Batman in the MCU

I’m bullet proof

**Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany**


At this moment Sebastian received a call. "hello" "Sebastian hurry, call the Batman back Chris has a set a trap, I wasn't told anything, my spy just got information. You have to get him out now!"

Batman walked into the dark underground safe with night vision allowing him to see clearly but he was stunned. There was nothing .

At this point all his muscles tightened before he quickly ducked avoiding a wide swing for the back of his head before grabbing it and twisting it. A shriek of pain was soon head before a thud knocking the assailant out.

At this point Bats had entered a battle stance as he was surrounded. The men charged but before they could get close Bat's suit spread out taking them all out, engulfing the room and pushing Bats out all at the same time.

Bats rolled out his suit returning to his base state as he looked around, countless men had Batman surrounded. The men were all dressed in a special uniform, with a symbol on their chest catching Batman's eye.

The was a short stare down before all the men rushed Batman with cold weapons. Batman moved through them with ease blocking their attacks before trading blows whilst firing Batarangs at them.

Batman had managed to make a gap in his encirclement and was about to deliver a heavy punch when a gunshot was heard and he was sent into a wall.

Batman grabbed his ribs as the pain was excruciating, looking at the men who were about to rush him once more but he failed to see the shooter.

He was now concerned, his suit was undoubtedly bulletproof so he was sure that whatever that was that sent him flying into was not a normal bullet. The shooter couldn't kill him but could definitely hurt him

(A/N I know there are going to be comments about the gunshot harming Batman, so let me explain this weapon is not a normal weapon but one of the many prototypes developed to deal with our green friend with anger issues, will probably go more into this next chap)

Using the wall he flipped away to avoid a sword swing and jumped into the midst of his attackers and using his gymnastic prowers, he made quick work of them.

At this moment Batman was in the cross hairs of a scope, as the shooter planned another shot this one at his head but just before he could pull the trigger a cable wrapped around his neck and pulled him away.

From the shadows Gwen jumped out in her own batsuit and before long was back to back with the Batman. " What are you doing here?"

"Agent S said you needed help."

"I can handle this."


At this point Batman turned her around taking a bullet before firing a batarang at the shooter.

In a few minutes they Batman and Gwen were the only ones standing, with Gwen having a few scratches here and there and visible damage to her suit while Batman stood totally unscathed.

Gwen turned to Batman expecting her 'thank you' or 'Good job' instead she got,"You were and are not ready for the field". "Excuse me! I just saved your arse, your welcome by the way." Gwen snapped at Batman.

Batman remained calm without the slightest fluctuation in his tone "I didn't need your help, I'm bullet proof and impervious to a whole array of weapons. They couldn't harm a hair on my head even if I stood still." His words finally caused Gwen to actually pay attention to his suit and the fact that it didn't look like he just walked out of a battle.

"How... when do I get a suit like that?" Gwen questioned but Batman ignored her as he payed attention to the special weapon that actually hurt him before his eyes were drawn to the wiring of the place along side some pipes. Batman's eyes widened before he turned, grabbed Gwen and jumped out the building with Gwen asking what the hell was going on.

She was soon answered as the building the just jumped out off was blown sky high with turning the night sky bright orange.

"wow" was all Gwen could say.

In another place Chris and Obadiah could be seen watching a screen with the video being shown, being the building being blown sky high.

"Your plan failed", Obadiah spoke up but Chris just smiled and took a sip of his drink before speaking up, "did it though?... we now have more information on the Batman and his sidekick and we also got some interesting data on his suit... now you can't tell me you are not interested in that suit."

Obadiah looked him straight in the eye and the greed in his eyes could not be hidden. Seeing that, Chris smiled now the next time we strike the Bat won't be escaping.

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