Batman in the MCU

Found you

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


The was no time for questions though as both of them hopped on to their bikes speeding off just as Black widow and Hawkeye rushed out with Hawkeye attempting to shoot them down before stopping and jumping into one of the many black vans parked before the warehouse, alongside Black widow.

They were but the first of many who began to chase after the two, "Oh f*ck me!" Nightwing cursed as he saw the fleet of cars coming for them.

*vroom* the two continued to speed through the streets with the agents hot on their tails, bullets soon began whizzing right by them.

Nightwing began to curse once more as two of the vans got even closer with the intensity of the gunfire increasing. Orphan simply responded by sending a batarang right underneath one the cars which promptly exploded flying into another.

The damage managed to halt the others but Black widow was not going to be stopped so easily as she performed a maneuver that was nothing short of a test of skill which allowed her to easily get through with Hawkeye leaning out with an notched and ready to fire.

The arrow landed right between Nightwing and Orphan. The arrow produced a force field as the head made contact with the road.

The field sent the two and their bikes flying, but Orphan not willing to fall so easily fired a grappling hook at her bike pulling it to her and then proceeded to perform a flip with her bike.

She proceeded to perform a stunt which caused the agents observing her to have Deja Vu. The bike fired two grappling hooks and which allowed Orphan's to ride on the building sides as though riding on the road.

Nightwing who was sent tumbling unto the ground was yanked away just as an arrow landed where he once stood.

"They're good" Hawkeye spoke up as he saw Nightwing being dragged away by Orphan whose bike had fired another grappling hook allowing for her to drag Nightwing along. "We're better" Black widow spoke up as she shifted gear and began to weave through the cars before her allowing for them to remain on their tails.

Nightwing who had managed to swat an arrow away with his Eskrima spoke up, "Erhm... I think their catching up"

"Hang on" Pressing on a button Nightwing was pulled closer allowing him to have a seat behind her. Just as he was about to get his bearings the bike suddenly jumped of the building with the tires moving out of their fixed positions and taking one where they were laid out horizontally.

Hawkeye and Black widow looked up completely taken by surprise as the bike actually began flying. "Remind me to ask Fury for one of those" Clint muttered as he loaded another arrow this one with its arrow head giving off a faint red glow "keep it steady Nat, steady... got it" letting it loose the arrow flew straight to the bike and right as it made contact *Boom*

The explosive arrow reduced the bike to scrap, Natasha's heart tightened for a second but relaxed once more when she Orphan fly out safely.

"There on the roof" Clint spoke into his account comm as the car came to a halt beofre the building with the other agents not far behind.

They all began marching out and rushing to the roof. "Ouch that hurt..." Yelena let out a groan as she made it back on to her feet. Holding on to her left side Orphan made to the edge and saw the remains of her bike which had fallen to the street.

"Oh noo..."

"Yeah I feel your pain, that was a cool bike" Hearing Nightwing's voice Orphan turned around to see Nightwing who was apparently on the roof with her.

"This was fun and all really, but it is time to go" with a bright flash Nightwing actually disappeared, like a magic trick the bastard had disappeared leaving her all alone as the S.H.I.E.L.D agents rushed to the roof.

"Freeze!" the agents screamed as they all trained their guns on her. "Hey... so I don't suppose, you could just forget about everything and let me pass right by you guys?"

Met with silence, Orphan simply muttered to herself "I knew it". She quickly turned around jumping off the ledge as the bullets from the agents continued to make contact with her suit.

Simply spreading out her cape, Orphan managed to glide away escapaing her pursuers who stood watching her fly away.

The citizens on the street below did not miss this spectacle either as they whipped out their devices taking as many pictures as they could.


In Yelena's dorm room

Yelena back in civilian clothing moved before the laptop with an ice bag pressed against her side. Observing the screen a map was displayed with a red dot prominently displayed on the map.

"Found you" Yelena spoke up with a wide grin as the dot finally came to a stop on a place on the map.


Back at the warehouse where Orphan and Nightwing were held captive. The shield agents had returned going through the crates in the place.

Looking through them they saw large amounts of technology at a level which street level thugs should not have by any means.

"Nat come see this" hearing Clint's voice Natasha let go of the seemingly futuristic laser gun she was holding and headed towards Clint.

When she arrived at his side she saw what had prompted him calling to her in one the crates was a device which was relatively complete, different from the random parts in the other crates.

On this device was a word which allowed them to know where all this tech came from, on the device was one word and one word only; Oscorp.


**Dun Dun Dun**😱 You didn't see that coming now did you

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