Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

149 – Magicians’ Student Council

Chapter 149 - Magicians' Student Council


"Don't be mistaken, or think that you can belittle a classmate just because they aren't a mage trained for combat. You will all receive military training here, as I mentioned before. The magic classes are supplementary to your curriculum. Every student leaves here prepared to serve in an army, should they choose. Remember, we aren't just any Magic Academy; we're the best Magic Academy. If our students don't align with our values, they don't deserve to be our students."

Professor Ellise left the stage, walking towards a curtain, likely leading backstage.

"I guess they're trying to put us in 'military mode' already," Chloe whispered, still processing the professor's words.

"It's easy for us to figure out what kind of mage we are," I replied.

She nodded thoughtfully. "I'll be a Archer Mage, with my Emitter and Summoner specializations. You could be a Archer Mage too, you know?"

I shrugged, already knowing my answer. "I think I prefer swords. I'll stick with being a Combat Mage."

"I knew you'd say that," she responded with a smug smile.

Around us, other students were already whispering about their own choices, speculating where everyone might fit. The energy in the auditorium was a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"I'm going for the brawling," Thyra said, stretching her arms like she was ready for a fight.

"Really? I thought you'd be a Builder Mage," I teased.

"What?! Are you crazy? I want to be on the frontlines," the wolf girl replied, looking determined.

"I know, idiot..." I muttered, amused by her lack of grasp for sarcasm.

"Princess, what about you?" Thyra turned to Syvis curiously. "Are you staying in the backlines, being protected, or diving into the chaos?"

Syvis hesitated for a moment. "I don't know... I could be a Archer Mage, but I'm also considering specializing as a Healer Mage."

Before she could finish her sentence, I felt something nudging my shoulder. It was Cylla, who had been lying on my lap until then but was now glaring at me with a judgmental look.

"Elf Princess and Healer Mage?" Cylla asked, her feline eyes gleaming with a hint of jealousy. "Was it that royal woman who touched your face? Was she the one who laid her hands on my man?"

Is she really doing this right here? This girl… she must be going through some kind of super territorial magical creature phase.

"Oh, what a cute cat, she's meowing at me," Syvis said, smiling.

No… she’s cursing you out.

I looked down at the panther cub and patted her head to calm her down. Cylla grumbled softly but soon settled back on my lap.

"Go on...," she murmured as she got comfortable again.

She might have adjusted to the beastly dragon form from the Aspect of the Body, but her mind is still a bit affected… she's more jealous than usual.

Suddenly, a loud impact drew everyone's attention, interrupting our moment. All the students turned their eyes to the stage, where new figures began to enter.

"The Student Council!" a student next to us exclaimed, their voice filled with excitement.

"I heard this council has that famous president!" another voice added nearby.

"I also heard there are two princesses on the council," another student said, with anticipation.

Chloe and I adjusted ourselves in our seats to get a better look at the people entering the stage.

The first to appear was a young man with a commanding presence.

"It's him! Sebastian Blake, the Knight who rides an Asalon," someone whispered from behind us.

From what I’ve gathered, not all knights rode an Asalon. Only those with exceptional magical talent or who came from families with generations of Asalon riders could join the Winged Knights. Moreover, they needed the absolute trust of the royal family and had to swear complete devotion.

Shortly after Sebastian entered, a woman with striking red hair and a commanding military stance took the stage, exuding authority.

“She’s really beautiful," someone murmured behind us.

“Elara…” Syvis whispered to us, her eyes fixed on the woman now standing on stage.

“Who is she?” I asked.

Syvis chuckled softly before replying, “You’re from the human kingdom, and you don’t know?”

“I live far from the Royal Capital…” I answered.

“Elara is the daughter of one of the queens of the human kingdom. She’s a princess and also a Knight who rides an Asalon. It’s said her pink fire is immensely powerful, and she has the potential to join the Inquisitors,” Syvis explained.

Chloe and I exchanged glances.

A warrior princess... Well, at least she didn’t seem to take after that drunken king.

The next to enter was a demi-human who appeared to belong to the wild dog tribe. His name was Marco.

Then, a beautiful blonde woman with curly hair entered, causing whispers to ripple through the students.

“Who’s that?” I asked again, but this time even Syvis didn’t know.

“That’s Rose, a princess from a smaller kingdom,” Thyra answered.

A smaller kingdom? Oh, right... it’s from the other half of the continent.

While the three great kingdoms dominate one half, the other half is made up of small, independent kingdoms that didn’t belong to the ancient Founding Empire’s territory.

Finally, the last person entered, and for a moment, the entire auditorium seemed to hold its breath. Even I was taken aback.

“Wow! She’s stunning!” a boy shouted from somewhere in the room.

The woman who had just walked in wasn’t wearing the school uniform. Instead, she donned a beautiful white dress that highlighted her pale skin and ethereal features. Her pointed ears and silver hair drew everyone’s attention, as if she illuminated the entire room with her presence.

A high elf…

“She’s known as Saint Tiffan or Saint Tiffania,” Syvis explained. “I’ve known her since we were little. She’s a bit older than us and is in an advanced class. She’s regarded as the greatest healer on the continent, earning the title ‘Saint’ for her exceptional skill. Born with the element of light, she’s incredibly powerful in healing magic. She even surpassed the most talented elf healers who wield the plant element.”

Everyone was whispering while staring at the high elf on stage. It was hard to blame them—high elves were so rare that many people didn’t even believe they existed.

“She’s so beautiful, like a queen,” someone nearby commented.

I observed the students, all buzzing about her presence, whispers spreading quickly throughout the room. Even the girls couldn’t resist commenting on Tiffania’s ethereal beauty.

“I think I’m in love,” murmured one of the boys, still mesmerized by the sight.

Syvis, seemed to be enjoying the widespread reaction. “It’s normal for them to act this way. After all, there are only two high elves at the academy: Professor Adrihna and Saint Tiffan.”

Her words hit me differently. Instinctively, I lowered my head and touched my hair, feeling the dyed strand.

I’d definitely draw attention if my hair color changed… not to mention my skin was getting a bit paler. I’m screwed if this gets out, everyone will know.

As I tried to push those thoughts aside, Princess Elara stepped forward, taking control of the situation. Her stance was firm, disciplined, clearly that of a warrior. There was nothing delicate or traditional about her, despite carrying the title of princess. I observed carefully, noticing a small soundstone clipped to her shirt, amplifying her voice for everyone to hear.

“I ask for your attention, everyone,” her voice rang with authority.

I noticed that all the members of the student council wore sheathed swords, except for Saint Tiffan, who didn’t seem to need a weapon to make her presence known.

The muscular student, clearly a knight, stepped forward once the silence settled.

“Congratulations on being here today,” he said in a firm voice, full of respect. “Know that few mages across the continent get the chance to enter this academy.”

He took another step forward, scanning the new students as he continued his speech.

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