Batman in the MCU

The Avengers meet Batman

*Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany support*

Loki was escorted through the Helicarier with his arms chained up before himself. At both his sides were lines of S.H.I.E.L.D agents armed to the teeth who wouldn't hesitate to shoot him if he made any funny movements.

Loki was escorted by a lab where Dr. Banner was busy on a way to locate the Tesseract using gamma rays.

The two locked eyes through a wall of glass that separated them, Bruce's eyes widened while Loki broke into a grin which caused Banner to frown.

Loki was finally escorted to his cell now free of chains he looked around at where he was kept.

"Incase it's unclear", Nick Fury began as he walked towards a console. Unknown to this two above this two Batman remained still watching everything below.

"You try to escape or so much as scratch that glass" Fury imputed some controls into the console causing a gate below the cell to open.

A large whistling sound was heard as the wind rushed in causing both Nick Fury's windbreaker and Batman's cape to flutter. Loki took a step closer to the glass to look down .

"30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap, you get how that works." Fury closed the gate after threatening Loki. "Ant" Fury motioned to Loki, "boot" then motioned to the console, using Loki's earlier words against him.

These actions caused Loki to chuckle.

"It's an impressive cage", Loki gestured to his cell, "not built for me I think". "Built for something much stronger than you"  Fury spoke, "oh I've heard" Loki began his sick grin made it's appearance once more.

"The mindless beast, makes play he is still a man. How desperate are you? you call on such lost creatures to defend you"

"How desperate am I?" Fury took a few steps forward, "you threaten my world with war, you steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill because it's fun, you have made me very desperate, you might not be glad you did."

"oooh" Loki teased not one bit bothered by Nick Fury's words. "It burns you doesn't it, to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have unlimited power... and for what? a warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is"

Fury stared Loki down with his one good eye before walking away, "well let me know if real power wants a magazine or something" and left.

Both Loki and Batman watched him walk away. Loki let out and breath and turned away but suddenly stopped and looked to a certain direction but saw nothing.

Hidden in the shadows Batman stared Loki who had an increasing look of confusion on his face before turning away. Batman proceeded to leave there and move to other parts of the Helicarier.

He quickly disappeared as Natasha took a turn appearing in that hallway heading for Loki. She came to halt feeling someone was there with her but after a few minutes she couldn't find anyone and headed for Loki.

Batman came out of hiding giving her back one last glance before continuing. He soon found the god of thunder, seemingly lost in thought with a whirlwind of emotions flashing through his eyes.

In the lab Tony and Banner had began to work on Loki's scepter, Bats thought about it looking to the device in his hand and decided to approach the scepter later.

Tony's curiosity got to him as he moved from Bruce and into the control room, speaking some words to serve as a distraction he placed a thumb drive into a console before moving back to Bruce where they began to look through files to find out what exactly S.H.I.E.L.D was up to with the Tesseract.

Batman realized what was about to happen and decided to remain hidden in the shadows.

"What are you doing Stark" Fury marched into the lab questioning Tony, "uh kinda been wondering the same thing about you" Tony replied as he leaned against a desk.

"you're supposed to be locating the Tesseract." "Yeah the model is locked and we are siphing through the signature now, when we have a match we will have the location within half a mile" Banner spoke up to support Tony as he pointed to a screen behind Fury.

Fury turned around to see the progress bar projected on the screen.

"yeah you'll have your cube back no mush no fuss" suddenly an alert "What's phase 2?"

*thud* Steve dropped an old hydra weapon on a table as he cut in "Shield uses the tesseract to make weapons. sorry computer was moving a little slow for me"

"Rogers we gathered everything related to the Tesseract, this doesn't mean-"

"I'm sorry Nick" Tony cut of Fury, "what were you lying?" Tony turned his screen around to show SHIELD's plans for making plans with the Tesseract.

"I was wrong director, world hasn't changed a bit."

At this point Thor and Natasha walked in, causing Bruce to turn to Nat. "Did you know about this?"

Ignoring his question she spoke up, "want to think of removing yourself from this environment." "I was in Calcata I was pretty well removed" Bruce chuckled.

"Loki's manipulating you" Natasha tried to explain, "and you've been doing what exactly" Banner spat.

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you did you?" "hmm well I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy" Bruce walked to the screen and pointed at the plans. "I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."

Fury was silent for a moment before pointing to Thor, "Because of him" "me?" Thor who was silent all this while spoke up confused. "last year earth had a visitor from another planet that had a grudge match that leveled a small town."

"we learned that not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly and hilariously outmatched"

"my people want nothing but peace with your planet" Thor explained, " but your not the only ones out there are you, and you're not the only threat. The world is filling up with people who can't be matched, who can't be controlled."

"Like you controlled the cube" Steve spoke up, "your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki and his allies to it, it is a signal to all the realms that earth is ready for a higher form of war.

"higher form?"

"you forced our hand we had to come up with something"

"Nuclear deterrent, cause that always calms everything right down"

"Remind me again-"

"Lovely team you have here Nick" Natasha and Fury pulled out their guns meanwhile Steve got into a fighting stance Alongside Thor whilst Tony and Banner took a step back.

Batman had finally decided to step in firing his grappling hook and pulling the scepter into hand. Before deactivating his tech and appearing in full view of everyone.

"You're real" Bruce was first to speak as he stared at Batman in shock. Batman gave him a glance before directing his attention back to Fury.

"I thought you were dead"

"For a director of an intelligence agency you're stupid." Fury's one eye narrowed at Batman's words, before he could speak Batman continued. "all of you are actually"

"None of you realized the scepter is messing with your minds" Those words changed the expression of anger on their faces to one of realization.

"Also Loki isn't our biggest threat, Thor what is the color of your brothers eyes" Thor who had this question directed to him by the strange man in the bat armor answered with confidence "green".

His answer caused Natasha and Fury's eyes to widen once more, "If you remember correctly when someone comes under the control of this scepter their eyes turn blue, Loki isn't the biggest threat you are facing right now"

The tense atmosphere remained but now the cause of it sent chills down their spines. An alert went off causing Bruce to rush to a screen.

"This can't be right" Bruce caught everyone's attention after hearing that, "according to this, the Tesseract is right...."


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