Batman in the MCU


Atop the police building, Batman walked out of the shadows to see George Stacy who was waiting.

"you're here!" George exclaimed immediately he saw the batman. " you said this was important " "this is, you are now wanted." Batman just stared "I already am" "no you don't get it, when I say wanted I mean with a bounty on your head. The captain just issued a $1000 bounty on your head do you understand and if that wasn't bad enough I heard you have a bounty in the underworld as well a stunning $1000000."

Batman didn't show any emotion but deep inside he was stunned. he wasn't dumb the bounty was definitely a big problem " I'll handle it " batman spoke and turned to leave but George spoke up "did you do it?..." " I mean did you kill them."

Batman was silent for a moment, "Cheng took in poison, for Collins I'm sure the people behind Cheng were the ones responsible so as to keep him silent."

George let out a sigh of relief, for a moment he thought Batman might have been responsible, that he made the wrong decision by allying with a vigilante "that's good"  he looked up only realizing then that the batman was gone, "I hate it when he does that."  he muttered to himself.

I an unknown building a man was smashing objects around him " damn him!" "dammit,  damn you Batman!"  One of his manager hesitating spoke up master we obtained the drive which has information on where 'it' is.

Those words managed to calm the man down a bit. " I originally thought this... batman was intriguing and was even going to extend an olive branch, but the bastard killed Cheng.  Find it after you retrieve it we will get this batman before we go, he will pay for what he has done."

"yes master."

In the Batcave.

Batman had just arrived thinking of the events of the night.

"master Jeffrey you're here." Sebastian spoke as he saw the batman take a seat before his computer with his scowl even more prominent.

"I have something you might be interested in Sir." His words left the batman puzzled, Sebastian chuckled as he saw the batman's puzzled expression.

He connected the chip allowing for information to appear on the screen.  Batman was now shocked as to where Sebastian obtained such information, seeing his face filled with questions Sebastian spoke up to relieve him of his burden.

"Don't forget I am a former member of the SSR and I still have friends in all sorts of places. It wasn't to difficult to obtain the information" Sebastian spoke with a smirk on his face.

Batman proceeded to look through the information,  the key points he now understood, being what they had was with one Johnson and it would be arriving in the city by the end of the week giving him sometime to prepare for the inevitable battle and mist importantly,  what they were after was some sort of ring.

Jeffrey watched the ring for a while and an idea popped in his head but he quickly dismissed it.

At the airport.

A man was dressed in a beast hide leaving his chest bare. "Mr. Kraven it's an honor to meet you" another man came over to receive him " hm I am here for one thing" The man spoke with a thick Russian accent "our master has made arrangements this will be your best hunt yet."

Kraven sneered, "the batman huh I can't wait Hehe"

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