Batman in the MCU

Zemo and friends

Batman after separating from King T'Chaka began to search the premises, he remembered the bomb was outside hidden in a vehicle of sorts. As he couldn't remember exactly what he began searching around the building.

With his tech being what it was, everything was basically laid bare before him enabling him to see through every car around. he scan came to a halt however when he noticed a specific van parked outside the building. A scan of it revealed a highly suspicious device in the back alongside a man seemingly working on it.

Batman who remained perched atop a building watched the scene with rapt attention at, this point he was almost certain this was the van that and the device within had to be the bomb which of course meant that the man in it was most definitely Helmut Zemo.

Batman was proven right when Helmut Zemo made his appearance stepping out of the Van, however the face he wore was a familiar one to the Batman. It was the face of James Bucky Barnes, needing no further confirmation. Batman pulled out a batarang and launched it at his target.

Down below, Helmut Zemo who believed everything was going according to plan wore a small smile, 'It is as I told the brute, there is no further need for backups I don't fail." With said thoughts in mind Zemo decided to complete the rest of his plan making sure the face he wore showed on cameras. He however was brought to a halt by the sudden thud he had heard close to him.

Turning to the source of the thud, Zemo laid eyes on a black object sticking out of the van, however Zemo was certain that had not been there a moment earlier. Upon closer examination however Zemo's eyes widened as he identified what it was, this was none other than one of the famous batarangs with some sort of blue blinking light.

The light on the batarang was pushed to the back of Zemo's mind, the whole world knew who this weapon was associated with. And if there was one right here then, turning around to look at where he presumed the batarang to have come from, he spotted him.

Above the building, clad in black from head to to toe with the silverish bat symbol upon his chest, The Batman stood.

Their stare down was broken down when a wave came form behind Zemo, immediately he felt the mask on his face glitch and from the way people were holding their phones. "An EMP" Zemo quickly deduced what had just happened. Accepting the bomb had essentialy been stopped he didn't dawdle and simply began sprinting as Batman was hot on his tail from above.

Reaching the edge of the roof, Batman leapt of the roof and activated his cape gliding after him. At this point the rest of the people present had taken note of the Batman flying up above them causing a growing commotion.

Batman landed upon the roof of a car and continued his chase, jumping from car to car and rapidly closing in in on Zemo who was pushing aside any and all civilians who stood in his way, His escape was brought to a halt however when one of Batman's Batarangs found his legs and forced him to fall face first.

"Urgh" with a groan Zemo attempted to return to his feet, his eyes widened when he felt a tug n his leg before batman who stood some distance away by tendrils that emerged form the Batsuit.

In mere moments Batman stood above him with a foot leveled on his throat. "Now..." Batman began but was cut off by the by a loud explosion.


Alongside the screams that followed, Batman was forced to turn around to watch the building where the UN meeting was held now devastated by an explosion. A wave of disbelief and confusion washed over Batman as he stood frozen watching the scene before him, these wave of emotions lasted for mere moments however as the were soon replaced by anger which needed an outlet.

He snapped his gaze to where Zemo once lay only to find that he was gone.


T'Challa was listening to his father's speech when his eyes wandered to the glass wall and spotted something outside.

He saw the people holding on their devices confused, from the way he saw security walking up to them he could tell something had happened. As his curiosity about what exactly had just transpired grew he noticed everyone suddenly look up, heightening the number of questions he had.

Immediately after one of his questions are answered as he takes note of the bats shaped shadow reflected on the building before him. "Batman" T'Challa muttered the name under his breath.

Turning to where his father stood T'Challa couldn't help but hear a faint beeping sound, looking around he finally spotted something barely visible in the ceiling above his father.

Once he noticed it he immediately screamed out as he raced towards his father, "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" An enormous explosion went off above as the ceiling collapsed and destroyed the conference hall. The force generated from the explosion sent T'Challa flying back and away from his father.

Through the burnt debris Natasha made it to her feet and began looking around, laying eyes on the devastation. Her search stopped however when she laid eyes on a man some distance away looking into the aftermath of the explosion. His outfit was similar to the security around this place but Natasha couldn't help but feel something was off about him and upon seeing the smirk he leveled at her.

She was certain that this man had something to do with the explosion, and thus began to run towards him. The man upon seeing her simply turned around and left. However Natasha was not one to let him escape so easily.

She only stopped momentarily to grab a pistol from a downed guard before continuing to chase after the man. 

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