Batman in the MCU

Rain of Death

Batman stood and Black panther who was close to him felt as though his whole body was dropped in freezing water.

At that moment the man before him did not feel human but rather like some sort of demon that just escaped hell.

"Are... are you okay?" Black panther struggled before finally asking his question, "I'm going to kill him" "what?" Batman's words caught Black panther off guard but before he could say or do anything Batman was off.

Green Goblin stood on his glider watching Batman come after him, "aww seems you couldn't make it hahahahahaha" The green goblin's mad laughter drove Batman mad as he chased him through the skies swinging to keep up.

"Oi Batman! catch" Green goblin threw spherical objects with a blinking green light. Bats stopped swinging and avoided them by gliding away causing the objects to miss him and fall further below and exploding when coming in contact with the buildings below.

"Oops, well I did say catch" Goblin spoke right before falling on a roof as Batman fired a batarang at his glider and knocked him off.

"Ouch" Goblin struggled to his feet just to come face to face with Batman's fist which sent him back down and rolling.

Batman rushed him not letting up, and stabbed at him with a batarang. Goblin caught it right before it could stab into his face and flipped Batman off of him.

"Batman, Batman are you pissed? hahaha don't be, because I'm just getting started."  Batman tackled him but the goblin sent a knee into his ribs which caused a sickening crunch and knocked the wind out his lungs.

"that sounded like it hurt" Goblin spoke to Batman who let out a grunt before taking a swing at the Goblin's jaw.

Goblin took a few steps back before looking at the Batman who stared at him with a glare that scared him back into his sanity for a minute.

A smile returned to his face once more as his glider came from behind with two machine guns coming out and firing at the Batman causing him to jump of the building.

Below Black panther and members of the Dora Milage who had managed to regain consciousness were helping the people who managed to survive the rain of bombs.

T-Chaka looked up just in time to see Batman sent into a building. "I'm leaving this place to you!" he shouted as leaped unto a car and used it as a spring board to soar into the sky.

Green Goblin was just about to fly into the building to continue his assault on the Batman when he looked below, in time to see Black Panther grab on to his glider and flip on it to engage in hand to hand combat with himself.

The two engaged in a fierce battle as the glider flew crazily through the city. Batman had managed to jump out the building a fired a grappling hook at the glider hanging on as he followed behind them.

Green Goblin caught sight of him and pressed a button causing his glider to rain bombs indiscriminately.

*Boom*Boom*  the sound of explosions closely followed by sirens could be heard throughout, with trails of smoke heading into the night sky.

"Damnit!" Batman exclaimed as a bomb headed straight for his face. Firing a batarang at it he managed to blow it up before it got to him but the resulting explosion still managed to get to him burning off half of his mask.

Goblin finally managed to kick Black panther off his glider send him straight down, "hahaha" Goblin's laugh was cut off as he was tackled from behind and off the glider, through a building.

Both the Batman and the  green goblin struggled grunting in pain before they finally managed to make it to their feet.

The goblin now had a wound on his chin probably caused by a shard of glass as they crashed into the building, both men entered a battle stance and charged at one another.

Goblin came with a wide swing but Batman avoided it and landed an upper cut before dropkicking the goblin into a pillar.

Goblin stood up relatively unharmed laughing like a madman, as he stared the Batman down.


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