I’m back..." I murmured, my voice barely audible.

"You reek of another woman," said the heavy, accusatory voice.

Damn it, she definitely figured it out...

Without wasting time, I rushed to the wall, quickly touching one of the crystal switches, which immediately lit up a massive orb in the ceiling, illuminating the entire lair. Cylla’s enormous figure came into full view, her eyes glowing intensely.

"It’s not what you think!" I tried to explain, but I knew it wouldn’t be that simple.

In that dark, cavernous space, the imposing figure before me defied logic and fear. A creature that combined three different races: a giant quadruped beast, covered in thick, tough skin, with massive wings resembling those of a monstrous bird or bat, and scales like those of an ancient serpent. Cylla’s bestial form was the union of legendary creatures, making her a unique being... a dragon, with blood-red scales.

“And what am I supposed to think?” Cylla asked, turning her back to me as she lay down again, her scales glinting faintly in the dim light.

“I just hugged Chloe, that’s all!” I tried to explain, but the magnitude of her presence made it clear that this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation.

And I was grabbed by the professor… but it's better if she doesn’t know about that part.

The dragon shot me a sidelong glance, her fiery eyes analyzing me, but soon she ignored me again, lying down.

“Are you mad?” I asked, trying to ease the tension.

She shrugged, closing her eyes as if she didn’t care.

She’s definitely mad...

"Why should I be mad? Did something else happen? Are you feeling guilty? Hiding secrets?" she questioned, keeping her eyes closed.

She’s very mad…

Without thinking twice, I rushed over to my jealous ‘soul wife’, the dragon, and hugged her tightly, feeling the hard, resistant touch of her scales. I stayed there, clinging to her tough skin for what felt like an eternity.

“I gave you a hug too, so now both of you have gotten the same reward,” I said, stepping back with a slight smile.

She opened one eye and stared at me.

“I didn’t tell you to stop hugging me..."

She’s in that mode where she wants to be spoiled... I’m so screwed.

I stayed there for a while longer, and soon enough, I felt her large arm pull me back, trapping me in a hug that felt more like a cage.

"Be careful not to crush me..." I muttered, struggling to breathe as I was enveloped by her enormous limbs.

"It’s your fault for staying away too long."

"It was only 10 days," I tried to argue, even as she squeezed me tighter.

"Even if it had been 10 minutes, I still wouldn’t have liked leaving you defenseless. You’re weak."

"Weak? I’m stronger! I’ve mastered my mana and I’m learning how to use the Celestial Aspects, I even impressed you!"

She tightened her grip even more and sniffed me.

"Doesn’t matter. To me, you’ll always be weak and someone I need to protect," Cylla said, rubbing her head against me like a giant feline.

"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling like a rag doll.

"Marking my territory."

"WHAT!? Again with this?"

"It’s to show the other females you already belong to someone."

"Nobody else can even smell your territory marking except you…"

I decided to stay quiet, letting the dragon satisfy her longing with her hugs.

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