Batman in the MCU

Farewell friend

Outside the Oscorp building.

Black panther had defeated Klaue but was now face to face with The Scorpion who had managed to defeat the Dora milage who lay on the ground battered and bruised.

Black panther seeing his people laying on the ground was pissed and let out as roar as he charged for the Scorpion. The scorpion whose suit was scratched and damaged in a few places by the Dora Milage didn't hesitate to fire a few blast at him.

A blast hit him right in the face sending the black panther flying back into a car. "The bat isn't here to save you this time kitty", Scorpion mocked as he picked up a car.

"your going to pay for what you did to my suit the last time!" Scorpion roared as he smashed the car at the black panther who stopped it at the last moment.

T-Chaka let out a grant as he struggled against the car being pressed against him.

"Urgh!" T-Chaka struggled before lifting the car away to provide barely enough spare for him to roll away, relying on his agility he flipped behind Scorpion grabbed a car door and smashed it on the Scorpion's head sending him face first into the trunk of the car he was holding.

Scorpion rose his head just to have Black panther claw away at his helmet making it through to leave a deep cut on Scorpion's face causing him to scream out in agony before throwing T-Chaka off him.

Taking off his helmet Scorpion took a look at his face, seeing the scar on his face his anger was through the roof.

Turning to face T-Chaka who had now made it to his feet he screamed,  "I'm going to kill you!"

In the Oscorp building.

Batman had arrived at the lab, to see the empty chamber but the green smoke had long  faded from the lab.

Batman began to search the lab for George and soon came to a table where a black liquid was in some sort of container and seemed to move on its own.

Batman picked it up to have a closer look but soon heard a sound and moved to the source of the sound.

Batman came face to face with George being held by the throat, by a green creature wearing some sort of battle armor standing on a glider with a mad grin on its face cackling.

Seeing him the creature flew out the window and to the roof, Batman didn't hesitate as he jumped out the window and a fired a grappling hook towards the roof and pulled himself up.

"we meet at last... Batman, you may call me... the Green Goblin." The Green Goblin cackled as he spoke.

Batman watched this with apprehension, the green goblin was definitely a famous character in the marvel universe one who was not known for his sanity.

Batman was hoping that Norman would remain Norman in this universe but luck didn't seem to be on his side as Norman had transformed himself to the Goblin.

"let him go!" Batman ordered for George to be let free. Green Goblin came to a halt when he heard that before a weird grin appeared on his face, "as you wish"

"Aaargh!" the screams of George sounded as he fell 108 floors. Batman jumped without hesitation as to save his friend with the Green Goblin laughing as he watched.

Batman fired his grappling hook toward the roof with one arm and stretched out his other hand towards George. Batman was inches away from George but couldn't close the distance as the grew closer to the ground below.

'come on! come on!" Batman kept thinking. *smash* a deafening sound cut his thoughts.

At the Stacy home, a crashing sound was heard causing Gwen to rush to the kitchen. In the kitchen two pieces of a broken plate where on the ground with Gwen's mom clenching her chest with red eyes, feeling something had happened.

Outside the Oscorp building, black panther who had just defeated the Scorpion saw something crash into a car and moved to check it out.

Arriving there a sad scene was before his eyes, Batman was by a body with his head bowed. A closer look at the body revealed the identity was none other than George Stacy captain of the NYPD

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