Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 82: Bone Builders


Everyone eagerly anticipated the question to “Why? Why collect so many bones?”

“Well, instead of just telling you, I thought we’d make it a bit more fun,” Atlas said with a grin. He signaled to John, Amber, and Isabella, who had stayed behind, and they all reached for something hidden behind them.

To the surprise of the team, Atlas and the leadership group pulled out a collection of makeshift musical instruments. They had cobbled together drums, flutes, and even a string instrument made from various materials they had scavenged.

“Take it away, John,” Atlas called out.

John, standing at the ready with a hand drum made from some bones and tightly stretched fabric, started tapping out a rhythm. Amber joined in with a xylophone made from a hollowed-out bone, its sound haunting yet melodic. Isabella strummed a makeshift guitar, adding a twangy undertone to the mix. Atlas, holding what looked like a shaker fashioned from small bones and pebbles, began to shake it in time with the beat.

Together, they launched into a catchy, playful tune. The song, titled ‘Bone Builders,‘ was a humorous yet practical explanation of what they’d been doing with all those skeletal remains. The lyrics painted a vivid picture of the possibilities—how the bones could be used to craft weapons, fortify structures, and even provide furniture. The tune was infectious, and soon the entire group was clapping along, some even attempting to sing along as they caught on to the chorus.


Building stuff from bones  

Earth and stone we own  

Skin of demon dog  

Armour strong not gone

[Verse 2]  

Beds of bone we lay  

Through the night and day  

Crafting till we're done  

Underneath the sun


Whistle while we work  

In shadows we lurk  

Every piece we find  

Keeps us intertwined

[Verse 3]  

Tools from fangs we make  

Lives at stake we take  

Bridges from the ribs  

Songs beneath our lips


Echoes in the dark  

Flames ignite a spark  

Bone to bone we bind  

Skeletons designed


Whistle while we work  

In shadows we lurk  

Every piece we find  

Keeps us intertwined


As the final notes of the song echoed through the gathering area, the Portal Crushers erupted in applause and cheers. The atmosphere had lightened, the weight of their task momentarily lifted by the unexpected musical interlude. Laughter and chatter filled the space, the team’s spirits buoyed by the creativity and humor of their leaders.

The explanation, though delivered in a non-traditional way, had worked. The team now understood the value of the bones and the importance of resourcefulness in their survival. They also appreciated the leadership group’s effort to inject some fun into the deadly daily grind.

Atlas waited for the noise to die down before stepping forward again, his tone now more serious. “Alright, so here’s the deal,” he said, his eyes sweeping over the group. “We’re going to be using these bones for all sorts of things. We’re talking about making beds, fortifying our defenses, and even crafting some armor. It’s going to be a lot of work, but the payoff is going to be huge. By the time we’re done, we’ll be better equipped than any of those other settlements out there.”

There was a collective murmur of approval as the team nodded in agreement, the earlier tension now replaced with a renewed sense of purpose. Atlas had a knack for turning even the most daunting tasks into something achievable, and this was no exception.

“Let’s get to work, people!” Atlas called out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. “The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll have the best damn fortress in this apocalypse.”

The team dispersed, each member moving with a newfound energy. The day was just beginning, but already, the Portal Crushers were ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. They had their plan, their goals, and most importantly, they had each other. No matter what came their way, they knew they could handle it.

And if they had to build it all out of bones? Well, that just made it more interesting.



“Atlas will be handling the coin distribution and prioritizing our needs,” John added. “So, if you’ve got any ideas or concerns, bring them to him or me. We’re open to suggestions, but remember, we got to be smart about this.”

Atlas called out, "Alexander, where are you?"

A voice responded from the crowd, "Over here."

"Great. I'm gonna have you start your day by leading the warriors to the skeleton spawn areas," Atlas instructed, his tone all business. "Have them smash as many skeletons as they can. And make sure to grab two members of the porter crew to start carrying the bones back."

"I’ll get ‘er done," Alexander replied, quickly assembling his team. He grabbed the hunter warriors and two porters, and they all started to prepare to head out, ready to tackle the task ahead.

