Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

Chapter 94: Day 4 Monster Poop


In the wasteland, the Portal Crushers had been attacked by a group of skeletons. They made quick work of them, their movements synchronized, like they had finally hit their groove. 

The sound of shattering bones echoed through the clearing as Wang Bo slammed his staff into a skeleton, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. “Is there anything more satisfying than crushing skellies? I love the sound their bones make when they shatter.”

“Yeehaw!” Alexander whooped, smashing another skeleton down with his two-handed sword. ‘Ain’t nothin’ better than this, proving I’m a golden god and all.‘ His grin stretched wide as another bone pile crumbled beneath his swing. 

“Damn straight!” Hank responded, blocking a few more skeletal swings with his shield before smashing his other shield down on another enemy. Around them, the Portal Crushers made quick work of the remaining skeletons, their weapons slicing through bone and dust like they’d been born for this.

As the last of the skeletons crumbled to the ground, Isabella wiped her blade on a rag and glanced around the clearing. “Hey, Atlas, you notice the skeletons are starting to thin out around here?”

Atlas scanned the area, noting the piles of shattered bones and the unusually quiet surroundings. “Yeah, feels like we’ve wiped ‘em out. Did we? Are we safe?” Evalynh asked, her chain flail still swinging lazily at her side, ready for whatever might emerge from the shadows.

“You’re right that the numbers are down, but there’s a good reason for this,” Atlas said, his voice calm yet commanding.

“What do you mean?” Isabella asked, her curiosity piqued.

“I’ll explain everything when we get back to camp,” Atlas replied. “Trust me, it’s better if everyone hears this together.”

“Sounds serious,” Evalynh commented, her flail still in motion.

“It kinda is, and it kinda ain’t,” Atlas said, giving her a reassuring look. “But don’t worry, it’s just part of how this place works. Let’s head back, and I’ll fill you in.”

After a jog back to the settlement, Atlas took a moment to look over the bustling activity. The porters were busy packing up the bones they’d gathered, and the rest of the team was winding down from the day’s battles. Despite the hard work, Atlas felt a sense of pride seeing how far they had come. But he knew it was time to give them more details about the wasteland and how it worked.

He gathered the group around him, their weary faces reflecting the long hours of hunting. Even so, they were still focused, eager to understand what lay ahead.

“All right, everyone,” Atlas began, addressing the hunters and the crafters who had paused their work on the demon dog leather helmets. “I’ve got some important news to share.”

The group quieted down, sensing this wasn’t just a routine debriefing. Alexander crossed his arms, waiting to hear what Atlas had to say. Noi, still holding onto the last bone she was crafting into a helmet, looked up with curious eyes.

“So, here’s how it works,” Atlas continued. “We’ve been hunting for days, and I’m sure some of you’ve noticed the number of skeletons has started to dwindle. Some of you might be wondering if we’ve killed ‘em all off.” He paused, letting the idea sink in. “The truth is, no, we haven’t killed them all. But we’ve made a dent.”

“Darn tootin’, we’ve been knockin’ these skellies apart!” Alexander yelled, his chest puffed with pride.

There were murmurs among the group, a mix of relief and concern. Atlas could see they were tired but still hungry for answers.

“You see, the monsters out here—the skeletons, the slimes, and all the others—they don’t just appear out of nowhere. They spawn from dungeons,” he explained. “These dungeons are like nests, filled with mana—magic energy—that feeds these creatures. As they spawn, they devour the mana inside the dungeon. That’s why, when you’re near a dungeon or a fresh spawn area, you might feel that tingly sensation in the air.”

Noi nodded. “Yeah, I did feel it. It’s like the air’s charged or somethin’.”

Atlas pointed at her, acknowledging her observation. “Exactly. That tingling is the mana in the air. Now, here’s the catch: as more monsters spawn and eat the mana, it starts to run out. If we don’t hunt and kill these creatures, they’ll continue to devour the mana until there’s nothin’ left. When that happens, they start gettin’ stronger. That’s why you might’ve noticed that some of the monsters were tougher than usual.”

John furrowed his brow. “So, if we just let them be, they’ll get stronger and stronger?”

