Batman in the MCU

I’m always Angry


*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support*


Explosions could be heard all round as the battle between the Chitauri and the avengers got even more intense.

Batman dropped by the Avengers side with two batarangs flying through multiple Chitauri before returning to his arms. At this moment almost all the avengers where here including Thor who had dropped to their side.

Their nerves became taut, as they got ready for the massive battle. The tense atmosphere was broken as Banner rolled in on a scooter causing them all to look at him.

Before any of them could question what just happened Tony's voice came in through the coms, "okay guys, I'm bringing the party over to you guys".

A boom sound was heard drawing all their attention to one direction allowing for all the avengers to have a look at the massive behemoth that was hot on Ironman's tail.

"Uh... I fail how that is a party" Natasha spoke up as her eyes remained glued to the behemoth. " Banner it's time you got angry" Batman spoke up, "I second that" Cap spoke as well as he tightened his grip on his shield.

Bruce let out a smile as he began to take steady steps towards the behemoth that was flying straight for them, "that is my secret" Bruce turned to face them "I'm always angry".

Banner turned to face the behemoth, his skin turning green as he grew rapidly in size. *Bang* a loud sound was heard as the hulk landed a heavy hit destroying the behemoth and causing it's body to turn over.

Batman watched in awe of the hulk's strength,  the body of the massive behemoth began to fall on them causing Batman and Ironman to attack it causing massive explosion which reduced the massive behemoth to nothing but debris that rained down from the sky.

The Avengers had now grouped up back to back as the Chitauri screamed out in anger. Loki who sat upon one of the Chitauri's bikes looked down upon everything with a frown etched upon his face.

"Send down the rest" Loki spoke as more of the massive behemoths flew out. "holy sh*t" Yelena who stood upon a building couldn't help but utter as she watched the scene before her.

Seeing everything Batman spoke up "Oracle bring up the Batwing", whirring sounds could be heard as the Batwing pulled up above them.

"Mind giving me a lift" Hawkeye spoke as he stepped forward. Batman turned to Hawkeye giving him a nod before both of them walked into the Batwing.

The Batwing quickly flew up with Batman received a transmission request, "Orphan, how is the evacuation going"

"well we were getting the people out... then this ugly woah... argh... okay where was I... oh yeah, this alien things came up"

"what about ghost bat?" Batman questioned as he opened the back door allowing for Hawkeye to jump out unto a roof where he began firing at any Alien that made its way into his line of vision.

"I'm with the police, we set up a perimeter trying to keep the Aliens here and make sure they don't get pass us. So you mind hurrying up and closing the hole on the sky"

Batman responded to her with silence as he focused on the Aliens who came before him firing at them. Batman soon laid eyes on Tony who had Loki and a few Chitauri on his tail.

"Hey Bats, a little help!" Tony called out to Batman who sent a blast straight at Loki which knocked him off and back into Stark building.

As Loki fell onto a platform Batman laid eyes on the scepter and began flying in to get it. *Boom* A loud explosion resounded as a behemoth crashed into the Batwing.

Batman managed to eject landing upon the behemoths body as he watched his Batwing fall from the sky. Moving his eyes away from the Batwing, Batman laid eyes on the Chitauri who had come up here to deal with him.

A short stare down ensued as the Chitauri began performing actions to intimidate the Batman who just remained still, unbothered  by their actions.

One of the Chitauri let out the first attack sending an energy beam straight at Batman, who ducked and rolled in toward them grabbing their weapon out of their hand and kicking the Chitauri of the Behemoth.

The others rushed at him but doing so was the beginning of their downfall. Batman swiped at ones feet sending him down before sending a blast to it's head.

Moving to the side Batman avoided a thrust aimed at his head, pulling it in and turning it before itself Batman used it as a shield against blasts from the other Chitauri as he returned fire and threw his living shield away once it had stopped breathing.

The other Chitauri who were still standing watched the Batman with fear now evident in their eyes. Without uttering a single word Batman rushed in dispatching them all with a few quick moves.

Batman looked around seeing the back of the behemoth clear of Chitauri, he took a few steps stopping at the behemoths head he placed the Chitauri weapon into a slit before dropping a few batarangs which let out a beeping sound with red flashing lights.

His work done Batman jumped off as the beast's head was blown of with internal explosions resounding throughout it's entire body as Batman glides away towards the Stark building.

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