Batman in the MCU

Puny God

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Loki who had barely made it to his feet began heading into Stark tower, when he heard a roar causing him to turn around.

Loki's eyes widened as he saw a Hulking green behemoth coming straight at him roaring. Loki was sent flying back from the impact of the collision, making it to his feet once more Loki glared at the Hulk who was about to charge at him once more and screamed, "stop!"

His scream seemed to do the Job as the Hulk actually came to a halt.

"Listen here you dumb brute" Loki began his rant, "you can not touch me, I am a god-" Loki was cut off as Hulk picked him up by his leg and began slamming him into the floor continuously.

After slamming Loki into the floor about give times, Hulk stopped and brought him up to have a closer look making sure he was still alive.

Hulk after confirming he was slammed him into the ground once more leaving the god in a crater, Loki let out a whimper as he looked at the Hulk standing above him.

"Puny god" Hulk spat at him before jumping out, Bats who stood at a corner watching everything felt sorry for Loki who had just experienced an even which would traumatize him for the rest of his life.

Above Stark building Natasha tried to get down to retrieve the scepter but was stopped by the Chitauri who tried to kill her. Black widow managed to take one out and grab their weapon using it to handle the rest.

Dr. Seilveig hid behind a device as he watched everything with his eyes wide open. The battle got tense with each and every passing second with Natasha straining herself with the ever increasing amount of Chitauri who were beginning to corner her.

*Bang* a loud bang was heard drawing everyone's attention. Batman had kicked the door open with the scepter at hand, there was a momentarily silence as everyone stared at the Batman.

Before he could react, Batman aimed the scepter and began firing at them. The Chitauri changed their targets from Natasha and began running straight for the Batman.

Batman stopped firing opting for the more close and personal approach. Swinging the scepter he moved in getting behind one in a choke hold he flipped him into the air setting him up for the widow to take her shot.

Together the two began dancing through the Chitauri taking them all out in but a few minutes. Looking around at the results of their actions Batman and Black widow shared a look before Batman turned around heading straight for Dr. Seilveig.

"I believe you need this doctor" Batman handed over the scepter to Dr. Seilveig who gave him a nod to thank him before grabbing the scepter and began to deactivate the device.

"I need someone to hold this in place" Dr. Seilveig turned to the two who shared another look before Black widow stepped up to hold the scepter.

"How long doctor?" Batman questioned, "give me a few minutes, in a few minutes I should be able to close that hole."

Batman gave a nod as he moved to the edge of the roof, looking around he spotted one the Chitauri flying around. With a glare Batman jumped down on to the Chitauri stealing his transportation vehicle.

Flying straight for the other Chitauri who were aiming at Captain America, he fired explosive batarangs at them causing them to explode and fall straight down.

Caps attention was drawn by two massive explosions that happened but a metre away from him. A whiring sound was soon followed causing Cap to look above where he saw Batman flying off after the Chitauri.

Thor and Captain America handled the Chitauri on the ground when Cap took a hit sending him down. Thor moved in to defend him seeing this, Batman seeing this as well drive his vehicle into the group of Chitauri causing an explosion that took them all out.

The resulting explosion sent him flying forward but with a duck and roll his was standing before Thor and the Captain. "are you ready for another bout?" Thor questioned.

"What you getting sleepy?" Cap responded in a sarcastic tone indicating he could still go on. The trio stood back to back ready to continue battle.

The battle around the city got more intense, "it's done, you can close it now" Dr. Seilveig voice came through, "alright" Natasha responded as she put the scepter in causing the hole on the sky to begin to close.

"Wait!" Tony voice came over the comms causing Black widow to stop. "Tony we've got more of this guy's coming out by the minute" Cap spoke up.

"And I've got a nuke which is going to blow in just a minute" Tony spoke as he flew into the city with a nuke. The trio of Cap, Batman and Thor looked above as Tony flew over their head with the nuke heading straight for Stark tower.

Right before impact Tony was able to turn flying straight for the hole passing by Natasha who began closing the hole as he flew into the hole.

The Avengers looked to the hole which was closing at a rate visible to the named eye. The Chitauri surrounding them no longer a problem as they began to fall all around.

They stood still waiting for Ironman, when he managed to make it out before the hole was fully gone. "Son of a gun" a smile made its way to Cap's face seeing this.

"Hulk catch!" Batman shouted causing everyone to be confused until Thor realized Tony wasn't slowing down.

"Roar" a loud roar reverberated through the streets as Hulk managed to catch Ironman and bring him down safely.

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