Batman in the MCU

I want the Green Goblin

"Good now that, that's out of the way. We need to talk".

 Hearing T-Chaka's words, Jeff's face hardened, "what about?" T-Chaka moved closer to batman with the Dora Milage positioning themselves so it would be easier to get between them in case T-Chaka needed them.

"I heard, the UN sent someone to talk to you."

"Someone? You say that like you don't know who it was" Jeff's words caused T'Chaka to let out a light chuckle as he lightly shook his head. "Wakanda isn't truly respected enough to be included in such decisions. If not for the unfortunate incident in Nigeria, lets be honest... most people wouldn't even know about some third world country nestled in Africa."

"I am sorry about Nigeria. However you are not just some third world nation are you"

"They don't know that" Having said that T-Chaka took a few steps back and began to walk around stopping to look at a painting before turning around to face Jeffery once more with his hands in his pockets, with the faint smile on his face now gone.

"We seem to have gone off track"


"I respect you Jeffery, I respect the Batman. To stand up to protect what you care about... that is something I understand and respect. In some ways I think of us as friends, which is why I will say this, come to Vienna."

"And turn myself in?" Jeffrey questioned making no attempts to hide his anger. "No, I didn't say anything about turning yourself in. Trust is key element in every relation, how can you hope for this world to trust you is you don't trust it. This world is changing, faster than this world realizes. The recent actions of you and your friends the avengers, have finally opened the eyes of the world to this truth, as much as I respect you, the truth remains the truth."

"The Batman is not a symbol but a person and people are far from infallible, this world needs to feel safe and these accords are a step in that direction."

"You speak as though I and the others are not already keeping this world safe. You speak of us being far from infallible, what about the people whom we will be handing our reigns to are they not people as well, there are no hands I trust better than my own." Jeff took a few steps forward standing mere inches away from T-Chaka.

His actions caused the Dora Millage to rush towards him, only stopping when T-Chaka rose his hand towards them. "I do hope your stand changes, this world is changing and it is time we change with it." Having said those words T'Chaka made for the exist with the Dora Millage following after him.

As he arrived at the threshold however he stopped and turned around to face Jeffery, "I really hope you come to Viena old friend, and do send my compliments to Sebastian, the tea was lovely".

Jeff remained silent watching King T-Chaka and the Dora Millage leave before turning away himself and heading for the Batcave.


"Sebastian I need you to contact Dr. Laurie. Tell her she has the full support of King enterprises" Jeff spoke up as he approached Sebastian who awaited him in the Batcave. "This is for Ms. Stacy I presume", Sebastian was quick to realize what Jeff was alluding to after hearing him speak.

"Exactly", Jeff spoke up as he made a beeline for a corner where he moved aside a panel to reveal a scanner, after a quick palm scan the wall before him began to open up. 

"And to help her move her project along she'll be needing this", picking up a vial he approached Sebastian. Allowing the butler to have a closer look at what he held at hand, "Is that?"

"The extremis virus? yes, I snagged it some time ago and have been working on it on my own time. I have made some progress but unfortunately not enough, hopefully with this in Dr. Laurie's hands the timeline for her project could be moved up."

"If I may sir, why not give this straight to Ms. Stacy. This wouldn't just help her but give her an enviable boost". With the vial at hand Sebastian looked his charge in the eye, "That brings about questions I do not want answered, it is best the world sees King enterprises help her instead of the Batman."

"Understood, and not to worry I'll make sure to keep an eye on this so as to make sure it is used only for its intended purpose and nothing more." Gripping on to the vial tightly Sebastian left the cave just as the other members of the Bat family moved in, Jeff quickly looked over them, stopping on Harry Osborn.

Harry's face held a complex of emotions but one stood out clearly, over the others. Rage.

As the two's eyes met Harry did not hesitate as he spoke up with his words dripping with venom.

"I want the Green Goblin"

"Get in line kid, he went after Gwen, at her home right before her family. He's mine" Kate spoke up causing Harry to turn towards her, "I understand that, but I need to be the one who puts an end to him" Harry argued.

"Why because he is your old man, how do we know when you come face to face with him you won't turn against us huh." Kate argued back as she took a few steps forward making it so the two were mere inches apart. 

Practically seeing the sparks between the two, Yelena cut in between the two hoping to stop them before their argument devolved into combat. "Okay some words have been said, let's leave it at that. We all want to get this guy so lets calm down and remember we are on the same side yeah."

As Yelena spoke up the two continued to glare at one another, as Spiderman remained still, watching everything unsure of what to do or say. 

"Enough!" Having seen and heard enough Batman called out causing all present to turn towards him as he leveled his bat glare down at all of them.

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