“Right,” Atlas confirmed. “And that’s the last thing we want. The monsters eat the mana, and then the mana turns into coins when we kill ‘em.”

Titus piped up, unable to contain his amusement, “Wait! You’re sayin’ the coins are monster poop?” He let out a snort. “Mama said skeletons are people hidin’ inside you, but I never thought they’d be crappin’ out coins!”

The group chuckled, lightening the mood just a bit as Titus continued to giggle, his imagination running wild. ‘I wonder if skeletons get constipated‘ 

He giggled to himself imagining, ‘A scary skeleton in an absurdly comedic pose, hunched over a hole in the ground. The bones of the skeleton are stark white, contrasting sharply with the dark, gritty background. Its empty eye sockets are wide with a mix of surprise and discomfort. From the skeleton’s lower half, shimmering mana coins are cascading out, each coin glowing with  blue light. The coins sparkle and shine.‘

Amber, always thinking ahead, asked, “So what’s our next move, Atlas? If the monsters are thinnin’ out here, what do we do?”

Atlas had anticipated the question. “We need to start scouting for the dungeons.”

Wang Bo’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I’ve always wanted to take on a dungeon. Imagine the loot we could haul in! I say we smash through those gates and show whatever’s in there what the Portal Crushers are made of.”

Hank grinned, hefting his twin shields. “Hell yeah, I’m with you, Wang Bo. Ain’t nothin’ more satisfyin’ than crackin’ open some skulls, ‘specially if it means we get to fatten our coin purses.”

Isabella adjusted her bow, the excitement clear in her eyes. “I’m ready to see what these dungeons are all about. If the skeletons were just appetizers, I’m curious what the main course looks like.”

Evalynh twirled her chain flail, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. “The air’s gonna be thick with mana in those dungeons. I can feel it already. We’ll need to be sharp, though. Whatever’s in there won’t be easy pickings.”

Alexander raised an eyebrow, grinning. “I fought a lot of things, but I ain’t never set foot in a dungeon. Guess there’s a first time for everything. But hey, what could be worse than a horde of skellies, right?”

Wang Bo clapped him on the back, grinning. “We’ll love it, man. Dungeons are like the ultimate challenge—traps, treasure, monsters we ain’t ever seen before. It’s where legends are made!”

Evalynh smirked, her flail resting on her shoulder. “Stick close to me, Alexander. I’ll make sure you don’t end up as monster chow.”

Alexander chuckled. “I’ll hold ya to that. Let’s hope those dungeons live up to the hype. If we’re goin’ in, we’re comin’ out with more than just stories to tell.”

Atlas, watching the banter, felt a wave of pride. His team was ready, and he knew they had what it took to face whatever challenges lay ahead. “We’ll start by scouting the area around our settlement,” Atlas explained. “Look for signs of heavy mana activity, like that tingling sensation we talked about. Once we find a dungeon, we’ll mark it, but we won’t go in half-cocked. We’ll make sure everyone’s prepared—gear, medical supplies, the works. Then, we’ll dive in, clear it out, and keep this place safe.”

The group exchanged determined looks, the exhaustion from hours of fighting already beginning to fade. The promise of dungeon hunting ignited a new fire in them.

“Sounds like a plan, boss,” Hank said, a grin tugging at his lips. “Can’t wait to get started.”

Wang Bo’s excitement was palpable. “I’m with Hank. The sooner we find a dungeon, the sooner we can crush whatever’s inside. Just point me in the right direction.”

Atlas smiled at their eagerness but kept his thoughts focused. ‘The wasteland is harsh, and the dungeons will be no different. But we’ve faced worse and come out on top. Time to test the mettle of the Portal Crushers.‘

As night fell, signaling the upcoming demon dog attacks, Atlas yelled, “Are you guys ready to smash some demon dogs?”

“Portal Crushers!” The team responded in unison.

The group exchanged looks, a mix of excitement and readiness in their eyes. They were tired, but they trusted Atlas. He had led them this far, and they knew he had their best interests at heart.

"Let's kill us some canines!" Randy yelled, his enthusiasm bubbling over. His goal of becoming a warrior like in his D&D campaigns was coming closer to completion.

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