“Oh, and before I forget! Here are some Roman-style sandals for everyone.”

The noobies, now clad in the spare Portal Crusher uniforms, were over the moon. Being barefoot in the wasteland had been hell to suffer through.

"So sick of trying to make do while still being barefoot," one of them muttered, a wide grin spreading across his face as he slipped on the sandals.

“My feet are destroyed,” another chimed in, looking down at his newly protected feet.

“Fuck the wasteland,” a third said, wiggling his toes in the sandals with visible relief.

As the people in the settlement started to disperse, the plan for the day was clear in their minds. Some of them paired off, discussing strategies for gathering more coins, while others started to think about the gear they’d soon be wielding.

Stu, still chuckling from his earlier comment, sidled up to John. “You really think some fucking blood covered arts and crafts will give us somewhere comfortable to sleep?”

John glanced over at him, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Depends on how good you are with a hammer, Stu.”

Stu groaned dramatically, causing John to laugh. Despite the gravity of their situation, moments like this helped keep morale high.

Before the groups got too far away, Atlas called them back for one more thing. He handed out UnderArmour to all the hunters, including the injured ones.

‘UnderArmour‘: Our name says it all. It goes under armor. Now fire/corrosion/cold-resistant! Also super comfy and bacterial-resistant.

Next, Atlas pulled out three sets of what looked like studded leather armor, but it was made from a weird composite material—light enough not to bog them down, but promising basic defense. ‘Basic melee segmented armor gets the job done,‘ the description said.

“Team, I’ve chosen this armor for its versatility. Once we get enough for more people, we can choose the most appropriate armor for each of your fighting styles.”

Their previous SFB armor was mainly sensors and light protection, but here in the wasteland, they needed appropriate gear. The heavy tanks like Hank would definitely be getting the plate mail style, while lighter, agility-style fighters like Barbara and Wang Bo would lean into lighter leather armor.

For now, though, this medium armor would be a good choice, as it could be passed around the team as the Portal Crushers got more coins.

After suiting up in their new gear, Alexander and the hunters were ready. With their UnderArmour and segmented armor on, they headed out to hunt skeletons, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Now, crafters," Atlas said, turning his attention to the four remaining members. "You have the fun job of putting together beds and setting up our sleeping area."

"Where are we going to set up?" one of the crafters asked, looking around.

Atlas pointed to the nearby ruined castle. "You see that ruined castle?"

They nodded, some of them recalling how they'd been sleeping inside the cracked and crumbling walls. It didn’t offer much security, but it was better than being completely exposed.

"We're going to use these," Atlas continued, pulling out what looked like large, folded sheets. 

PlastiTarps: Only one coin each for a huge sheet. ‘Elements are hell, use us well, we're sheets that are neat.‘"

The crafters examined the PlastiTarps, impressed by their size and durability. With these, they could create a sheltered, more secure sleeping area within the ruins, turning the dilapidated castle into a more comfortable home base.

"And I know the bugs have been bugging everybody. Hehe, literally," Atlas said with a smirk. The group tried not to groan—after all, it was Atlas speaking, and they had to respect the leader—but a few eyes did roll.

"Anyway," Atlas noticed the lack of laughter, holding up another item, 

MozzieMosquito Nets. One coin each. ‘Let the lights through, not the critters,‘" 

The group nodded in approval, appreciating the practical solution to their ongoing insect problem. With the MozzieNets, they could finally get some rest without worrying about being eaten alive by bugs.

"And now for the beds," Atlas said, gesturing toward the piles of skeleton bones. "Use these for the frames. They're sturdy enough, and we've got mattresses that we bought from the vending machines."

The crafters exchanged glances, intrigued and grossed out by the idea of using skeleton bones as bed frames. It was unconventional, but given their situation, it made perfect sense. With the materials in hand and the mattresses ready, they set to work, eager to create something that would finally allow everyone to get a decent night's sleep.

“Oh, and be careful using this joining glue.”

KrazybondoGlue (1 coin each): Perfect for getting things stuck together! Don’t just use glue. Use KrazybondoGlue. Once set, it’s permanent. Sets in a second! Highly recommend not getting any on your hands.


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