Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 93: Day 4 Portal Crusher Camp


Atlas stirred from sleep, slowly awakening to the subtle comforts of his new reality. The mattress beneath him was a welcome change from the hard, unforgiving ground he’d been sleeping on for the last few days.

The PlastiTarps stretched across the ruined castle walls provided a makeshift shelter, while the Mozzymoskitos netting hung around him kept the pests at bay. It wasn’t exactly luxury, but compared to the hardships they’d faced before, it was a small slice of heaven. 

‘I’ve definitely gotten soft from my last year back on Earth. I remember before portalling last time, I had been just happy to be alive, not luxuriating on a fancy mattress.‘

He took a deep breath, savouring the relative peace, and then pushed himself out of bed. As he joined the group for breakfast, his eyes fell on the stacks of Ultra Manly Buff Bars—his remuneration for securing sponsorship. He was sick of them. The cloying sweetness, the artificial taste—it was all too much. But today, there was something new on the menu, a pleasant surprise he had kept under wraps.

Atlas stood up after finishing his bar and looked around at the group, catching their tired expressions as they chewed through yet another Ultra Manly Buff Bar. "Everyone," he called out, gaining their attention. "I know you're getting a bit sick of these bars. Trust me, I am too. But today, we’ve got something special for you."

There were murmurs of curiosity as Amber appeared from the back, carrying trays covered with cloth. She placed them down, and the group leaned in, eager to see what was under the covers. With a dramatic flourish, Amber revealed the trays, unveiling small cups filled with rich, chocolate-flavoured pudding.

"What’s this?" someone asked, the surprise evident in their voice.

Atlas grinned, enjoying the moment. "Dessert," he announced. "Enjoy! But be careful—you might feel a little sleepy after these pudding snacks. Don’t worry, though. They’re delicious and a tasty treat."

KosbeePuddinPowder (1 coin) ‘Got slimes? Why not make a delicious pudding snack? Every pack gets you 5 servings. Caution may cause drowsiness.

The settlement erupted in excited chatter as everyone eagerly grabbed a pudding cup, savouring the sweet, creamy dessert that was a far cry from the bland protein bars they had been subsisting on. The mood lightened instantly, with smiles replacing the weary expressions from just moments before.

John sidled up to Atlas, his pudding already half gone. "Good job with the pudding snacks," he said, nodding appreciatively. "It really helped them forget about the trial."

Atlas smiled back, pleased with the response. "That was the idea. A little treat goes a long way out here."

As the group continued to enjoy their pudding, Atlas wasn’t done yet. He stepped back into the centre of the gathering and clapped his hands together. "And that’s not all," he continued, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Look what else we have for tonight, after today’s work."

He motioned for Amber, who disappeared for a moment before returning with a large bag slung over her shoulder. She began pulling out plush, brand-new pillows, one after another.

Atlas, doing his best Oprah impression, declared, "That’s right. You get one. You get one. Everyone gets a pillow!"

Ooeygooey slime stabilizer.  (1 coin). ‘ Sweet dreams are made from slimes. Use our slime stabiliser!!‘

‘It’s odd that I didn’t get an achievement for killing slimes. I guess, since we were focused on skellies, it does make sense. I probably wasn’t first. Besides, I'd rather get the bonus damage from skeletal creatures versus gelatinous creatures.‘ Atlas, thought.

The group erupted in laughter and cheers as Atlas and Amber started handing out the pillows, one by one. The simple yet thoughtful gesture added another layer of comfort to their rough lives. Each person clutched their pillow, already imagining how much better sleep would be that night.

Amber, who had spent hours helping to make the pillows the night before, was beaming as she saw the joy on everyone’s faces. The settlement’s morale, which had been shaky after the recent trial and hard days, was now sky-high.

Atlas watched as the group continued to chat and laugh, their spirits clearly lifted. He knew that little things like pudding snacks and pillows wouldn’t solve all their problems, but in a world as harsh as the one they lived in, these small comforts made a big difference. It was moments like these that kept them going, reminding them that even in the toughest times, they could still find joy and comfort in each other’s company.

With everyone now in good spirits, Atlas felt a surge of satisfaction. He might have been their leader, but it was moments like these that showed the true strength of their group—resilience, camaraderie, and the ability to find light in even the darkest situations.

As the sun began to rise, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Atlas took a deep breath, content with the effects of his efforts. 

‘Damn, this time the portal experience wasn’t near as bad as last time.‘

Tonight, his team would sleep better, not just because of the new pillows, but because they knew they were cared for. And that, Atlas knew, was the real key to survival.

Atlas made his way to the fire pit where the group was gathered. The smell of chocolate pudding filled the air, a welcome change from the constant diet of protein bars. The team had managed to gather enough coins yesterday, not only to purchase more supplies but to make use of the demon dog carcasses from their recent hunt.

“We're in for a treat today,” Atlas said, a hint of pride in his voice. “John, what’s the plan?”

John, already up and overseeing the morning’s activities, looked up from the pile of bones he was sorting. “The crafters are going to be working on the demon dog leather and bones. We’ve got enough materials to make some sturdy helmets. The tanning solution’s all set.”

QuickcureLeather tanning solution (5 coins): ‘Our state of the art tanning solution is your perfect wasteland tool. Not just piss and brains. We promise. Enough in each kit for 3 medium sized carcasses

“And what else?” Atlas asked, knowing there was more to the day’s agenda. Amber had refused to tell him what it was. And it was driving him nuts.

Amber, who had been busy with her own tasks, stepped in revealing her surprise. “With all the coins we gathered yesterday, we’re doing well. We can armour up a few more people, and we can also get something extra—a small bathhouse. It’s Japanese style, with both hot and cold water. After today’s hunt, everyone can get a good soak.”

Atlas’s eyes widened slightly. “A bathhouse? Now that sounds amazing.”

The thought of soaking in hot water after days of grime and sweat was enough to make anyone’s mouth water. The idea was an unexpected luxury in the midst of their rough existence. 

“I’ll have to remember to find someone to manage the bathhouse, once their numbers increase.” Atlas mused aloud.

After a few moments, the team began to disperse, each person going about their assigned tasks. The crafters gathered around the demon dog carcasses, preparing to turn the hide and bones into much-needed helmets. The others went to organise the supplies and ready themselves for the day’s hunt. 

Atlas stood back, watching them with a sense of satisfaction. Despite the hardships they had endured, despite the ever-present threat of danger, they were still here, still fighting. And now, with the promise of new gear, a bathhouse, and even a bit of comfort from the slimes, there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

He knew the path ahead wouldn’t be easy, but for the first time in a long while, it felt manageable. The group was stronger, more unified, and with each passing day, they were learning how to power through this wasteland experience.

He took one last look at the team, now busily preparing for the day, before turning his gaze towards the horizon. The wasteland was vast, dangerous, and unforgiving. But as long as they had each other, as long as they kept their wits about them, they could carve out a place for themselves in this harsh new world.

“Alright, everyone,” Atlas called out, his voice strong and steady. “Let’s get to work. We’ve got a long day ahead of us, but I know we can do this. Let’s make it count.”

The team went out hunting.


Love the book, and want to own a copy? Book One is available for sale on Amazon. It’s full of edits and pictures!

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