Athena’s General Reincarnated in Another World

150 – Saint Tiffania, the other High Elf

Chapter 150 - Saint Tiffania, the other High Elf


"My name is Sebastian Blake, and I come from a lineage of Sky Knights from the royal family's army." His words echoed with confidence. "The education here is so prestigious that even members of royalty choose to study here instead of the academies in their own kingdoms. Yes, there’s the treaty that obliges high-ranking nobles to attend this academy, but the truth is, the excellence of this place attracts the elite from all three kingdoms."

He smiled, pointing at us, the new students. "When you graduate, you will automatically be integrated into the military of the kingdom to which you belong. You will leave here as trained soldiers, with a guaranteed job and a position in the army. However, this is not mandatory. We understand that each of you has your own goals, and many of you have political or family responsibilities. But know this: as a representative of the royal army, I’ll be watching the potential of each mage here. Those who stand out may have the honor of riding an Asalon in the future."

Sebastian paused, letting the weight of his words settle in the air. "Each kingdom has its military representatives here, ready to talk to you. It doesn't matter whether you're a Combat Mage or a Builder Mage. Every contribution is valuable."

He stepped back, and I noticed that some students were excited by the news. For many there, especially from smaller noble families or lineages without much influence, this was a unique opportunity. As for me, I was relieved that this wasn’t mandatory. The last thing I wanted in this life was to find myself in an army again, serving another ruler.

Some students were visibly excited. I understood; not everyone here was the heir to great titles or had significant political positions. For many, this academy represented a chance to build a bright and prestigious future. In my case, I already had a defined path: I wasn’t the main heir to my duchy, but I would have a political role in my family’s administration and military force. Becoming a great army mage or a Sky Knight in the human kingdom’s army wasn’t something I desired.

If I dared to mount another creature and fly in the sky, I’d pity the poor beast that would feel Cylla’s wrath…

I never rode on Cylla’s back to fly, even when she had stabilized in her dragon form. Although she had carried me to her lair so we could practice synchronized spell casting, we never dared to risk a flight. If a dragon flew around, the entire region would go on high alert, and I would be discovered. My options were limited. The only way to make her fly without raising suspicion would be to take her to the forbidden region in her phoenix form and let her revert to dragon form there. But with her body still in the stabilization process, switching between forms exhausted her quickly.

When Cylla enters this process of bodily transformation, she becomes as vulnerable as a Moon Panther cub. The fusion with the serpent had been completed, but the traits of her progenitors were turning her into something unique: her final dragon form. Even outside her beast form, her body suffered the consequences of the transformations. Every detail, from the growth of a new tooth to the appearance of an extra spike on her tail, deeply exhausted her. It was the same with Kinue when we were children, forcing her into periods of regenerative sleep.

As these thoughts crossed my mind, Princess Elara began to speak.

"There are a series of rules you must follow. Remember, fighting among yourselves is not allowed, and any violation will be severely punished. If someone is willing to attack a fellow student, they must be prepared to be attacked back. We, the Student Council, have the authority to punish you with force if necessary. You are no longer under the protection of your families; here, you will be treated like military mages and will receive punishments accordingly. We even have a prison for those who cross the line. Be warned: it doesn’t matter your last name; all will be equally punished if you break the rules."

She paused, taking a deep breath.

"This also applies to your tamed magical beasts. If your familiar commits any infraction, they will be punished, and the owner will be held accountable as well."

I gave the sleepy gray cat on my lap a gentle nudge.

"Did you hear that? I'll be punished if you cause trouble."

Cylla opened her eyes briefly, gave me a drowsy look, and then closed them again, returning to her nap without a care.

The High Elf Tiffania gracefully moved to the center of the stage. I noticed a few students leaning forward, as if trying to be closer to her somehow.

"I am truly honored by the presence of all of you, new students. Congratulations on becoming part of our academy," Tiffania said, offering a soft smile.

"She's so beautiful," someone whispered from nearby rows.

"I hope we can work together to build a better future. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to come to me. I’m not only a student, but also your counselor. I have my limitations, but I promise to do my best to make this academic journey as light and enjoyable as possible for all of us." Tiffania opened her arms warmly, and at that moment, her skin seemed to emit a soft, almost ethereal glow, as if she was radiating light.

"Her smile is amazing!" another student exclaimed, clearly captivated.

Soon, there were a few timid claps, but within seconds, the entire auditorium erupted in applause, drawn in by the enchanting presence of the High Elf. I remembered what Professor Adrihna had once mentioned—the 'mystical presence' that High Elves could manifest. Now, I was seeing it live.

Once the applause died down, Tiffania returned to her place, and Princess Elara stepped forward again.

"There are still many things you will discover about how this institution works, and that’s intentional. The academy prefers that you experience these surprises and lessons firsthand. Even if you ask senior students, they are not allowed to reveal certain details. So, good luck… and welcome to the Apsalon Magic Academy," Elara said with a firm gaze.

With that, the silence was replaced by murmurs of excitement and anticipation, along with applause.

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