Batman in the MCU


"Enough!" Having seen and heard enough Batman called out causing all present to turn towards him as he leveled his bat glare down at all of them.

"Have any of you even stopped to think what this attack means?" Batman questioned as everyone remained silent until Spiderman nervously rose his hand, "erh, the green goblin is alive?" his answer caused the other three to turn to him with looks that translated to 'really, isn't that obvious'.

Batman however continued, "he is right" his words causing everyone to turn back to him. "This isn't all too surprising as I can think of many companies and organizations which could be responsible for this comeback. What I don't like however is the timing and nature of his attack."

At this Kate spoke up, starting to see where Batman was headed with this. "You think he is the him, Vulture and the others were talking about?" 

"No. However I have little doubt they may be working together, Goblin is a sadistic madman." As Batman said these words he observed, Harry flinch. No matter how much the boy claimed to hate the man, Batman had not forgotten that the green goblin was the boy's father.

'He would have to be monitored closely' Batman thought to himself before continuing, "Leaving her to bleed out I understand, however it is too unlike Goblin to just leave the rest of her family who were just there, defenseless, alone. That part doesn't make sense, from first respondents, response time they would arrive way before Gwen died, leaving her broken and alone seems the best way to send a message if he was looking to announce his return."

A shiver run through the backs of the others present when they realized the scenario proposed by the Batman could have easily happened, instead of just Gwen something utterly horrible could have happened that night.


"You think this was someone else's plan" Harry spoke out loud what all the others were surely thinking.

"And that therein lays the problem, there is someone out there with reigns on the green goblin. This brings about the question as to who else might be working with this mystery individual and what exactly do they have planned". Batman did not voice out the last of his thoughts, that this person might have targeted Gwen not because she was George's kid but because she was the Ghost Bat and truly horrid conclusion as if it were true then whoever this was they knew who he was.

However Batman filed that under an extreme case scenario, right now however he had to deal with the problems that seemed to be coming at him from all directions.

"Hm, I'll be heading to Vienna"

At those words Batman noticed the looks that crossed their faces, "I take it, Sebastian told you of what's going to happen in Vienna."

"You can't be thinking of turning yourself in now can you?" Yelena questioned with her abject disbelief clear to all, "No, I have no such intentions. However ignoring those people isn't going to do us much good so I might as well go and make certain things clear."

As Batman said so he thought to the events that were about to happen, he had no intentions of allowing Zemo's plans to come to fruition much less allowing T-Chaka to die. With all that was going on with the suspected leak of his files, Gwen, Green Goblin and this new player he could not afford to add Civil war to all of this.

"Whilst I'm gone, the city will be in your hands. The Goblin is out there an who knows who else, my trip to Vienna should not last more than two days. I'm hoping to return before whatever they have planned for this city happens. Whilst I'm gone none of you, and I mean none of you is to go up against the Goblin on your lonesome call for backup. I don't care what you're feeling call for Backup if you find him."

As he said so Batman focused his gaze on Kate and Harry, he knew that if anyone was foolish enough to entertain the idea of going up against the Goblin on their own. It was between those two and so he levelled his glare at them until he was sure they understood. 



The building where the United Nations conference was held, was a modern complex of interestingly-shaped high rise buildings, that served as a grand feat of architecture.

Before this building stood a small army of reporters with cameras mikes and pens at the ready. The voice of one of the anchors resounded as they stood before a camera, with mike at hand and their back to the red carpet where a variety of dignitaries made their way into the building.

"At a special United Nations conference 117 countries have come together to ratify the Sokovia Accords."

Looking down at this was T'Challa who wore a sharp suit and stood before a glass wall granting him an unobstructed view of everything going on below.

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