Batman in the MCU

A Bat hunt

Batman was patrolling the city when he tapped into an alarm discovering a robbery was happening in a bank nearby even funnier it was a bank he owned.

The four criminals robbing the bank where in ski masks with assault rifles, suddenly there was a bang following which a hole appeared in the ceiling which the bat came right through nailing a superhero landing batman style.

But the criminals forgot all the money aiming at him with some of the hostages also getting up pulling guns at him. "hah it worked, you actually came weren't sure if it was going to work but we got you, you son of a b***h...THE MONEY IS OURS!"

Batman dropped a smoke bomb which blinded the criminals but that didn't stop them as they emptied their guns.

Then there was silence with their gun barrels still smoking, "did we get him?" one of the criminal asked when a couple of batarangs flew at them as a response. "f***! he still alive"  Batman moved out of the smokescreen taking them all down before disappearing.

On a rooftop.

"I take it, it was another trap sir." Sebastian spoke through the coms, " the whole city has gone mad, I can't tell if someone actually needs help or are just trying to lure me out." "hm... that may be true but you can take them out."

"That worries me. The person who did all this knows this people are not enough, I have the feeling that their plotting something. I don't like the fact that I don't know what." There was a pause after that, " I'll see what I can find. In the meantime you need to get to the office. "

In a certain club.

"Wow two visits in such a short time, I feel loved" "hello Eve" Sebastian had decided to visit her once more.

"As much as I love to see you...I have a feeling your not here just to see me are you?" " I need some information." "When don't you" She spoke as she drank a glass of whiskey.

"I need to..." "nuh uh" Eve cut of Sebastian, " if you want something you need to do something for me first." She spoke with a seductive smile on her face, Sebastian held her gaze before releasing a sigh " what is it?"

"certain technology has been unearthed" "what technology?" " The S.S.R kind or what do they call it nowadays... oh yes Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division. They really need to work on the name, anyway a certain group has gotten their hand on that kind of tech and I want it." saying so she passed over a folder to Sebastian, He took a quick glance at it "I deal with it later tonight now the info."

"Your familiar with the name Kraven yes?" Sebastian gained an alarmed look and got up to warn Jeffery. seeing him in such a rush Eve laughed before speaking, " You know Sebastian you were a tad too late." her words caused Sebastian's steps to come to a halt.

Turning to her, he asked " what do you mean?" "Kraven has a plan and it's already began." at her words every monitor in New York City changed revealing Kraven.

"Hello Ney York," Jeffrey who was in the midst if a meeting got up looking at the screen." I am Kraven, the hunter" a man with a fur jacket with a thick Russian accent appeared on screen.

Jeffrey was stunned seeing the man, the man was a famous baddie but he didn't expect to meet him at least not this soon. " Batman I know you are watching this, I have kidnapped a bus of school children..." The camera moved to show a bunch of teens tied up " I will kill one of them every ten minutes if you fail to appear. let the hunt begin!" with those words an address was written on the screen.

Jeffrey left the office heading down to the parking lot. " Oracle..." He began " already here sir" following her words a car engine was heard from behind him, The bat mobile was here, Jeffrey jumped in and sped of.

In the N.Y.P.D

"okay people we have got a mad man who has kidnapped a school bus full of children. I want all our best men on this we have ten minutes until we lose a child now move." The captain gave a short speech gearing up with the rest behind us.

George and his partner got into their car. " the whole city has gone mad Georgie, mad I tell you." George's partner began " Ever since the batman appeared everything went to sh*t, with all these criminals popping up hoping to get the bounty and now as though one freak in a costume was not enough we got another one who is kidnapping kids man, kids this is all messed up, It would have been better if the batman never showed up." George heard his partner's rant and although he did not want to agree a part of him silently agreed.



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