Batman in the MCU

Thor vs Ironman

**Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany**


A loud boom was heard followed by Loki groaning as Thor had dropped him to the ground.

He began laughing soon after as Thor questioned him, "where is the Tesseract?" "I've missed you too" was Loki's clever response but Thor did not find it as funny.

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" "Oh you should thank me, with the Bifrost gone just how much energy did the all father have to muster up to send you here? your precious earth." Loki ranted as he made it to his feet.

Thor dropped his hammer as he pulled Loki closer by his collar, "I thought you dead" Loki remained silent at that for a second before he spoke once more "did you mourn"

"we all did, our father-" "your father" Loki interrupted Thor walking away he continued. "He did tell you my true parentage did he not"

"we were raised together" Thor called out from behind Loki, "we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?" Thor voice rose as he mentioned the last sentence.

"I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss, I was and should be King"

"So that's what this is, take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slight"

"No the earth is under my protection Loki" Thor spoke as he moved before Loki. Loki burst out laughing as he heard that, "and your doing a marvelous job at it" Loki's sarcasm was clear in his voice.

"The humans slaughter themselves in droves while you idly fret. I mean to rule them."

"You think yourself above them?" Thor inquired from his brother, "well yes" Loki responded. "Then you miss the truth of ruling brother, a throne would suit you ill" Loki angrily slammed Thor's armor when he heard those words.

"I have seen world's you've never known, I have grown in my exile Odinson. I have seen the true power of tesseract and when I wield it-" Loki was cut off before he could finish his rant by his brother questioning him, "and who has shown you this power?"

There was a minute of silence after that question, Thor seizing his opportunity pressed on. "who controls the would be King"

"I am a king!" Loki proclaimed but Thor grabbed his collars screaming at him, "not here! give up the Tesseract give up this poisonous dream"

"Come home" Thor continued his emotions leaking into his voice. Loki just stared him in the eye as he uttered, "I don't have it".

At this point Thor had, had enough enough and summoned Mjlornïr. "You need the Tesseract to send me home, but I have sent it off to where I do not know"

"Listen well brother I umf" Thor was cut short as Ironman flew into him sending him flying.

looking to the empty space where his brother stood but a moment ago Loki spoke up, "I'm listening"

Thor was sent thinking into the woods as Ironman landed before him, his helmet opening to reveal his face. "Do not touch me again" Thor spoke as he made it back to his feet.

"Then don't take my stuff" Tony replied, "you gave no idea what your dealing with". Hearing Thor's words Tony looked around before speaking again, "uh Shakespeare in the park. Does mother know you weareth her drapes"

"This is beyond you metal man" Thor warned once more not finding Ironman the least bit humorous. "Loki will face Asgardian justice" "he gives up the cube he is all yours"

"Till then" Tony's faceplate fell back in place, "stay out of the way". Deciding to waste no more words Thor sent Mjlornïr at Tony sending him through a few trees.

Thor summoned his hammer back spinning it to prepare for an attack but was soon blasted by Tony's repulser beams before taking a punch to the jaw.

Thor rose his hammer summoning a lightning bolt and sending it straight at Tony. As the lightning stopped Tony received a notification "power at three hundred percent efficiency"

"hmm how bout that" Tony sent another repulsor blast at Thor sending him flying into a tree.

They both charged at one another sending their battle to the skies above. They both fell to the ground soon knocking down a tree before entering a contest of strength where Thor proved why he was a god.

Ironman foreseeing his defeat sent a blast at Thor's face and tried to headbutt him which yielded no results other than leaving Thor to look at him with a look that said really-that's-it before he returned a headbutt of his own that sent Ironman flying once more.

Ironman making it back to his feet charged at him once more as the continued to exchange blows with Thor's hammer returning to his hand.

Their battle was interrupted by Caps shield flying between them. Turning to the source there was Captain America screaming, "that's enough!"

"now I don't know what you plan on doing here" Captain began "I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes"

"Then prove it, put that hammer down"

"Uh yeah no bad call he loves his ha-" Thor slapped Ironman away before he could finish. Turning to Cap he exclaimed, "you want me to put down the Hammer?!"

He proceeded to jump at Captain America who rose his shield in defense. As the two weapons collided sending a shockwave through the woods.

Tony struggled to make to his feet with cap at his side and Thor before them, "are we done here" Cap asked as Thor looked around at the damage they caused before silently agreeing.

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