Batman in the MCU

Who is the Batman?

**Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany**


Batman walked into the Batcave with Gwen in tow.

"Sir..." Sebastian began but was cut of by a loud bang that resulted as Batman punched the wall leaving a clear fist print with web like cracks around it.

Sebastian remained silent seeing this while Gwen's eyes jumped as she began just how much force was behind that punch.

"miss Gwen could you give me and master Jeff a moment." Sebastian spoke up with his tone even. Gwen wanted to argue to stay but the fist print clearly present there discouraged her.

Gwen nodded before walking away from them and deeper into the Batcave. Sebastian watched her until he could no longer see her before he turned back to face Jeff whose cowl had retracted to reveal his face which spoke millions of how he was feeling that moment.

"I should have known" Jeff began as he paced the room. "sir", Sebastian tried to speak up but Jeff ignored him continuing his rant, "Batman should have known it was way to easy to get that info. Batman should have realized that the atmosphere was wrong, that the guy was deliberately hinting that place"

"That everything was a trap, I should have known!" Jeff exclaimed as he slammed his fist into the table "Jeffery!" Sebastian shouted finally drawing Jeff out of his rant and self loathing.

"who is the Batman?" Jeff scrunched his face in confusion hearing Sebastian's question, "what?" Sebastian repeated, "who is the Batman?"

"I am!"

"Are you? because as far I've seen you have kept referring to him as though he is someone else" Sebastian argued taking a step closer.

"That's because he is, because when I put on this suit I become something more, I become the Batman." Jeff took a step not backing down.


"No?"  Batman questioned with his brow raised.

"I have watched you put on that batsuit for years and I know you are lying." "what?" "from the day you told me about all of this no before that when you first met Stark, you changed. It's like you were lost like you were trying to prepare for something with all that training but not knowing how..."

Sebastian continued, " but then when your parents died-" "don't" Jeff's face became cold at the mention of his parents but Sebastian pushed on. "When your parents died and you came back that stormy night, your eyes were different like you decided on a path. Then you left for years and came back and showed me this, all this", Sebastian motioned to the Batcave with his hands.

"Remember, I asked you why you chose to dress like a bat. At that point you lied, I have known you from the day you were born and I am absolutely sure you are not, afraid of bats! every night you go out in that suit is like you're someone else. You're not pretending to be the Batman, but who you think should be wearing that suit."

Sebastian's words hit hard causing Jeff's face to regain an emotion as he took a step back. "You try so hard to be who ever this person is, I don't know who he is and I don't know why you try so hard to be them but whoever they are they aren't here. They are not the ones risking their lives fighting for a city which doesn't want them, you are, you are the man under that suit..."

" You, Jeffery King are the Batman not who so ever you think is so start acting like the man I believe in, like the man that girl chose to believe in cause that's the man we decided to follow not whoever you think we should follow."

Sebastian turned and walked away after his rant, leaving the silent Jeff alone in the Batcave. Jeff turned to the bat computer and as he saw the dark screen, what looked back at him wasn't his reflection but rather Bruce Wayne who looked a lot like Christian Bale.

The image caused him to jump back, and take in deep breaths to calm down. At this point he thought back to what Sebastian said and he knew he was right.

When he was reborn, he tried to adapt to a new life and even accept his new family but then he met Stark. One of the most famous characters in the MCU, Tony Stark and then it hit him.

It hit him that he wasn't enough that he needed to be something more to survive but he didn't know what. He was average in his past life and so he was lost and latched on to all the training he could get.

But then Hydra came, and he lost his family at that point he related to someone, to Bruce. An ordinary human like himself who with training and self determination brought himself to the point where he could challenge the Gods.

And so he mimicked him tried to be him, the were other ways maybe even better and easier ways to gain power. There was no guarantee the Ancient One would have taught him magic as his thoughts were confused at that point in his life but he could have tried but he didn't cause Bruce wasn't a sorceror, he defeated them a lot but he wasn't one and so he didn't try at all, but Sebastian was right he wasn't Bruce Wayne no matter how hard he tried he couldn't be him and it was time he accepted that.

A beep drew him out of his thoughts, looking to the screen schematics for the gun that shot him was brought up, including all info that could be drawn from all databases available about it.

From the info Jeff found out it was a prototype developed by the government and by the government, SHIELD alongside Stark industries and it is apparently made as one of the many counter measures for the Hulk.

That explained why the suit was barely enough, and also meant Obadiah was involved in the trap.

Jeff was about to call for a trace, but then he saw the image of Bruce once more and grabbed his head thinking to himself he needed to take some time to think.

Turning away he walked out of the Batcave.

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